Personal Information

Post Graduation :
- 18 years of teaching experience to BEd, BScBEd, BA BEd, MEd, MPhil & PhD in Education and Diploma in Guidance and Counselling in Regional Institute of Education, Mysuru, Bhubaneswar and Visva-Bharati.
Research Projects:
- Mohalik, R. (2020-21). Low Attendance in Govt. Elementary Schools of Jharkhand: A Study. Funded by the NCERT.
- Mohalik, R. (2019-20). Reorganization and Merger of Schools at Elementary Level in the Context of the RTE Act 2009 in Jharkhand. Funded by the NCERT.
- Mohalik, R. (2018-19). Impact of Smart Classroom on Improving Teaching Learning Processes at Secondary Level in West Bengal. Funded by the NCERT.
- Mohalik, R (2017-18). Implementation of the RTE Act 2009 in Jharkhand: A Status Study. NCERT sponsored research project. Funded by the NCERT.
- Mohalik, R. (2017). Impact of RMSA on School Improvement at Secondary Level in Jharkhand, NCERT sponsored research report of RIE Bhubaneswar.
- Mohalik, R. (2016). Professional Development of Teacher Educators. Sponsored by the NCERT.
- Mohalik, R. (2013). Status of Implementation of the RTE Act 2009 in Odisha. Sponsored by the NCERT.
PhD Awarded under Supervision
- Education in Anand Marga School and its Impact on Integrated Personality Development of Students: A Case Study. Utkal University, Odisha. Mrs. Sunandita Bhowmik.
- Uses of Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Classroom Transaction by Social Science Teachers at Elementary level. Utkal University, Odisha. Mrs. P. Sujara Dora.
- Professional Development of Teacher Educators at Secondary Level: An Exploratory Study. Utkal University, Odisha. Mr. Ravi Ranjan Kumar.
- A Study of Implementation of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 in Odisha. Utkal University, Odisha. Mr. Poulastya Mahananda.
- Development of Life Skills Training Package for Tribal Students at Secondary Level. Utkal University, Odisha. Mr. Bhawani Shankar Gadatia.
- Effectiveness of Constructivist Approach on Meta Cognitive Skills and Achievement in Science at Elementary Level. Utkal University. Mr. Subrat Kumar Chhatoi.
- Implementation of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009: A Critical Study. Jharkhand Rai University, Ranchi. Mr. Binay Kumar.
- Effectiveness of Concept Mapping Strategy on Cognitive Processes in Science at Secondary Level. Utkal University, Odisha. Mr. SaradinduBera.
- Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Competency of Science Teachers in Relation to their Sex, Age, Qualification and Teaching Experience at Secondary Level. North Odisha University, Odisha. S. Panda.
PhD Scholars Currently Working under Supervision
- Effectiveness of Flipped Learning on Higher Order Thinking Skills of Teacher Trainees. Ms Sonali S Sahoo.
- Teaching Competency of Teacher Educators in Relation to Professional Development Practice at Secondary Level in Jharkhand. Ms. Sangeeta.
- Influence of Instructional Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas on Teacher Efficacy and Teaching Effectiveness. Mr. Aashish
- Effectiveness of ICT integrated 5E model on HOTs in science at secondary level. Mr. Priyank Kumar Shivam.
- Quality Of Secondary Education in Odisha in the Context of Rastriya Madhyamika Shiskhsa Abhiyan An Analysis . Mr. Bijay Kumar Mallick.
- Educational Status of Transgender at School Level in West Bengal: An Exploratory Study. Ms. Srimoyee Poddar.
- Effectiveness of Digital Mind Mapping Strategy on Higher Order Thinking Skills In Geography at Upper Primary Level. Mr. Dipak Bhattacharya.
- Integration of ICT in Teacher Education Programmes at Secondary Level in Bihar: A Status Study. Mr. Anjani Trivedi.
Research Publications:
- Mohalik, R. (2021). Low attendance of government elementary school students in Jharkhand: views of teachers and head teachers. Academia Letters. Academia Letters, Article 1353.
- Mohalik, R., Sethy, R., & Sangeeta. (2021). Attendance of Students in Government Elementary Schools: A Study on Jharkhand. Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science (RIELS) Journal, 2(2), 140-148. DOI:
- Mohalik, R. & Sahoo, S. (2021). Accessibility, Competency and Perception of School Teachers towards Online Teaching in the Midst of COVID-19 Pandemic. SSRN Network.
- Mohalik, R. (Feb. 2021). Reorganisation and Merger of Schools at Elementary Level in Jharkhand: Views of Stakeholders. Journal of Indian Education, 50(4).
- Bhattacharya, D. & Mohalik, R. (2021). Factors Influencing Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills Development. Education India Journal: A Quarterly Refereed Journal of Dialogues on Education, 10 (1): 348-361.
- Deepshikha, Mohalik. R and Mohapatra, A. K. (2021). Impact of ICT Integrated Pedagogy on Children’s Comprehension and Learning Outcomes in Science at Upper Primary Level. Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies, 15(1): 23-37.
