Personal Information

Higher Secondary Stage :
Physics and Electronics
Under Graduate Stage : Electronics, Electrodynamics, Fibre Optics, Laser and Superconductivity Stage, Methods of Teaching Science.
Research Experience is of 30 years
Area of Research :
- Experimental Condensed Matter Physics viz. Delectrics, Ultrasonics, Chemical Physics, Super Conductivity and Nano composites
- Science Education
Publications :
Books & Book chapter
- Assessment of dielectric parameters of hydrogen bonded complex:tri-n-butyl phosphate(TBP) with aliphatic alcohols using Huysken-Craco , Palit and Onsaner’s methods, S.K. Dash, T. Karunamoy, B. B. Swain.:B.P International,8th June 2023,ISBN-978-81-19217-85-4.
- Barium Zirconate-A simple perovskite with multidimensional applications,Chapter-9 :A Satpathy, S.K.Dash, S.K.Rout, S. Parida, Elsevier :ISBN-9780323 995290.
- Lectures on Engineering Physics published by Pearson India Education Services Private Ltd., Noida(2018), ISBN : 978-93-325-8475-4
- Engineering Physics (For Diploma students) Published by Kitab Mahal, Cuttack (2009), ISBN : 978-81-9068 – 60-9-9.
- Lab Manual Physics (For Class XII) Published by VK Publications, New Delhi (2009-2010), ISBN: 978- 81-938000610-9.
- Lab Manual Physics (For Class XI) Published by VK Publications, New Delhi.
- ICSE Physics (For Class VI) Published by FK Publications, New Delhi (2010-11), ISBN: 978-81-7973-202-1.
- ICSE Physics (For Class VII) Published by FK Publications, New Delhi (2010-11); ISBN: 978-81-7973-203-8.
- ICSE Physics (For Class VIII) Published by FK Pubications, New Delhi (2010-11), ISBN: 978-81-7973-204-5.
Research Papers in National/International Journals
- Synthesis, Characteristics and application of Graphene composites:B.Patra,R.Sahoo,D.K.Sahoo,B. Dalai, C.Parida,S.K. Dash,A Survey Journal of Turkish Chemical Society 2023, 10(3),757-772
- Air Pollution in the Industrial belts of Odisha:Its Health Impact with Mitigate Measures:Subrat Ranjan Pathi, Biswajit Dalai, Sarat Kumar Dash, P. C. Agarwal,Journal of Chemical Health Risks JCHR(2023) 13(4),214-227,ISSN:2251-6727
- Deep-ultraviolet (DUV) nonlinear optical (NLO) crystals: An application in photonic technologies, Optical materials, Biswajit Dalai , Sarat Kumar Dash(2023)0925-3467.
- A comparison study on molecular interaction of an acidic organophosphoric extractant with substituted aromatic hydrocarbon (p-xylene/toluene) at 303.15K. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, Biswajit Dalai, Prativa Kar, Sarat Kumar Dash, Saroj Kumar Singh, 11(2021) 100 52-10058.
- Investigation on Electrical Properties of Solid Polymer Sheets (HDPE and LDPE) at Audio Frequency Range, East Eur. J. Phys. 2. (2021) 127-134, Sarat K. Dash, Hari S. Mohanty , Biswajit Dalai, DOI : 10.26565/2312-4334-2021-2-10.
- Acoustic assessment in binary mixtures of a polar nuclear extractant, DEHPA with eight non polar diluents at 303.15K – a comparative study, Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, Biswajit Dalai, Sarat Kumar Dash, Saroj kumar Singh, Braja B Nanda, 10(2020) 5323-5331
- Physico – Chemical properties of binary systems involving modifier (methanol or propionic acid) and an acidic extractant di (2- ethylehexyl) phosphoric acid (DEHPA) : volumetric, acoustic and viscometric routes, Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, Biswajit Dalai, Prativa Kar, Bijayalaxmi Kuanar, Sarat Kumar Dash, Saroj Kumar Singh,Vol. 10(2020) 5880-5885.
- Mathematical computation of Dynamic viscosity in mixtures of Arenes and an extractant (DEHPA) at 303.15K, P Kar, R Sahu, B Dalai and S. K. Dash AGU International Journal of Science and Technology (AGUIST) Vol. 6(6), (2018) 19-25
- Validation of Theoretical Approach of Viscosity in Polar-Apolar Liquid Mixtures Containing a Nuclear Extractant at 303.15K, S Jena, B Kuanar, B Dalai, S. K. Dash, N Swain and S K Singh , International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJSRSET) Vol. 4 (1), (2018) 537-540.
- Acoustic Response in the Binary Liquid Mixtures of an Organophosphoric Compund with Cyclohexane and Dioxane , R Rath, R Panda, B Dalai and S. K. Dash, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJSRSET) Vol. 4(1) (2018) 1134-1138.
- Ultrasonic behavior of a nuclear extractant with some apolar diluents at 303.15K, K. K. Panda, B. Dalai, N. Swain and S.K. Dash, International Journal of Science & Applied Research (IJSAR) 4(1), (2017) 01-06.
- Study of dielectric properties of biodegradable composites using (Poly)lactic acid and Luffa fiber, C.Parida, S.Patra, K.L.Mohanta, S.K.Dash and S.K.S Parashar; AIP Conf. Proc. 1832040016.(2017)
- Radiation and Mass Transfer Effects on Unsteady MHD Free Convection Flow of Mercury and Liquid Sodium in a Porous Medium with Heat Source/ Sink and Chemical Reaction, P Paikray and S. K. Dash, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Science (IJREAS) Vol. 6(5), (2016) 115-127.
