Personal Information

- 3 years as Assistant Professor in KLB DAV College of Education Palampur Kangra Himachal Pradesh from March 2018 to November 2020.
- 1 year as Guest Faculty in Department of Educational Studies, Central University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir from November 2020 to November2021.
- 1 year as Assistant Professor in Department of Education, University of Ladakh, Leh Campus, U.T Ladakh from March 2022 to April 2023.
- Kumar, R., (2017). Vocational Interests of Secondary School Students in relation to the Locality of Schools. International Journal of Research Culture Society, 1(4).ISSN No. : 2456-6683.
- Kumar, R., (2017). A Comparitive Study of Vocational Interests of Secondary School Students in relation to their Gender. Imperrial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), 1(4).ISSN No. : 2454-1362.
- Kumar, R., (2015). A study of Attitude of Himachal Pradesh University Shimla Students towards Alcohol. Innovative Thoughts of International Research Journal, 3 (1) ISSN No- 2347-5722.
- Kumar, R., The Gaddi Scheduled Tribe of Himachal Pradesh: A Socio Cultural Overview. Sanskruti International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 4(3) E- ISSN: 2455-1511.
- Kumar, R., (2018). Vocational Interest (Literary Area) of Secondary School Students in relation to Intelligence and certain Demographic Variables. International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 5 (11) ISSN: 2349.
- Kumar, R., (2022). Vocational Interest (Literary Area) of Secondary School Students in relation to their Locus of Control and certain Demographic Variables. Quest journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science 10(8) ISSN:2321-9467.
Seminars/ Conferences/ Workshop
- April 12, 2018, presented a paper on Use of ICT in Teacher Education in national Seminar on Quality Initiatives in Teacher Education at Minerva College of Education Indora Kangra H.P.
- April 7, 2018, presented a paper on Use of ICT in Education in national Seminar on National Education Policy- 2016 for Better Tomorrow at Krishma Educational Centre Mandi H.P.
- 22-24 November,20013, presented paper on on Role of Statuary Board in Quality Teacher Education in 47th Annual International Conference on Role of Statuary Bodies in Quality Assurance of Teacher Education: A Global Perspective, Organizes by Khalsa College of Education Amritsar (Punjab) India.
- 25-27 September, 2015, presented a paper entitled Value Based Education for Better Living in Paramhansa Yogananda International Conference Science, Spirituality and Education (PYICSSE) jointly organized by Pratibha Spandan, Shimla Department of Music Himaxchal Pradesh University Shimla H.P.
- 5th October, 2012, participated in the one day National Seminar on Role of Teachers in Quality Higher Education, at Himachal Pradesh University Shimla.
- 21-22 August, 2013, presented a paper entitled Domestic Violence and Honour Based Violence in National Seminar, jointly organized by Department of Laws and Economics, Himachsal Pradesh University Shimla.
- 29-30 November, 2013, presented the paper entitled Upliftment of Women through Education in two day National Conference on “Women’s Empowerment through Social, Legal and Economic Means”, organized by Manav Bharti University Solan H.P.
- 13 March, 2010, presented the paper entitled Challenges Before Teacher Education in 21st Century, organized by Vaishno College of Education Nurpur Kangra H.P
- 19th May, 2013, presented the paper entitled Value Crisis in Present Scenario and Nature of Education Provided in Teacher Education Institutions and Schools, organized by Shiva College of Education Ghumarwin Bilaspur H.P.
- December 30th, 2017 to 5th Jnaurary 2018, participated Six days National Workshop on Research Methods, Reporting and TechniquesDepartment of Education (ICDEOL) Himachal Pradesh University Shimla & Council for Teacher Education (CTE) Himachal Pradesh State Chapter, H.P.
- 16-18 December 2014, participated three days Workshop cum Seminar on Development of Tools in Educational Research organized by Department of Education, Punjab University Chandigarh, P.b.
- 6th National Geo-Research Scholars meet Geosciences in Ladakh Himalaya organized by University of Ladakh, from June-7-10, 2022.
- Two week Research Methodology Course, organized by the Centre for Himalayan and Trans – Himalayan Studies and Department of Political Science, University of Ladakh, held from 14-24 September 2022.