- Mohalik, R. & Poddar, S. (2020). Effectiveness of Webinars and Online Workshops during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Technology Resources in Education eJournal, SSRN eJournal.
- Basu, M. & Mohalik, R. (5 October 2020). Effectiveness of Arts Integrated Learning (AIL) in Developing Conceptual Understanding in Geography at Elementary Level. Pedagogy eJournal, 3(110), SSRN eJournal.
- Bhattacharya, D. & Mohalik, R. (2020). Digital Mind Mapping Software: A New Horizon in the Modern TeachingLearning Strategy. Journal of Advances in Education and Philosophy, 4(10), 400-406. DOI: 10.36348/jaep.2020.v04i10.001.
- Mohalik, R. & Sahoo, S. (11 Sept. 2020). E-readiness and Perception of Student Teachers towards Online Learning in the Midst of COVID-19 Pandemic. Technology Resources in Education eJournal, 3(61), SSRN eJournal.
- Mohalik, R. & Sahoo, S. (7 Sept. 2020). E-readiness and Perception of Student Teachers towards Online Learning in the Midst of COVID-19 Pandemic. Coronavirus & Infectious Disease Research eJournal, 1(121), SSRN eJournal.
- Priya, K. & Mohalik, R. (2019). Belief in Nature and Learning of Mathematics of Teacher Trainees at Secondary Level in Jharkhand. Journal of Social Reality, 6(2),pp.22-30. ISSN-2349-9710.
- Mohalik, R. (2019). Digital Skills of Prospective Teachers in Odisha.Education India Journal, 7(3), pp.48-61. ISSN-2278-2435.
- Sangeeta & Mohalik, R. (2019). Vocational Knowledge of Students at Secondary Level in Jharkhand. International Journal of English Language, Literature &Literature, 7(9), pp.234-249. ISSN-2329-7065.
- Sethy, R. & Mohalik, R. (2019). Smart Classroom for Teaching Learning at Secondary Level in West Bengal: An Exploratory Study. American Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(1), pp.129-137. eISSN-2520-5382.
- Barik, M & Mohalik, R. (2018). Uses of Digital Technology by Teachers and Students at Senior Secondary Level. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, 6(48), pp.11390-11401, ISSN-2278-8808.
- Barman, S. & Mohalik, R.(2018). Leadership style of Head teachers at secondary level in West Bengal. International Journal of Education and Psychological Research, 7(3), pp.32-36, ISSN-2349-0853, September 2018.
- Mohalik, R.&Sethy, R. (2018). Status of Secondary Education in Jharkhand in the Context of RMSA. Education India Journal, 7(3), pp.134-154. ISSN-2278-2435.
- Mahananda, P. & Mohalik, R. (2018). Right to Free and Compulsory Education in Western Odisha: An Analysis. Journal of Research in Education, 6(1),pp. 18-31. ISSN-2347-5676.
- Mohalik, R. (2018). Implementation of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 in Jharkhand: A Status Study. International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sociology and Humanities, 3(6), pp.12-20. ISSN-2456-4931.
- Mohalik, R. (2018). Awareness of Stakeholders about the RTE Act 2009 in Jharkhand. Education Times, 8(5), pp.81-90. ISSN-2319-8265.
- Dora, P. S., & Mohalik, R. (2017). Uses of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) by Social Science Teachers in Classroom Transaction at Elementary Level. The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 4(10), pp.4082-4089. ISSN-2349-2031.
- Kumar, R., & Mohalik, R. (2017). Perception of Teacher Educators towards Professional Development. International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sociology and Humanities, 2(8), pp.16-23. ISSN-2456-4931.
- Goswami, M., Mohalik, R. & Rath, K (2017). Education of Teacher Educator: A New Discipline. Education India Journal, 6(3), pp.93-115. ISSN-2278-2435.
- Kumar, V & Mohalik, R (2017). Role of PRI Members in Managing Elementary Education in Bihar. R A Journal of Applied Research, 3(6), pp.332-337. ISSN-2394-6709.
- Kumar, B & Mohalik, R (2017). The Right to Education Act 2009 in Jharkhand: Problems and Challenges, edited book by Tripathi, D (Human Rights), Institute for Social Development & Research, Ranchi, pp.30-39. ISBN-978-93-84686-536.
- Mohalik, R. (2017). Awareness, Initiatives and Challenges in Implementation of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 in Odisha. Social Science and Humanities Journal, Vol-2, Issue-1, 2017,pp.1-7.
- Mohalik, R & Behera, D. (2016). Quality of Secondary Education in Jharkhand in the Context of RMSA. The Ravenshaw Journal of Educational Studies. Vol-5 (1&2), pp.112-122.
- Bhowmick, S. & Mohalik, R. (2016). Role of Neo-Humanist Education in Moral Development of Children at Primary Level: A Case Study. Himalayan Journal of Social Sciences, Vol-vi, Issue-2, October 2016, pp.59-68.