- Prediction of Ultrasonic Velocity in Binary Mixtures of a Nuclear Extractant and Monocarboxylic acids using Several Theoretical Models, R K Mishra, B Dalai, N Swain, S. K. Dash, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology ( IJETT), 41 (2016) 304-308.
- Effect of Fiber Treatment and fiber content on Flexural Properties of Luffa Cylindrica Reinforced Resorcinol Composites, C.Parida, S.K.Dash, K.L.Mohanta and S.Patra; Adv.Sci. Letters22(2)454,2016
- The Thermaland Crystallization Studies of Luffa Fiber Reinforced Poly Lactic Acid Composite, CParida, S. K. Dash, P Chaterjee, Open Journal of Composite Materials 6(01) (2016)
- Study of molecular interaction in a polar-polar liquid mixture using ultrasonic route, S.K. Dash, B.Dalai, S.K. Singh and B.B. Swain, Orissa Journal of Physics Vol. 23, No.1.(2016) 71-78
- Ultrasonic and 31P NMR investigation of an acidic nuclear extractant with some monosubstituted benzenes: B. Dalai, S. K. Dash, S. K. Singh, N. Swain, and B. B. Swain, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics (ELSEVIER) 93 (2016) 143–150.
- Rheological Behaviour of Non- newtonian Fluids. P. Paikray and S.K. Dash, Emerging Science Vol.1(3)(2015) 22-23
- Mechanical Properties of Injection Molded Poly (lactic) Acid –Luffa Fiber Composites, C. Parida, S.K. Dash and P. Chaterjee, Soft Nano Science Letters Vol. 5(4) (2015) 65 – 72.
- Effect of Fiber Treatment and Fiber Loading on Mechanical Properties of Luffa-Resorcinol Composites: C. Parida, S.K. Dash and S.C. Das, Indian Journal of Materials Science, Volume 2015 (2015),1-6
- H NMR and acoustic response of binary mixtures of an organophosphorous extractant with 1-alkanols (C1- C4, C8): B. Dalai, S. K. Dash, S. K. Singh, and B. B. Swain, Journal of Molecular Liquids 208 (2015) 151–159.
- Dielectric Response of Luffa Fiber - Reinforced Resorcinol Formaldehyde Composites: C. Parida, S.K. Dash, C. Pradhan and S.C. Das, American Journal of Material Science Vol. 5(1) (2015) 1 - 8.
- Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of Luffacylindrica Fiber-Resorcinol Composites, C. Parida, C. Pradhan, S.K. Dash and S.C. Das, Open Journal of Composite Materials Vol. 5(1) (2015) 22 – 29.
- Analysis of UV-Vis absorption spectra of luffa cylindrica- resorcinol composites: C. Parida, S.K. Dash and S.C. Das, Materials Science : An Indian Journal Material Science 12 (2015) 311 - 316.
- FTIR and Raman Studies of Cellulose Fibers of Luffa cylindrical:C. Parida, S.K. Dash and C. Pradhan, Open Journal of Composite Materials Vol. 5(1) (2015) 5 – 10.
- A comparative study of Experimental and theoretical values of ultrasonic velocity in binary mixtures of two nuclear extractants: S.K. Dash , B. Dalai and S.K. Singh, Journal of Pure and Applied Ultrasonic Vol.36 (2014) 55-59.
- Unsteady free convection flow of a non-Newtonian fluid past on impulsively started porous wall with heat and mass transfer:P. Paikaray and S.K. Dash, Acta Ciencial Indica Vol. XLP, No.2 (2014) 69-86.
- Heat and mass transfer effects of free convection flow of visco-elastic fluid inside a porous vertical channel with constant suction and heat sources including chemical reaction: P. Paikaray and S.K. Dash, Acta Ciencia Indica Vol. XL P, No.1 (2014) 1-18.
- H-bonded non-linear interaction of a nuclear extractant with primary alkanols (C1, C2) : An Ultrasonic Study: B. Dalai, S.K. Dash, S.K. Singh and B.B. Swain, Orissa Journal of Physics, 21(1) (2014) 23-31.
- Viscometric, volumetric and acoustic properties of binary mixtures of a nuclear extractant with monocarboxylic acids (C1-C3) at 303.15 K,S.K. Dash, B. Dalai, S.K. Singh and B.B. Swain, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (CSIR) 52(1) (2014) 24-29.
- Characterization and dielectric properties of Barium Zirconium titanate prepared by solid state reaction and high energy ball milling process: S.K. Dash, B. Dalai, Sashi Kant, M.D. Swain and B.B. Swain, Indian Journal of Physics (Springer) 88(2) (2014) 129-135.
- Analysis of thermal properties of luffa cylindrica- resorcinol composites: C Parida, S. K. Dash and S C Das, International Journal of Fiber and Textile Research 4 Vol. 3(1) (2013) 13-17
- Effect of fiber treatment on mechanical and thermal properties of Luffa cylindrical resorcinol composites: C. Parida, S.K. Dash and S.C. Das, International Journal of Fiber and Textile Research (Universal Research Publications) 3(1) (2013) 13-17.
- Study of non-linear thermoacoustic parameters in binary mixtures of methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) with apolar diluents. P. R. Dash and S.K. Dash, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology Vol.(9) (2013) 162-192.
- Heat and mass transfer in the unsteady Couette flow of Oldroyd liquid between two horizontal parallel porous plates with heat sources, chemical reaction and soret effect when the lower plate moves with time varying velocity, P. Paikaray and S.K. Dash, Ultra Scientist Vol.25(3) B (2013) 369-382.
