- Campus Placement Guidelines Session 2024-25
- Campus Placement 2024-25 session
- Invitation for Campus Placement Programme for the session 2024-25
- Notice for Campus Placement
- Campus Selection for information of the students and different institutions
- Walk-in-Interview for engagement of D.M. School Teachers on Contractual Basis for the session 2022-23
- Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Assistant Professor on Contractual basis for the session 2019-20
- Walk-In-Interview for recruitment of 03 Junior Project Fellows(JPFs), purely on temporary basis for research projects
- Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Junior Project Fellow (JPF) on contractual basis
- Walk-In-Interview for recruitment of 02 Junior Project Fellows(JPFs), Purely on temporary basis for research projects (2019-20)
- Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Vocational Teachers & PGT (Biology) on Contractual Basis (2019-20)
- Walk-in-Interview for selection to the post Assistant Professor in Geography & Mathematics on Contractual Basis for the Session 2019-20
- Walk-in-Interview for engagement of TGT (Odia, Maths & Hindi), WET (Comp. Science) and Laboratory Assistant (Chemistry) on Contractual basis for the session 2019-20
- Walk-in-Interview for Engagement of Producer Grade-III on Contractual Basis for the year 2019-20
- Special Recruitment Drive for filling up vacancies for Ex-Servicemen & Persons with Disability (PWD) in the NCERT offices located at New Delhi, Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Maysuru & Shilong
- Re-schedule of Walk-in-Interview as per Addendum No.360 dated 03.06.2019 for the post of PRT (Music), WET (Art & Craft), WET (Audio Engg.) and WET (System Engg.) on Contractual Basis - 2019-20
- CORRIGENDUM - Notice for Rescheduled of Date of Interview of Engineer Grade-II Reg.
- Walk-in-Interview for Contractual engagement of JPF/Computer Assistant / Computer Typist under PAC Prog. for the Session 2019-20
- Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Assistant Professor on Contractual basis for the session 2019-20
- Advertisement for conducting Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Project Staff under ICT Studio
- Addendum to Advt. No. 358 Dt.17.05.2019 in connection with re-schedule of Walk-in-Interview for the post of PRT, PRT(Music), WET (Art & Craft), WET (Audio Engg.) and WET (System Engg.) on Contractual Basis for the Session 2019-20
- Advertisement for conducting Walk-in-Interview for engagement of D.M. School Teachers on contractual basis for the Session 2019-20
- Advertisement for Recruitment of one MTS for ICT Studio
- Applications are invited from the Registered Medical Practitioners (Allopathic) for engagement of part-time Medical Officer - Hindi Version
- Applications are invited from the Registered Medical Practitioners (Allopathic) for engagement of part-time Medical Officer - English Version
- Walk-in-Interview on 18.01.2019 for engagement of Assistant Professor in Education on Contractual basis (Hindi Version)
- Walk-in-Interview on 18.01.2019 for engagement of Assistant Professor in Education on Contractual basis
- Walk-in-Interview on 03.01.2019 for engagement of T.G.T. (Physics, Chemistry, History & Hindi) on Contractual basis (2018-19)
- Walk-in-Interview for the post of PGT(Bio.),PGT(Geo.),TGT(Phy.),TGT(Chem.),TGT(,History),TGT(Hindi) & PRT purely on temporary basis
- Walk-in-Interview for Recruitment of 01 Junior Project Fellow Purely on Temporary Basis
- Walk-in-Interview for the post of JPF and Engineering Assistant (Engg. Grade-II) purely on temporary basis for the year 2018-19
- Walk-in-Interview for Engagement of Assistant Professor in Education on Contractual basis for the Session 2018-19
- Walk-in-Interview for engagement of PGT (Math) & TGT (HPE) posts on contractual basis for the academic session 2018-19
- Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Teachers and non-teaching posts on contractual basis
- Walk-in-Interview for engagement to the Assistant Professor posts purely on contractual basis for the academic session 2018-19
- Walk-in-Interview for engagement to the P.R.T. and WET (Computer Science) posts purely on contractual basis for the academic session 2018-19
- Walk-In-Interview for Selection of One Driver Gr- III (Staff Car Driver) to be Engaged Purely on Contractual Basis
- Walk-in- Interview for Junior Project Fellow Purely on Temporary Basis for Different Research Projects
- Walk-In-Interview for Gardener/Field Assistant on 13.10.2017
- Walk-in-Interview Schedule for Assistant Professor in Botany on Contractual basis
- Walk-in-Interview-Appointment of Gardener / Field Assistant on temporary basis