- Bhowmick, S. & Mohalik, R. (2016). Role of Neo-Humanist Education in Socio-Emotional Development of Primary School Children: A Case Study of Ananda Marga School. European Academic Research, Vol-IV, Issue-6, September 2016, pp.5623-5639.
- Gadatia, B S. & Mohalik, R. (2016). Life skills need assessment among tribal students at secondary level, Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities Vol. 5(3) August 2016, p.7-17.
- Chhotai, S. & Mohalik, R. (2016). Meta-cognitive skills in relation to sex, parental education and achievement of elementary school students, Asian Journal of Management Sciences& Education, Vol. 5(3) July 2016, pp.71-77.
- Bera, S. & Mohalik, R. (2016). Effectiveness of Concept Mapping Strategy on Cognitive Processes in Science at Secondary Level. European Academic Research, Vol.IV, Issue-4, July 2016, pp.3613-3630.
- Mohalik, R. (2016). Proceedings of the Conference on Quality Assurance in School Education, RIE Bhubaneswar.
- Mohalik, R. (2015). Constructivism and Student Evaluation, in Dutta Tapan Kumar (Ed), Constructivism in Education, (pp.13-20), Kumud Publications, Delhi, ISBN-978-93-82885-21-4.
- Mahananda, P. and Mohalik, R. (2015). Awareness of Stakeholders about the Provisions of the RTE Act 2009. Journal of Education in Twenty First Century, (pp.51-59), APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, ISSN-2394-7845, Vol-II, No-1.
- Dora, P. and Mohalik, R. (2015). Role Conflict of Secondary School Teachers in Relation to School Organisatinal Climate. International Journal of Educational Administration and Management, (pp.204-114), APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, ISSN-2348-9332, Vol-II, No-1.
- Panda, P. and Mohalik, R. (2015). Teaching English by Cooperative Learning Strategy at Elementary Level: Roles of Teacher, Education Times, (pp.209-213), APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, ISSN-2319-8265, Vol-4, No-1, December 2015.
- Bhattacharya, D. and Mohalik, R (2015). Effectiveness of Teaching Social Studies for Developing Higher Order Cognitive Process: A Critical Analysis. International Journal in Economics and Social Sciences, pp.19-24, Vol-5, No-12, ISSN-2249-7382.
- Bhattacharya, D. and Mohalik, R (2015). Problems Faced by the SMC Members in Implementing the RTE Act 2009: An Analysis, Eduquest; An International Referred Journal in Education, Vol-IV, No-2, pp.15-24, ISSN-2277-3616.
- Bhattacharya, D. and Mohalik, R (2015). Availability and Utilization of Teaching Learning Materials and Basic Infrastructure in Primary Schools of ContaiMuncipality: A Filed Study, International Journal in Management and Social Science, pp.152-163, Vol-3, No-12, ISSN-2321-1784.
- Bhattacharya, D. and Mohalik, R (2015). Role Perception and Role Performance of SMC Members towards Implementation of the RTE Act, 2009, PRANGNYA-Journal of Social Sciences, (pp.56-63), AMARISATYA, Khordha, Odisha, ISSN-2229-4864, Vol-5, No-4, June 2015.
- Roy, R. & Mohalik, R. (2015). Academic Leadership in School Education, in Panigrahi Manas Ranjan (Ed), Educational Leadership and Management, (pp.155-165), RenuPublishers , New Delhi.
- Sahoo, B.N. & Mohalik, R. (2014). Impact of Career Guidance on Career Awareness of Students at Secondary Level. Shodha Samiksha, 4 (1), pp.1-13. ISSN: 2249-5045 by RathaSevaPratishthanam, Odisha.
- Panda, S. & Mohalik, R. (2014). Exploring Relationship between Content Knowledge of Secondary School Science Teacher with their Pedagogical Competency: Challenges to Science Teacher Education. Journal of Educational Thoughts, 1 (2), pp. 6-12, ISSN: 23481714 by NathulalDasB.Ed College, West Bengal.
- Bharati, P and Mohalik, R. (2014). Pedagogical content knowledge of science teachers at secondary school level. The Ravenshaw Journal of Educational Studies, 3 (1&2), pp.111-120. ISSN:2314-7374 by Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha.
- Mohalik, R. (2014). Effectiveness of Cooperative Teaching on Achievement in English at Elementary Level. The Sikshachintan, 8, pp.9-17. ISSN: 0973-5461 by Ramakrishna Mission Sikshanamandira, Kolkata, West Bengal.
- Mohalik, R. (2014). Attitude of Two yearB.Ed Trainees towards Internship in Teaching Programme. The Education Today, 5 (1), pp.146-153. ISSN: 2229-5755 by APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.
- Mohalik, R. (2014). Social Science and Its Importance, in the Social Science for the Diploma in Elementary Education, (pp.24-40) IGNOU, New Delhi.