- A study on molecular interaction in binary mixtures of p-xylene and an organophosphoric extractant : Coscometric and ultrasonic route: B. Dalai, S.K. Dash and B.B. Swain, Orissa Journal of Physics Vol. 20(1) (2013) 143-150.
- Study of molecular interaction in binary mixtures of a nuclear extractant with some alcohols by acoustic and spectroscopic method, Acoustics 2013 New Delhi “ Technologies for a quieter India” at CSIR – National Physics Laboratory, New Delhi: S.K. Dash, B. Dalai, S.K. Singh, B.B. Swain , (10-15 Nov. 13)
- Radiation and Mass transfer Effects on Unsteady MHD Free Convective Flow of Mercury and Liquid Sodium in a Porous Medium with Heat Source/ Sink and Chemical Reaction. S.K. Dash (2016) International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences. 6(5). pp.115-127
- A comparative study of experimental and theoretical values of ultrasonic velocity in binary mixtures of two nuclear extractants: S.K. Dash, B. Dalai, S.K. Singh, N. Swain, M D Swain and B.B. Swain , XIXth National symposium on Ultrasonic at CSIR – National Physics Laboratory, New Delhi (30-31 Oct. 2012)
- Inorganic replicas of the cellulose fibres of Luffa cylindrical synthesis and characterization: C. Parida, S.K. Dash and S.C. Das, Proceedings of International Small Angle Scattering Conferences (2012) ISBN 921268158.
- Thermoacoustic properties of binary mixture of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid with dioxane, cyclohexane and n-pentane by ultrasonic method, S.K. Dash, B. Dalei, S.K. Singh, N. Swain, M.D. Swain and B.B. Swain, Journal of Acoustical Society of India, 39(1) (2012) 38-47.
- Studies on molecular interaction in binary mixtures of diethyl ether with some alkanols – An acoustic approach, S.K. Dash, S.K. Pradhan, B. Dalai, L. Moharana and B.B. Swain, Physics and Chemistry of Liquids (Taylor Francis) 50(6) (2012) 735-749.
- Molecular interaction parameters of binary mixtures of diethyl ether and apolar solvents using ultrasonic probe, S.K. Pradhan, S.K. Dash, L. Moharana and B.B. Swain, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics, Vol. 50 (2012) 161-166.
- Acoustic Response with Theoretical Evaluation of Ultrasonic Velocity in Binary Mixtures of D2EHPA with Carbon disulphide and n-hexane: S.K. Dash, B. Dalai, S.K. Singh, N. Swain and B.B. Swain, Orissa Journal of Physics, Vol. 19(1) (2012) 139-146.
- Physico-chemical Properties of Di-(2-ethylhexyl) Phosphoric Acid (D2EHPA) with Apolar Solvents from Ultrasonic Studies : B. Dalai, S.K. Dash, S.K. Singh and B.B. Swain, Physics and Chemistry of Liquids (Taylor & Francies), Vol. 50(2012) 242-253.
- Evaluation of Dielectric Parameters of Hydrogen Bonded Complexes using Huysken-Craco, Palit and Onsager’s Methods – tri-n-butyl Phosphate (TBP) with Alipatic Alcohols, S.K. Dash, T. Karunamoy, B. Dalai and B.B. Swain, Indian Journal of Physics, Vol. 86(2) (2012) 45.
- Non-linearity Acoustic B/A Parameter in Binary Mixture involving Methyl Isobutyl ketone (MIBK in Isoamyl) Alcohol Medium :P.R. Dash, S.K. Dash, L. Moharana, M.D. Swain and B.B. Swain, Orissa Journal of Physics, Vol. 19(1) (2012) 147-156.
- Mechanical Analysis of Bio Nanocomposite prepared from Luffa cylindrica:C. Parida, S.C. Das, S. K. Dash, Procedia Chemistry (Elsevier), Vol. 04 (2012) 53-59.
- Excess Molar Volume and Relative Association of Mixing of di-(2-ethyl hexyl) Phosphoric Acid with Benzene, Cyclohexane, n-pentane and Carbon Disulphide: B. Dalai, S.K. Dash, S.K. Singh, N. Swain, M.D. Swain and B.B. Swain, Orissa Journal of Physics, 8(2) (2011) 163-170.
- Thermo-Acoustic Studies on Ternary Mixtures of Methyl Iso-Butyl Ketone (MIBK), Acetyl Acetone (HAA) and Butanols with Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4): T. Karunamoy, S.K. Dash, S.K. Nayak and B.B. Swain, Journal of Acoustical Society of India, Vol.38(3) (2011) 126-139.
- Thermogravimetric and XRD analysis of bio nanocomposite prepared from Luffa Cylindrica , C. Parida, S.C. Das, A. Parija, S.K. Dash 2011 SAMPE Spring Technical Conference and Exhibition – State of theIndustry: Advanced Materials, Applications,and Processing Technology; Long Beach, CA; UnitedStates; 23 May 2011 through 26 May 2011; Code 86187 .
- Ultrasonic Studies on Binary Mixtures Involving Acetyl acetone (HAA) – Beyer’s Non-linearity Parameter and Isothermal Compressibility at Different Temperatures: S.K. Dash, P.R. Dash and B.B. Swain, International Journal of Physics, Vol. 4(2) (2011) 171-183.
- Thermo-acoustic Properties of Binary Mixtures of di-(2-ethylhexyl) Phosphoric Acid (D2EHPA) and some Apolar Liquids : S.K. Dash, B. Dalai, S.K. Singh, N. Swain, M.D. Swain and B.B. Swain, Applied Ultrasonics (Proceedings of National Sympsosium on Acoustics) (2011) 445-452.
