S.N. |
Publish Date |
Title |
Browse |
251 |
15/05/2023 |
Pension Adalat |
252 |
11/05/2023 |
Programme for 2 year M.Ed. 2nd & 4th Semester Examinations, 2023 |
253 |
11/05/2023 |
Programme for 2 year B.Ed. 2nd & 4th Semester Examinations, 2023 |
254 |
11/05/2023 |
Programme for 4 year B.A.B.Ed. 2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th Semester Examinations, 2023 |
255 |
11/05/2023 |
Programme for 4 year B.Sc.B.Ed. 2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th Semester Examinations, 2023 |
256 |
10/05/2023 |
Admission for Pre-School Foundation Stage-I 2023-24 |
257 |
08/05/2023 |
Mentor-Mentee 2022-23 |
258 |
05/05/2023 |
Mid-Term Admission 2023-24 |
259 |
25/04/2023 |
Advertisement/Notification of CEE-2023 in Hindi |
260 |
25/04/2023 |
Advertisement/Notification of CEE-2023 in English |
261 |
21/04/2023 |
Notice for Campus Placement |
262 |
31/03/2023 |
Result of Four Year B.A.B.Ed. 2nd Semester Examinations, 2022 |
263 |
31/03/2023 |
Result of Four Year B.A.B.Ed. 4th Semester Examinations, 2022 |
264 |
31/03/2023 |
Result of Four Year B.A.B.Ed. 6th Semester Examinations, 2022 |
265 |
31/03/2023 |
Result of Four Year B.Sc.B.Ed. 2nd Semester Examinations, 2022 |
266 |
31/03/2023 |
Result of Four Year B.Sc.B.Ed. 4th Semester Examinations, 2022 |
267 |
31/03/2023 |
Result of Four Year B.Sc.B.Ed. 6th Semester Examinations, 2022 |
268 |
28/03/2023 |
Form fill up of Utkal University Even Semester Examination (April/May 2023). |
269 |
22/03/2023 |
Notice regarding Campus Selection for information of the students and different institutions |
270 |
16/03/2023 |
Results of 2 Year B.Ed. (Arts/Science) 2nd Semester Examination 2022 |
271 |
15/03/2023 |
Advertisement of Class VI Admission 2023-24 |
272 |
15/02/2023 |
Submission of Immovable property return by the employees of autonomous and Subordinate institutes/organisations in the Ministry of HRD- reg. |
273 |
05/02/2023 |
Committee of SC, ST, OBC Cell |
274 |
30/01/2023 |
Notice regarding reschedule of the date of CPS-3 (Physical Science) paper of 4 Year B.Sc.B.Ed. 5th Semester Examination 2022 |
275 |
20/01/2023 |
Programme for the 4 year B.A. B.Ed. Examination, December 2022 |
276 |
20/01/2023 |
Programme for the 2 year B.Ed. Examination, December, 2022 |
277 |
20/01/2023 |
Programme for M.Ed. Examination, December 2022 |
278 |
20/01/2023 |
Programme for the 4 year B.Sc. B.Ed. Examination, December 2022 |
279 |
20/01/2023 |
Provisional Selected and Waitlisted Candidates for admission to Ph.D. (Education) Coursework 2022-23 |
280 |
09/01/2023 |
Corrigendum Notice : Provisional List of Candidates for appearing Viva-Voce Examination of Ph.D. (Education) Coursework-2023 |
281 |
06/01/2023 |
Provisionally Qualified/ Selected Candidates for Ph.D. (Education) Viva-Voce 2022-23. |
282 |
03/01/2023 |
283 |
02/01/2023 |
Admission to Class I for session 2023-24 |
284 |
30/12/2022 |
Fresh Award of Scholarship for the Session 2022-2023 |
285 |
27/12/2022 |
Provisionally Selected List for DCGC-2023 |
286 |
27/12/2022 |
Provisional Waitlisted List for DCGC - 2023 |
287 |
23/12/2022 |
Admission to Class I for session 2023-24 |
288 |
22/12/2022 |
Walk in Interview for engagement of JPF for Population Education Project |
289 |
17/12/2022 |
Notice for Hostel Vacate |
290 |
17/12/2022 |
Provisional Selected Candidates for appearing Viva Voce Test for admission to Ph.D. (Education) Course Work 2022-23 |
291 |
02/12/2022 |
List of Eligible candidates to appear selection test for admission to DCGC -2023 |
292 |
28/11/2022 |
SBI Collect Instructions for Payment of Examination Fees for session 2022-23 |
293 |
28/11/2022 |
Hiring of Vehicle during Kala Utsav 2022-23 |
294 |
28/11/2022 |
Hiring of Catering Service Contract during Kala Utsav 2022-23 |
295 |
28/11/2022 |
Hiring of Bedding Service during Kala Utsav 2022-23 |
296 |
25/11/2022 |
Quotation for supply of Medicines for RIE Dispensary (2022-23) |
297 |
25/11/2022 |
Sexual Harrasment Committee |
298 |
24/11/2022 |
NOTICE: FORM FILL UP FOR M.Ed. (1st& 3rd Semester), B.Ed. (1st & 3rd Semester), B.A.B.Ed.(1st, 3rd, 5th & 7th Semester) and B.Sc.B.Ed.(1st, 3rd, 5th & 7th Semester) Examination December 2022. |
299 |
16/11/2022 |
Tender Notice for Disposal of Waste Paper |
300 |
11/11/2022 |
Filling up the Application Forms for Odd Semester Examination December 2022 |