- Mohalik, R. (2014). Elementary Education in Odisha in the Context of the RTE act, 2009, in Mete and Mondal (Ed), Right to Education; the Way Forward (pp.42-55), APH Publications, New Delhi.
- Mohalik, R. (2013). Teacher Preparation for ECCE: Issues and Concerns, in Mishra (Ed), Teacher Education: Issues and Innovations, (pp.46-58), Atlantic Publishers, New Delhi.
- Mohalik, R. (2013). Content, Pedagogy and Technology Integration for Effective Teacher in Digital Age, in Mete and Mondal (Ed), Teacher Education, (pp.272-281), APH Publications, New Delhi.
- Mohalik, R. (2013). Researches in Teacher Education: An analysis, in Pany and Mohanty (Ed), Teacher Education in India, (pp.97-103),Shipra Publications, New Delhi.
- Mohalik, R. (2013). Social Science and Its Importance, in the Course of Teaching of Social Science for the Diploma in Elementary Education by IGNOU, New Delhi, ISBN-978-81-266-6540-2, pp.24-40.
- Prajapati, R. and Mohalik, R. (2013). Job Satisfaction of Teacher educators in Relation to Sex, Qualification, Experience and Age at Secondary Level. The International Educational E Journal, ISSN-2277-2454.
- Bera, S. and Mohalik, R. (2013). Effect of Concept Mapping Teaching Strategy on Achievement in Science at Secondary Level. The Education and Welfare-A Peer Reviewed Journal, Vol-2, No-1, ISSN-2320-1762, pp.-32-38, APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.
- Gadatia, B and Mohalik, R. (2013). Academic Achievement Goal Orientation of Pupil-Teachers in Relation to their Demographic Variables. The ShaikshikParisamvad (An International Journal of Education), Vol-3, No-2, pp.1-8, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
- Prajapati, R. and Mohalik, R. (2013). Teacher Effectiveness of Teacher Educators in Relation to Sex, Qualification, Experience and Age at Secondary Level. Prangnya Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN-2229-4864, Vol-3, No-4, pp.39-45.
- Mohalik, R. and Mahananda, P. (2013). Effect of Intervention on Language Skills in Odia of Banjara Tribes of Oidsha. The Soudh Samiksha: National Journal of Research in Education and Sanskrit, Vol-3, Issue-1, ISSN-2249-5045, pp.40-50, Rath SevaPratistan, Odisha.
- Sethy, R and Mohalik, R. (2013). Views of Women towards Education and Employment of Girls in Khordha District, Odisha. The Journal of Education and Development, Vol-3, No-6, ISSN-2248-9703, pp.114-120.
- Panda, S. and Mohalik, R. (2013). A Modern Approach to Train Bioscience Teachers in Biotechnology at Secondary Level. the Eduquest: An International, Referred Journal in Education, ISSN-2277-3614, Vol-2, Issue-1, published by JK College, Purulia, West Bengal.
- Sethy, R and Mohalik, R. (2013). Achievement and Social Adjustment of Elementary School Children in Relation to Working Mother. The Education India Journal: A Quarterly Referred Journal of Dialogues on Education, ISSN-2278-2438, Vol-2, No-2, pp.75-95.
- Panda, S. and Mohalik, R. (2012). Observation Schedule for Assessing Pedagogical Competency of Science Teachers at Secondary Level. The School Science, Vol-50, No-2, ISSN-0972-5060, pp.52-61. By NCERT, New Delhi.
- Mohalik, R. and Dash, N. (2012). Internet Knowledge of PG Students in Relation to Sex, Stream and Socio Economic Status. The Journal of education and development, Vol-2, No-4, ISSN-2248-9703, pp.165-172.
- Mohalik, R. and Mahananda, P. (2012). Professional Accountability of Teachers as Perceived by Teacher Educators. Education India Journal, ISSN-2278-2435.
- Mohalik, R. (2012). Job Satisfaction of Teacher Educators at Secondary Level. Shodha Samiksha-National Journal of Research in Education and Sanskrit, Vol-2, No-1, ISSN- ISSN-2249-5045.
- Mohalik, R. (2012). Curriculum Transaction in Perspectives of National Curriculum Framework- 2005 at Secondary Level: An Analytical Study. Aneswan Journal of Education, Haryana, Vol-2, No-1, pp.-109-116, ISSN-2249-3794.
- Mohalik, R. (2012). Quality Issues in In-Service Teacher Education. The Light of Education, Vol-1, No-1, pp.-18-25, ISSN-2277-4556.
- Mohalik, R. (2011). Universalisation of Secondary Education in Odisha: An Analysis. Shodha Samiksha: Journal of Research in Education and Sanskrit, ISSN-224-5045.
- Mohalik, R and Panda, S. (2011). Teaching Competency of Primary School Teachers in Relation to their Qualification, Experience and Sex in Bhubaneswar City. Prangnya-Journal of Social Science, ISSN-2229-4864.