- Molecular Interaction in Binary Mixtures of di-(2-ethylhexyl) Phosphoric Acid (DEHPA) with some Alkanes at 313.16 K: B. Dalai, S.K. Dash, S.K. Singh, N. Swain and B.B. Swain, Orissa Journal of Physics, Vol.18(1) (2011) 57-66.
- Dielectric Studies on Binary Mixtures of Diethyl ether (DEE) in Non Polar Solvents: S.K. Pradhan, S.K. Dash, M.D.Swain and B.B. Swain,Orissa Journal of Physics, Vol. 18(2) (2011) 207-214.
- Dipolar Analysis of W-Q and D-D Equations in tri-n-butyl Phosphate with long chain Alipathic Alcohols – Excess Mutual Correlation Factor and Free Energy of Mixing: S.K. Dash and M.D. Swain,Ultra Scientist, Vol. 23(B), 709-716 (2011).
- Dielectric Studies on Binary Mixtures of Diethyl Ether (DEE) in Polar Solvents: S.K. Pradhan, S.K. Dash, M.D. Swain and B.B. Swain, American Institute of Physics Conf. Proc. 1732 (2011) 269-274.
- Thermoacoustic Studies in Hydrogen-bonded Systems of Ternary Mixtures of Acetyl Acetone (HAA) and n-butanol with Carbontetrachloride: T. Karunamoy, S.K. Dash, S.K. Nayak and B.B. Swain, Orissa Journal of Physics, Vol. 18(1) (2011) 67-78.
- Thermal Analysis of Luffa Fiber Reinforced Bionano Composites: C. Parida, S.K. Dash, S.C. Das and B.B. Swain, Orissa Journal of Physics, Vol. 18(2) (2011) 189-198.
- Ultrasonic Investigation in Ternary Mixtures – Diethyl ether (DEE) in n-butanol and Carbontetrachloride : T. Karunamoy, S.K. Dash, S.K. Nayak and B.B. Swain, International Journal of Physics, Vol. 4(2) (2011) 101-111.
- Ultrasonic Study of Molecular Interaction Parameters in Binary Mixtures of Diethyl ether (DEE) and some Apolar Solvents: S.K. Pradhan, S.K. Dash, M.D. Swain and B.B. Swain, Ultra Scientist, Vol 23(2) B (2011) 387-396.
- Face to Face Interaction with Creative Children through Classroom Question : A Novel Experience : S.C. Panda, S.K. Dash & Y. Discosingh , Prangny, Vol. 1(1) (2010) 4-8
- Morphosynthesis and Characterisation of Nano Composites Formed Using Fibers of Luffa Cylindrica : S.C. Das, S.K. Dash, and C. Parida, Proceedings of DAE-BRNS, 3rd International Symposium on Materials Chemistry (2010) 445.
- XRD Analysis of Nano Composites Formed Using Fibers of Luffa Cylindrica : C. Parida, S.C. Das and S.K. Dash, Proceeding Polymer Science and Engineering Emerging Dimensions (PSE-2010), PNN- 19 (105).
- Face to Face interaction with creative children through Classroom Questions : A novel experience, S.C. Panda, S.K. Dash and Y. DiscoSingh, Prangnya, Vol. 1(1) (2010) 4-8.
- Studies on Luffa Fiber Reinforced Nanocomposites – FTIR and XRD Analysis: C. Parida, S.K. Dash, S.C. Das, B.B. Swain and B. Mallick, Orissa Journal of Physics, Vol. 18(1) (2009) 25-32.
- Studies on the thermoacoustic properties in binary liquid mixtures of a nuclear extractant-di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (DEHPA) with some alkanes: B. Dalai, S.K. Dash, S.K. Pradhan and B.B. Swain, Orissa Journal of Physics, Vol. 16(1) (2009) 195-202.
- Ultrasonic Investigation on some edible oils: P.R. Dash, D. Mohapatra, S.K. Dash and B.B. Swain, Orissa Journal of Physics, 16(2) (2009) 301-310.
- Dielectric Response of Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK) in apolar solvents : solute-solvent interaction : S.K. Dash, J.K. Das, B. Dalai and B.B. Swain, Indian Journal of Physics, 83(11) (2009) 1557-1566.
- The Hundred Years of Physics : Some milestone: S.K. Dash and Gagan Gupta, School Science, XLIII(3) (2005) 7-14.
- Evaluation of Planck’s Constant Using Torch Bulb and Light Emitting Diode : S.K. Dash and D. Mahapatra, School Science, 45(4) (2007) 22.
- Evaluation of Dipole Moment of Hydrogen Bonded Complexes Long-chain Alcohols with Acetic Acid and Chlorobenzene : S.K. Dash, Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, 46(3) (2008) 312-318.
- Studies on Physico-Chemical Properties of Resin Co-polymers Derived from Oxime Derivatives of Hydroxyl Acetophenone Furfural Substituted Benzoic Acid.: S.K. Dash, S.N. Mishra and S. Panda, Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 17(1) (2005) 29-34.
- Glimpses of One Hundred Years of Astronomy:S.K. Dash, School Science, XLIII (3) (2005) 52-56.
- Dielectric Study of Surface Modification of Linear Low Polyethylene Treated with Chromic Acid and Sodium Carbonate: S.K. Dash, K.C. Mishra, S.N. Mishra and B.B. Swain, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 43 (2005) 287-290.
- Analytical approximations of propagation constant of fundamental vector mode for power law profile fibre: S.K. Dash, S. Panda and C.U.S. Patnaik, Ultra Scientist, Vol. 16(3) (2004) 373-380.
- Era of Globalisation and Education in India: S.K. Dash and U.K. Panda, Third Concept – An International Journal of Ideas, Vol. 18 (2004) 49-52.
