Criterion-V : Student Support and Progression
5.1.1 A range of capability building and skill enhancement initiatives are undertaken by the institution
5.1.2 Availablestudent support facilities in institution
5.1.4 Institution provides additional support to needy students in several ways
5.2.1 Percentage of placement of students as teachers/teacher educators
5.2.2 Percentage of student progression to higher education during the last completed academic year
5.3.1 Student council is active and plays a proactive role in the institutional functioning
5.3.2 Average number of sports and cultural eventsorganized at the institution during the last five years
5.4.1 Alumni Association/Chapter (registered / non-registered but functional) contributes significantly for the development of the institution
5.4.2 Alumni has an active role in the regular institutional functioning
5.4.4 Alumni Association acts as an effective support system to the institution in motivating students as well as recognizing, nurturing and furthering any special talent/s in them.