- Mohalik, R. and Sethy, R. (2010). Instructional Leadership Behavior of Elementary School Head Teacher. Vision Research Journal of Education, ISSN-2230-9071.
- Mohalik, R. (2010). Internship Programme in TTIs in Relation to their Climate at Secondary Level. Prangnya-Journal of Social Science, ISSN-2229-4864.
- Mohalik, R. (2008). Impact of In-service Teacher Education Programmes on Teacher Effectiveness and Students Achievement in English. The Journal of Indian Education, NCERT, New Delhi.
- Mohalik, R. (2007). Innovative Evaluation Strategy for Quality Secondary Education. The Journal; Board of Secondary Education, Cuttack,Odisha.
Books Written
- Mohalik, R. &Hrahsel, L. (2012). Attitude towards Teaching of Primary School Teachers. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Germany. ISNN-9783-6592-78426.
- Mohalik, R. & Panda, S. (2012). Teaching Competency of Primary School Teachers. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Germany. ISNN-9783-6592-72127.
- Mohalik, R. (2012). Teacher Education for Secondary Level. LAP Lambert Academcu Publishing. Germany. ISNN-9783-6592-62364.
- Mohalik, R. (2010). In-service Teacher Education, Mahamaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2010, ISBN-978-81-8325-093-1
Invited Lectures/Speakers/Key Note Speakers/Chairpersons in National and International Seminars/Webinars/Workshops/ FDPs
- Panellist in the Live Interaction programme in the PMeVidya Channel-6 on Home Schooling: Skills and Strategies on 26th February (5.00-5.30PM).
- Keynote speaker in the International Conference on Perspectives of Inclusive Education: Practices, Issues and Challenges in the Context of Covid 19 on 10th August 2021 (5-8PM) organised by RATE, West Bengal. Spoke on Inclusive Education and NEP 2020.
- Lead speaker on Use of technology in education in the Institute level webinar for celebration of one year NEP 2020 on 10th August 2021 (3-5PM) organised by RIE Bhubaneswar.
- Chaired the session on Higher Education: Pandemic & Beyond in the international conference entitled International Conference on STEAM Education(ICS-21) organized byGlobal Educators Initiative for Sustainable Transformation) International Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 25th July 2021 (230-3.30PM) via zoom.
- Resource person in the 5 days online workshop on Digital learning in 21st century: An innovative practice in teaching learning from 21-25 June 2021. Amity University, Noida, UP. Spoke on innovative ICT tools for teaching on 25th June 2021.
- Resource person in the 15 days online FDP on ICT tools in research of social sciences and humanities from 16-30 June 202, Dept. of Education, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack. Spoke on Introduction to SPSS on 23rd and QDA Miner Lite on 28th June.
- Resource person in the one day online workshop on strengthening qualitative research in education, organised by Dept. of Education, Delhi University on 13th March 2021. Spoke on Grounded theory as research method (11.15-12.30).
- Resource person in the short term course on Learning Outcomes and Educational Reform – Pedagogy, Assessment and Quality Assurance, organised by HRDC, GuriGhasi Das Central University, Bilaspur. Spoke on open book examination on 12th March 2021 (12.15-1.45PM)
- Resource person in the Induction training for newly recruited education officers of Jharkhand on 8-9 March 2021, organised by ATC, Ranchi. Spoke on Pre-service teacher education and role of education officers.
- Keynote speaker in the International webinar on Education for 21st Century skills; Prospectus for school and higher education, organised by Udala College, Udala on 5th March 2021 (2.45-5.30PM).
- Speaker in the National Webinar on NEP 2020: Revisiting ancient Indian Knowledge system for Atmanirvar Bharat, on 28th February 2021 (2-5PM) organised by IGNOU, RC, Itanagar. Spoke on Indian Higher education and role of teachers for capacity building as envisioned in NEP 2020.
- Panellist in the Live Interaction programme in the Swayam Prabha TV Channel on Dealing with Board Examinations on 26th February (5.00-5.30PM).
- Delivered lecture in the International webinar on ShriiAnandamurtiji's contribution to philosophy, science and education on 26th February 2021 (4.00-4.30PM) organised by Renaissance Universal (RU), Kolkata and JNU, Delhi. Spoke on Basics of Neo-humanist education.
- Delivered lecture as speaker in the seven days FDP on empowering teacher education and technology organised by Darhal Govt. Degree College, J & Kashmir & Cape Comorin Trust, Tamilnadu. Spoke on Integrating content and pedagogy for effective teaching on 24th February 2021 (6-7.30PM).