- Dielectric Study of Hydrogen Bond Complexes of Tri-n-Butyl Phosphate (TBP) with Aliphatic Alcohols: S.K. Dash, S. Singh and B.K. Sharma, Proceedings of DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Vol. 49 (2004) 362-363.
- Effect of Secondary Electrons from Latent Tracks Created in YBCO by Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation. D. Behera, T. Mohanty, S.K. Dash, T. Banerjee, D. Kanjilal and N.C. Mishra, Radiation Measurements (Pergamon) 36 (2003) 125 - 129.
- Dielectric Studies of Hydrogen Bonded Complexes of Butanols with Aniline and Pyridine, U.S. Mohapatra, G.S. Roy and S.K. Dash, Journal of Molecular Liquids (Elsevier) 106 (2003) 69-79.
- Thermally Activated Flux-Creep and Percolative Conduction in YBaCuO/Ag Compoiste Thick Films: D. Behera, S.K. Dash and N.C. Mishra, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Japan, 43 (2003) 2667 - 2670.
- Transport Characteristics and Effect of Ag in Controlling Thermally Activated Phase-slip in Ca doped YBa2Cu3Oy:D.Behera, S.K. Dash and N.C.Mishra, Indian Journal of Physics 77A (2003) 133 - 138.
- Fluctuation Conductivity in Ag Composite of Y1-x CaxBa2Cu3O7-y superconductor:D.Behera, S.K. Dash and N.C.Mishra, Bulletin of Orissa Physical Society Vol.X (2002).
- Effect of Ag in controlling self-field Induced Flux Creep in Y1-x CaxBa2Cu3O7-y systems:D. Behera, S. K. Dash and N.C. Mishra, Physics Letters A 300 (2002) 529 – 537.
- Secondary electron emission induced Point Defects in SHI Irradiation on YBCO Thin Film: D. Behera, S. K. Dash, T. Banerjee, T. Mohanty, D. Kanjilal and N.C. Mishra, Proceedings of DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Vol.44 (2001) 343-344.
- Dipole moment studies of n-butanol, i-butanol and t-butanol with chlorobenzene complexes : U.S. Mohapatra, G.S. Roy and S.K. Dash, Physics Chemistry Liquids (Overseas Publishers Association), Vol. 39 (2001) 443-451.
- Self-field induced Flux Creep in Ag Composite Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O7-yb systems: D. Behera, S.K. Dash and N.C. Mishra, Proceedings of the DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Vol. 44 (2001) 347-348.
- Effect of Ag in Ca doped Y1-x CaxBa2Cu3Y7-y superconductors: D. Behera, S.K. Dash and N.C. Mishra, Bulletin of Orissa Physical Society, Vol. IX (2001) 1-8.
- On Surface Modification of Low Density Poly-ethylene (LDPE) at Room Temperature: K.C. Mishra, S.K. Dash and B.B. Swain, Bulletin of Orissa Physical Society, Vol. IX (2001) 90-96.
- Dielectric Studies in Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Treated with Chromic Acid: K.C. Mishra, S.K. Dash and B.B. Swain, Proceeding of the DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Vol. 43 (2000) 298-299.
- Studies on Introduction of Surface Functional Groups of Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) using FTIR Technique: K.C. Mishra, J.K. Das, S.K. Dash, S.N. Mishra and B.B. Swain, Ultra Scientist, Vol. 12(3) (2000) 361-365.
- Dielectric Studies of Hydrogen Bonded Complexes - Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK) with aliphatic alcohols: S.K. Dash, J.K. Das and B.B. Swain,Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 38 (2000) 791-796.
- Dipolar Complexation in Binary Mixtures of TBP and Long Chain Aliphatic Alcohols: S.K. Dash, Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, 38(1) (2000) 49-60.
- Ultrasonic Investigation in a Polar System-Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK) and Aliphatic Alcohols: J.K. Das, S.K. Dash, N. Swain & B.B. Swain, Journal of Molecular Liquids (Elsevier), 81 (1999) 163-179.
- Ultrasonic Study in Binary Mixtures-Long Chain Aliphatic Alcohols and Non-polar Liquids: K. Garabadu, S.K. Dash, G.S. Roy & B.B. Swain, Bulletin of Orissa Physical Society, Vol. VI (1998) 85.
- Evaluation of Kirwood-Fröhlich Linear Correlation Factor in Ternary Mixtures of Di-Isobutyl Ketone (DIBK): S. Acharya, S.K. Dash, J.K. Das, S. Tripathy & B.B. Swain,Bulletin of Orissa Physical Society, Vol. VI (1998) 67.
- Dielectric Relaxation in Binary Mixtures of Polar Liquids: S.K. Dash & B.B. Swain, Ultra Science, Vol. 10(2) (1998) 207-212.
- Ultrasonic Study of Binary Mixtures of Acetyl Acetone (HAA) and Di-Isobutyl Ketone (DIBK) in Non-polar diluent: S. Acharya, S.K. Dash & B.B. Swain, Acoustic Letters, 21(3) (1997) 52-57.
- Dielectric Investigation in Binary Mixtures Involving a Nuclear Extrasctant-Di-Iso Butyle Ketone (DIBK) and non-polar solvents: S. Acharya, S.K. Dash & B.B. Swain, Indian Journal of Physics, 72B(3) (1998) 239-247.
- Studies on binary mixtures of tri-n-butyl phosphate and alcohols : M. Das, S.K. Dash, M. Adhikary, M.D. Srichandan, N.C. Mishra and V. Chakravortty, Proceedings of the DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Vo. 31C (1988) 85.
