A Constituent Unit of NCERT, New Delhi

Under Ministry of Education, Govt. of India


Academic Section

The Academic Section of the Institute executes academic activities related to admission, examination, scholarship & placement that work for achieving the vision and mission of the Institute. It helps to facilitate and co-ordinate the academic work of the Institute, particularly the learning and assessment of students. Academic Section of the Institute mainly deals with the Student Admission process for programmes offered by the Institute, conduct of University Semester Examinations as per the academic calendar and laison with the affiliated University i.e. Utkal University for all academic such as conduct of Examinations, announcement of results and issue of Mark sheets and Degree Certificates as well as issue of Transfer Certificates and Conduct Certificates to the successful students. In addition to programmes/course-related activities, the sections facilitate projects, case studies, seminars, field visits, and educational tours of different programmes/courses of the Institute.

The Section also monitors attendance (digital and manual) of the students as per Utkal University regulations, identifying the eligible students for NCERT Scholarships/Free ship and release of Scholarship & other Merit Scholarships. The Section coordinates and facilitates to the different Committee i.e. Academic Calendar Committee, Anti Ragging Committee, Disciplinary Committee, Examination Grievance Committee, etc.

The Head of the Academic Section is the Dean of Instructions, assisted by Faculty Members as In-charge Academic Section, Mr. Arup Kumar Saha, Joint In-charges Prof. Laxmidhar Behera & Dr. (Mrs) Elizabeth Gangmei and an administrative set up under Assistant Programme Coordinator (Academic) and other support staff.