- Delivered lecture as resource person in the three-day National Webinar on NEP 2020: Reflections on School Education, Teacher Education and Higher Education held from 11-13 February 2021 by Rajendra Academy for Teachers Education. Spoke on NEP 2020 and Higher Education on 13th February 2021 (11.00AM-12.30PM)
- Delivered lecture in the online orientation programme 11.02.2021 (3,45-5.15PM) organised HRDC, Burdwan University, WB. Spoke on Innovative assessment techniques (Open book examination & Portfolio assessment)
- Delivered lecture in the online refresher course on education organised by HRDC Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur, MP. Spoke on role of innovative assessment in educational reform on 18th January 2021 (1.45-3.15PM).
- Panellist in the International round table conference on report card in learning during Pandemic time on 16th January 2021 organised by Rajagiri Media Trust, Kochi, Kerala. Spoke on role NCERT during COVID for promotion education.
- Panellist in the Live Interaction programme in the Swayam Prabha TV Preparing for Board Examinations on 15th January 2021 (5.00-5.30PM).
- Delivered lecture in the one day National webinar on Educational transformation through NEP 2020 on 13 January 2021 organised by Udala College, Udala, Odisha. Spoke on transformation of school education through NEP 2020.
- Delivered lecture in the two days National webinar on parenting, schooling and cognition from 10-11 January 2021 organised by DIET Baripada, Odisha. Spoke on Education in post COVID.
- Delivered lecture in the International webinar on ShriiAnandamurtiji's contribution to philosophy, science and education on 28th December 2020 organised by Kurukhetra University, Haryana. Spoke in concept and purpose of Neo-humanist education.
- Delivered lecture in the International webinar on P R Sarakar's contribution to education on 18th December 2020, organised by Kolhan University, Chaibasa, Jharkhand. Spoke on relevance of neo-humanist education for day society.
- Panellist in the Live Interaction programme in the Swayam Prabha TV Channel on Dealing with Examinations during COVID 19 on 4th December 2020 (5.00-5.30PM).
- Delivered lecture on Neo-humanist education in the context of NEP 2020 in the two days National Webinar on ShriiShriiAnandamurtijii'scontribution organised by the Department of Sanskrit and Philosophy, Rajasthan University in collaboration with Renaissance Universal, from 26-27, November 2020.
- Resource person in the PAC programme of NCERT on awareness programme for SMC members of Chilika Block on 16th November 2020, organised by the RIE Bhubaneswar.
- Participated as speaker in the Live Interaction Programme in the Swayam Prabha TV Channel on Being an Independent Learner on 20 October 2020 (5.00-5.30PM).
- Delivered keynote address in the Regional Webinar on Decoding NEP 2020 organised by Brajrajnagar College, Jharsuguda and Govt. ETEI, Baripada on 13 October 2020. Spoke on Future of School Education.
- Delivered lecture in the International Confluence of Educational Excellence (ICEE) on Education 4.0: Unmasked and Sanitized, organised by GDF on 26 September 2020. Spoke on Implementation: Through Action Research.
- Delivered lecture in the National Webinar on NEP 2020: Integration and Implementation of ICT in Higher Education, organised by Harimohan Ghose College, Kolkata on 26 September 2020.
- Delivered lecture in the National Webinar on ICT integration in teaching and assessment, organised by Pattmundai College, Odisha on 24 September 2020.
- Participated in the Board of Studies in Education, School of Education, GM University, Sambalpur as a member on 18 September 2020.
- Delivered lecture in the National webinar on policy concerns in teacher education under National Education Policy 2020 on 10 September 2020, organised by Sukhla Devi Academy for BEd and DEd, Haripur, West Bengal.
- Participated in the Curriculum Review Meeting of Rajendra Academy of Teachers Education, West Bengal as Advisory Member on 10 September 2020.
- Participated as speaker in the Live Interaction Programme in the Swayam Prabha TV Channel on Becoming an Effective Digital Learner on 31 August 2020 (5.00-5.30PM).
- Delivered lecture in the online faculty development programme on professional development challenges and responses organised by Rajendra Academy of Teachers Education, Durgapur, West Bengal on 28 August 2020. Spoke on effective classroom management by using technology.
- Chaired the session in the International Webinar on post pandemic quality assurance in higher education on 14 August 2020, organised by Mazbat College Assam.
- Delivered lecture in the International virtual conference on World after Covid-19: The future of higher education, organised by Sothfield College, Darjeeling , WB from 3-4 August 2020. Spoke on perspectives of online courses in higher education.
- Delivered lecture in the Online International FDP on Creativity and Innovation in Teaching and Learning held at Mazbat College, Assam from 28th July to 3rd August 2020 . Spoke on Innovative Evaluation Tools in Education on 30.07.20.
- Participated as speaker in the Live Interaction Programme in the Swayam Prabha TV Channel on Screen time in the context of online learning on 23rd July 2020 (5.00-5.30PM).
- Delivered lecture on Tools and Applications for Online Teaching in the International Webinar Technology in 2020s Classroom, organised by Kalyani Mahavidyalaya& S Sengupta Mahavidyalaya, WB on 21st July 2020.
- Demonstrated the process of using Goolge Meet for taking Online class to Faculty members of RIE Bhubaneswar on 9th July 2020.