- Molecular Interaction in Ternary Mixtures of DIBK with (Benzene + P-xylene)- Linear Co-relation Factor Excess Molar Polarization and Excess Gibb's Free Energy of Mixing, S. Acharya, S.K. Dash & B.B. Swain, U. Scientist Phyl. Sciences, 9(2) (1997) 258-265.
- Ultrasonic Studies on the Extracted Organic Phase of Uranium (VI) using Tri-n-butyl Phosphate (TBP), B.K. Rout, S.K. Dash, V. Chakravortty & B.B. Swain, Journal of Pure and Applied Ultrasonics, 18 (1996) 125-130.
- Dielectric Investigation on a Nuclear Extractants Acetyl Acetone (HAA) in Non-polar solvents: S. Acharya, S.K. Dash, J.N. Mohanty & B.B. Swain,Journal of Molecular Liquids (Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Amsterdam) 71 (1997) 73-80.
- Dipolar Interaction in Binary Polar Systems- A Dielectric study of Acetyl Acetone (HAA) and Di-iao-butyl ketone (DIBK) with some mono-substituted benzenes: S. Acharya, S.K. Dash & B.B. Swain, Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, OPA Overseas Associated (UK) Ltd., 34 (1997) 201-211.
- Ultrasonic study in Binary mixtures of Acetyl Acetone – Effect of Free Volume and Internal Pressure: S.K. Dash, V. Chakravortty & B.B. Swain,Acoustic Letters, Vol. 19(7) (1996) 142-148.
- Solute-Solvent Interactions in Binary Systems-Methyl iso-butyl ketone (MIBK) with some non-polar liquids: J.K. Das, S.K. Dash and B.B. Swain, Bulletin of Orissa Physical Society, Vol. V (1997) 75-79.
- 19.Molecular Interaction in binary mixtures of methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) with non-polar liquids-a Dielectric study:J.K. Das, S.K. Dash and B.B. Swain, Bulletin of Orissa Physical Society, IV (1996) 20-23.
- Dielectric Studies of Hydrogen Bonded Complexes: Tri-n-butyl Phosphate (TBP) with Long-Chain aliphatic Alcohols:S.K. Dash and B.B. Swain, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 65(10) (1996) 3366-3370.
- Dipolar Association in Binary System: MIBK in Carboxylic Acids: S.K. Dash & B.B. Swain, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 35 (1996) 4531-4534.
- Evaluation of Linear correlation factor in dilate binary mixtures-Tri-n-butyl Phosphate with non-polar solvents: G.S. Roy, S.K. Dash, J.K. Das & B.B. Swain, Bol. Soc. Chil. Quim, 40 (1995) 305-308.
- Dielectric properties of binary mixtures of polar liquids-amines in n-Butanol: S. Tripathy, S.K. Dash, G.S. Roy & B.B. Swain, Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Vol. 7(2) (1995) 162-167.
- Molecular interaction in a Polar-Polar system-Methyl Isobutyl Ketone `(MIBK) and Primary Alcohols-Dielectric Measurement: J.K. Das, S.K. Dash & B.B. Swain, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 64(7) (1995) 2636-2641.
- Molecular Interaction in Binary Mixtures of TBP with Benzene and Carbon Tetrachloride-Effect of Free Volume and Internal Pressure: S.K. Dash & B.B. Swain, Journal of Pure and Applied Physics Vol. 2(1) (1995) 20-23.
- Dipolar interaction of Tri-n-Butyl Phosphate (TBP) with some mono-substituted Benzene-Mutual Correlation parameter and Excess Molar Polarization: S.K. Dash & B.B. Swain, Proceedings of Indian National Science Academy, 61A (2) (1995) 85-88.
- Molecular Interaction in Binary Mixtures of Tri-n-butyl Phosphate (TBP) and Aliphatic Alcohols-Effect of Free Volume and Internal Pressure: S.K. Dash, J.K. Das, V. Chakravorty & B.B. Swain, Physics Chemistry of Liquids (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers) 29 (1995) 229-235.
- Dielectric studies on binary mixtures of methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) in non-polar solvents: S.K. Dash & B.B. Swain, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology Vol. 1 (1994) 230-232.
- Ultrasonic Studies in the Binary Mixtures of Tri-n-butyl Phosphate (TBP) with Propanol and Butanol: S.K. Dash, S.C. Mishra, G.S. Roy & B.B. Swain, Journal of the Acoustical Society of India, Vol. XXII (1) (1994) 76.
- Investigation on Molecular interaction in Binary Liquid Mixtures-Tri-n-butyl Phosphate with Polar and Nonpolar Liquids Using Viscosity and Ultrasonic Parameters: S.K. Dash & B.B. Swain, Chemical Papers (Slovak Academy of Sciences) 48(3) (1994) 146-150.
- Dielectric Studies on Binary Mixtures of Tri-n-butyl Phosphate in non-polar Solvents: S.K. Dash, V. Chakravortty & B.B. Swain, Acta Chimica Hungarica (Models in Chemistry),131(6) (1994) 799-808.
- Evaluation of Linear Correlation factor in Dilute Binary Mixtures: Alcohols and Amines with non-polar solvents: S. Tripathy, G.S. Roy, S. K. Dash and B.B. Swain, Journal of Molecular Liquids (Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Amsterdam), 55 (1993) 137-143.
- Study of Solute-Solvent Interaction in a Binary system-Tri-n-butyl Phosphate (TBP) with nonpolar solvent-Using Dielectric Measurement: S.K. Dash & B.B. Swain, Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XIX, (4) (1993) 79-82.
- Dielectric Studies on Binary Mixtures of Tri-n-butyl Phosphate (TBP) and Long-chain Primary Alcohols (Modifiers): S.K. Dash & B.B. Swain, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 32 (1993) 2753-2756.
- A R-F resonance technique for Measurement of Dielectric Constant of Liquids: S.K. Dash, G.S. Roy, M.D. Srichandan, B.B. Swain & V. Chakravortty, Chemistry Education (India), Vol. 9(2) (1992) 51-55.
- Interaction in Binary Liquid Mixtures of Carbon tetrachloride and Benzene in TBP from Acoustic and Thermodynamic Studies: S.K. Dash, J.K. Das & G.S.Roy, Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XVII, 4 (1991) 321.
Research Papers in the proceedings of National/International Conferences
- Studies on binary mixtures of tri-n-butyl phosphate and alcohols :M. Das, S.K. Dash, M. Adhikary, M.D. Srichandan, N.C. Mishra and V. Chakravortty, Proceedings of the DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Vo. 31C (1988) 85.
- Dielectric Studies in Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Treated with Chromic Acid: K.C. Mishra, S.K. Dash and B.B. Swain, Proceeding of the DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Vol. 43 (2000) 298-299.
- Self-field induced Flux Creep in Ag Composite Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O7-yb systems: D. Behera, S.K. Dash and N.C. Mishra, Proceedings of the DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Vol. 44 (2001) 347-348.
- Secondary electron emission induced Point Defects in SHI Irradiation on YBCO Thin Film: D. Behera, S. K. Dash, T. Banerjee, T. Mohanty, D. Kanjilal and N.C. Mishra, Proceedings of DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Vol.44 (2001) 343-344.
- Dielectric Study of Hydrogen Bond Complexes of Tri-n-Butyl Phosphate (TBP) with Aliphatic Alcohols: S.K. Dash, S. Singh and B.K. Sharma, Proceedings of DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Vol. 49 (2004) 362-363.
- Morphosynthesis and Characterisation of Nano Composites Formed Using Fibers of Luffa Cylindrica : S.C. Das, S.K. Dash, and C. Parida, Proceedings of DAE-BRNS, 3rd International Symposium on Materials Chemistry (2010) 445.
- Thermo-acoustic Properties of Binary Mixtures of di-(2-ethylhexyl) Phosphoric Acid (D2EHPA) and some Apolar Liquids : S.K. Dash, B. Dalai, S.K. Singh, N. Swain, M.D. Swain and B.B. Swain, Applied Ultrasonics (Proceedings of National Sympsosium on Acoustics) (2011) 445-452.
- Dielectric Studies on Binary Mixtures of Diethyl Ether (DEE) in Polar Solvents: S.K. Pradhan, S.K. Dash, M.D. Swain and B.B. Swain, American Institute of Physics Conf. Proc. 1732 (2011) 269-274.
- Inorganic replicas of the cellulose fibres of Luffa cylindrical synthesis and characterization: C. Parida, S.K. Dash and S.C. Das, Proceedings of International Small Angle Scattering Conferences (2012) ISBN 921268158.
Research Projects completed
- “Viscosity, density, ultrasonic velocity and dielectric studies in various metal extractants” No. PSO -/ 1998-2000 (ERO) supported by UGC, India (Completed)
- “Studies on non-linear thermoacoustics and dielectric physico-chemical properties of blended commercial nuclear extractants used in Atomic Energy Industry” No. PSO-019/2010-2011 (ERO) supported by UGC, India (Completed).
- Implementation of NCERT Interventions at Elementary School Stage : A Block Level Research Project (NCERT PAC Project) (Continuing) (2019-2021)
- Utilization of Science Laboratory Resources by Secondary School Student and Teacher of D. M. School Bhubaneswar (Small Research Project of NCERT) (17-18)
- An Analysis of Science and Mathematics Classroom Process of School Teachers of Chilika Block (Small Research Project of NCERT) (19-20)
National/International conferences attended
- 49th DAE – Solid State Physics Symposium held at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Dec. 26-30 (2004)
- National Conference on Physics and Industry Interface – A 21st Century Perspective held at Christ College, Cuttack, Feb. 14-15 (2004)
- International Symposium on Molecules to Materials – held at Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Jan. 8-11 (1992)
- 44th DAE – Solid State Physics Symposium held at Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, Dec. 26-30 (2001).
- 31st DAE Solid State Physics Symposium held at Bhopal University, Bhopal, Dec. 20-30 (1988)
- National Seminar on Recent Development and Prospects of Physics held at Stewart Science College, Cuttack, Feb. 2-3 (2008).
- National Symposium on New Materials and 57th Annual Session of the National Academy of Sciences, India held at Bharatidashan University, Tiruchirapalli, Oct.7-10 (1987).
- 43rd DAE Solid State Physics Symposium held at Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur, Dec. 27-31 (2000).
- International Conference on Physics Education, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, Aug.21-26 (2005).
- UGC sponsored State Level Seminar on Excitations in Particle Physics and Physics Teaching in the Present Scenario held at BJB Autonomous College, Bhbaneswar, Feb. 25 (2011).
- National Conference on “Teacher Science Congress” organized by DST, India at RIE,Bhubaneswar(2010).
- National Seminar on Quality Elementary Education and Constructivism organized by NCERT at RIE, Bhubaneswar, March 17-19 (2010).
- 13th National Symposium on Acoustics (NSA-2011) at Bundelkhand University, Jhansi,Nov.17-19(2011).
- National Seminar on Recent Trends in LASER and Photonics organized by Department of Physics, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack 9-10 Feb. (2013).