- Delivered lecture on Online teaching Vs. Traditional teaching on 5 July 2020 in the National Webinar organised by Mazbet College, Assam.
- Delivered lecture on Online teaching and assessment on 4 July 2020 in the National Webinar organised by Apollo College, Drug, Chhatishgarh.
- Delivered lecture on Online teaching as an alternative approach to education on 30 June 2020 in the National Webinar organised by Dr. B R Ambedkar University , Andhra Pradesh.
- Delivered lecture on ICT for sustainable teaching and assessment on 26 June 2020 in the National Webinar organised by YS PalparaMahavidyalaya, West Bengal.
- Participated as Resource person in the Online workshop to review mobile applications organised by CIET, New Delhi from 22-26 June 2020.
- Chaired the session in the International Webinar on Alternative assessment and evaluation in teacher education organised by MGAHV, Wardha on 16-17 June 2020.
- Delivered lecture on Becoming an effective techno-pedagogue on 9 June 2020 in the FDP organised by East Calcutta College, West Bengal.
- Delivered lecture on Techno andragogy skills: concepts and applications on 2 June 2020 in the FDP organised by Cooch Behar College, West Bengal.
- Delivered lecture on e-learning @ techno-pedagogical skills on 30 May 2020 in the National Webinar organised by MG Central University, Bihar.
- Delivered lecture on Blooms Taxonomy in Assessment on 19 May 2020 in the Webinar organised by SIET, UP Teachers Association,UP.
- Delivered lecture on ICT based teaching during the Pandemic on 16 May 2020 in National Webinar organised by GC Paul College of Education, Assam.
- Delivered key note address in the national seminar on preparation of e-portfolio in education. 19-20 January 2020, GM University Sambalpur, Odisha.
- Delivered lecture on Academic Writing and ICT in Educational Research. Five days capacity building workshop for teacher educators under PMMMNMTT, 12th December 2019, Pondicherry University.
- Delivered lecture on Academic Writing to the Students and Faculty members of Kazi Nazrul University, WB on 22nd August 2019.
- Delivered lecture on Teaching as Challenging Career to trainees and faculty members of Bhagabati Devi Primary Teachers Training Institute, WB on 7th February 2019.
- Uses of SPSS for data analysis. Delivered lecture as resource person in the 10 days research methodology course for Mphil and PhD scholars in social sciences organized by RIE Ajmer from 13-22 December 2018.
- Delivered talk on Analysis of syllabus, course construction and planning instruction to training to trainers on 5th May and 25th June 2018 organised by Centurion University, Khordha.
- Delivered talk on Adolescent Issues to PGTs of DAV schools on 17th May 2018 at DAV school, Pokhariput, Bhubaneswar.
- Resource Person in the Orientation on basic computer training and integration on ICT programme on 2-6 January 2018 at TE & SCERT, Odisha. Talk on Basics of Excel.
- Resource person in the National Rural Tribal Youth Convention organized by RIE Bhubaneswar from 26-30 December 2017.
- Delivered talk on Development of Digital Literacy in the workshop held on 29th November 2017 organised by Gadibraham College, Puri, Odisha.
- Internal resource person in the tool development workshop for a study on secondary school mathematics classroomsof Bhubaneswar, from 3-5 October, 2017.
- IRP in the tool development workshop for the research study on zero pass percentage schools in Jharkhand at secondary and senior secondary level from 20-22 September 2017.
- IRP in the PAC programme for assessing needs of science teachers of Jharkhand state from 29-31 August 2017 at Ranchi.
- IRP in the pre-internship conference for B.Ed students of RIE Bhubaneswar from 27-30 June 2017.
- IRP in the tutorial programme for DCGC on 29th May to 1st June 2017 at RIE BBSR.
- Resource person in the Tarunustov at KV-3 BBSR on 25th April 2017. Talk on Planning Career to class X and XI appear students.
- IRP in the tutorial programme for DCGC trainees on 18th April 2017 at RIE BBSR.
- Resource person in workshop for developing B.EdM.Ed Integrated Curriculum, organized by RIE BBSR from 27-29 March 2017.
- Resource person in the capacity building of teacher educators in action research, organized by the RIE Ajmer at RICM, Chandigarh on 21-23 March 2017.
- Resource person in the PAC programme-Training computer teachers of Bihar. Talk on Mobile as Learning Tool, on 20th March 2017 at RIE BBSR.
- Resource person in the Orientation on Basic Computer Training and Integration of ICT Programme, organized by the TE and SCERT, Odisha at RIE BBSR on 28th November- 2nd December 2016, spoke on Uses of Excel.
- Resource Person in the Training Programme on Inclusive Education in the Area of Minorities and Socially Disadvantaged at Elementary Stage for KRPs West Bengal from 16th to 20th Feb, 2015 , held at SCERT, Kolkata. Discussed on‘The RTE Act, 2009 and Children With Special Needs’ on 19th and 20th, Feb, 2015.