Other Research Oriented Activities
1. Author-cum-Team member of Science, Textbook for Class IX (I English & Hindi).
2. Author-cum-Team member of Science, Textbook for Class X (in English & (Hindi).
3. Author-cum-Team member of Physics,Textbook for Class XI , Part-1 and Part-2 (in English & Hindi)
4. Author-cum-Team member of Physics, Textbook for Class XII, Part-1 and Part-2 (in English & Hindi).
5. Author-cum-Team member of Laboratory Manual Physics for Class XI.
6. Author-cum-Team member of Laboratory Manual Physics for Class XII.
7. Author-cum-Team member of Manual of Secondary Science Kit for Classes IX and X.
PAC Reports
1. Design and Development of concept – based Experiments / Activities in Physics for Higher Secondary Stage. PAC Prog. No. F.6.9 (2004- 2005).
2. Training of Key Resource Persons in Teaching of Science at Secondary Level – A Resource material. PAC Prog. No. 17.11 (2007-2008).
3. Internship in Teaching in Four-Year Integrated B.Sc. B.Ed. Course – An Innovative Approach. PAC Prog. No. F.17.21 (2008-2009).
4. Critical Modalities of Internship in Teaching in Four-Year Integrated .Sc.B.Ed. PAC Prog. No. F.17.14(2009-2010).
5. Development of Working Models on Science for Secondary Level and Training of Key Resource Persons of Bihar in the Light of NCF-2005. PAC Prog. No. F.17. (2011-12).
6. Development of Working Models for Secondary Level on Sc for Tribal Schools of Odisha. PAC Prog. No. 17.01 (2012-13).
7. Work shop Report of District Level Consultation Meeting for Odisha on New National Education Policy held at RIE –Bhubaneswar(07 July 2015) and Dr. Parsuram Mishra Institute of Advanced Studies in Education , Sambalpur (10 July 2015)
8. Report on Nurturance Programme for NTS-Awardees 2016 at RIE, Bhubaneswar in collaboration with NISER, Bhubaneswar (4th January 2016 to 8th January 2016)
9. Development of Resource Materials for KRPs of Jharkhand for Quality Science Education at Secondary Level (PAC Code no. 17.09) (2017-18).
10. Capacity Building of KRPs in Science Education at Secondary Level for the Resource – Centre of Jharkhand. (PAC Code no. 17.16) (2018-19).
11. Implementation of NCERT Interventions at Elementary School Stage: A Block Level Research Project (PAC Code no. 17.30) (2018-19).
12. Creativity and Problem Solving Skills of Tribal learners in Elementary School of A & N Islands (PAC Code no. 17.05) (2020-21).
13. Development of learning resource centre for in-service and pre-service teacher education programme (PAC Code no. 17.06) (2020-21).
14. Extension Lecture Series (PAC Code no. 17.20) (2020-21).
Details of the inter-disciplinary orientation
- Conducted Research in Physics in Chemical Science and Biological Science
- Conducted Research in School Science involving upper primary and secondary Science Kits
Research linkages with the University and other National and International Agencies
- PG Department of Physics, Utkal University
- Department of Physics, Orissa University of Technology
- Department of Education in Science and Mathematics(NCERT), New Delhi
- Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi
Details of full time Doctoral Research guidance
- Sri Dhanjay Dheeraj, Regn. No. 86-Edn., 2007-2008, Ph.D(Education),Utkal University. (Awarded)
- Sri Chhatrapati Parida, Regn. No. 03-Physics, 2008-2009, Ph.D(Physics),Utkal University. (Awarded)
- Sri Biswajit Dalai, Regn. No. 06-Physics, 2008-2009, Ph.D(Physics),Utkal University. (Awarded)
- Mrs. Pravasini Paikaray, Ph.D. (Physics), Utkal University (Awarded)
- Sri Promod Ranjan Dash, Regn. No. 41-Physics, 2006-2007, Ph.D(Physics),Utkal University. (Continuing)
- Sri Suresh Kumar Pradhan, Regn. No. 04-Physics, 2008-2009, Ph.D(Physics),Utkal University. (Continuing)
- Sri Tanmay Karunamay, Regn. No. 08-Physics, 2008-2009, Ph.D(Physics),Utkal University. (Continuing)
- Ms. Pritibanya Subhalaxmi, Ph.D. (Physics), Utkal University (Continuing)
Refresher/orientation course(s) attended :
Sl. No. | Name of the Course / Summer School | Place | Duration | Sponsoring Agency |
1 | Quantum Mechanics and Applications | Utkal University, Bhubaneswar | 28 days | UGC |
2 | Physics through Experiments | Ravenshaw College, Cuttack | 5 days | IAPT |
3 | Orientation Training Course for Principals | Utkal University, Bhubaneswar | 5 days | NIEPA |
4 | Spectroscopy, Chemical Reactions and Biology | Viswabharati Shantiniketan & S.N. Bose Centre for Basic Science, Kolkata | 21 days | Indian Academy of Science, Bangalore |
5 | E-Learning Demystified and Deconstructed | CIET, NCERT, New Delhi | 5 days | Commonwealth Educational Media Centric for Asta (CEMA) National Institute of Open Schooling (MTOs), & CIET (NCERT) |
1. Developed on UGC Sponsored Course on Instrumentation under Utkal University (2000).
2. Developed an Educational Resource Center at RIE, Bhubaneswar (2020)
3. Developed a Theme Park at RIE, Bhubaneswar (2020)
Other Information
Association with Professional Bodies.
- Life member of Acoustical Society of India
- Life member of Odisha Bigyan Academy
- Member of Odisha Physical Society
Professional Experiences :
- Incharge Academic Section (2009-2014)
- Warden of Ramanujan Hostel (2010 -2012)
- Head of Department of Extension Education (2016-2019)
- Incharge Computer Application (2021 – Continuing till Date)
- Chief Warden ( 2017 – Continuning till Date)