- Coordinator for orientation programme for the Principals of JNVs on Guidance and Counselling from 1th to 13th , February, 2015 at RIE, Bhubaneswar. Talk on Planning and Implementing School Guidance programme and Expectations from school counsellor.
- Resource person in the Orientation of DIET faculty members for improvement of Science and Mathematics Education at Upper Primary stage under SSA held at RIE, Bhubaneswar from 16-20, February, 2015. Discussed on Concept Mapping in Science and Mathematics Teaching on 17th February, 2015.
- Resource person in training programme on Gender Sensitization, Guidance and Counselling for Master Resource Persons of Odisha, held from 18-20th, December, 2014 at RIE, Bhubaneswar. Funded by Odisha Madhyamika Sikshya Mission, Bhubaneswar.
- Resource person in the in-service training course for school teachers organized by HariharanandaBalashram, Kendarapara on 10th and 11th January, 2015.
- Resource person/Judge in the Annual Project Display organized by DAV Public school, C S Pur, Bhubaneswar on 13th December, 2014.
- Resource person in the Workshop on Developing Higher Order Thinking Skills for PRTs (Languages) organized by DAV Public school, Kaling Nagar, Bhubaneswar on 14th November, 2014.
- Resource person in the Workshop on Developing Higher Order Thinking Skills for PRTs (Science and Math) organized by DAV Public school, Unit-VIII, Bhubaneswar on 13th November, 2014.
- Delivered invited lecture at Uday Memorial B.Ed College, Ranchi, Jharkhand on Becoming an Effective Teacher on 20th September, 2014.
- Resource person in the Workshop on Blooms Taxonomy and Development of Questions for TGT, social science organized by DAV Public school, CS Pur, Bhubaneswar on 30th August, 2014.
- Resource person in RMSA Workshop on 21-09-2014 organized by RIE, Bhubaneswar. Talk on Gender Sensitization through Education.
- Resource person in the training on developing teaching skills in classroom, workshop and laboratory, from 21st to 25th July, 2014 organized by PSSCIVE, Bhopal. Delivered talk on Effective Teaching on 24th July, 2014.
- Delivered lecture on Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorder to KVS teachers in workshop on inclusive education organized by the KZIET on 24-10-2013.
- Delivered lecture on Provisions of the RTE Act, 2009 to DMS, Bhubaneswar teachers on 10-05-2013.
- Delivered lecture on Features of National Curriculum Framework-2005 to teachers of NVS, Durgapur on 01-07-2013.
- Invited lecture to SAI international school, Bhubaneswar, on 09-05- 2012 (About NCF-2005 and its Background)
- Invited lecture to orientation programme of KV teachers held at KV-1, Bhubaneswar, June, 2008 (Guidance and Counselling for senior secondary students).
- Invited lecture to train teachers of DAV School, Chaibasa, Jharkhand on Guidance and Counselling in June, 2007.
National and International Conference/Workshop Participated
- Mohalik, R. (2021). E-readiness and perception of student teachers towards online learning in the midst of COVID-19. Education beyond face to face mode: opportunities and challenges. IUCTE, MS University of Baroda, Gujrat. 25-27, March 2021.
- Mohalik, R. (2021). Perception of prospective teachers towards ICT integration in Teaching learning process for improving HOT skills. 1st International conference on emerging trends in ICT in Education, CIET, New Delhi, 24-26, March 2021.
- Mohalik, R. (2021). Three days workshop for development of question bank in language, social science, science and mathematics. 16-18 March 2021. RIE Bhubaneswar.
- Mohalik, R. (2020). National Conclave on School Education in 21st Century, organised by Ministry of Education, GoI, New Delhi, 10-11, September 2020.
- Mohalik, R. (2020). Benchmarks of Research. Attended as participants. 15th May 2020. Loyal College of education, Chennai.
- Mohalik, R. (2020). Cultivating a positive attitude for professional excellence. Participated as participant. 13th May 2020. Colombo Plan Staff College.
- Bhattacharya, D & Mohalik, R. (2020). Mind mapping strategy: Can it enhance students learning achievement in social science at elementary level. In the international conference on education in the 21st century, 21-23 February 2020, RIE Bhubaneswar.
- Mohalik R. (2019). Development and Finalisation of Research Tools on RTE Act Implementation. Participated as resource person. 11-13 November 2019, RIE Mysore.
- Mohalik, R (2019). Research and Teacher Development. Delivered as resource person in the International Seminar on Utility of Research Methodology in multidisciplinary Studies: An Explorative Approach organized by SabujBEd College, West Bengal on 22 January 2019.
- Mohalik, R (2018). Participated in the workshop for finalizing syllabus for semester system of examination for MEd under CBCS on 6-10 February 2018 organised by RIE Ajmeer.
- Mohalik, R. (2018). Teacher Performance Assessment Practices in KVs: A Critical Analysis. In the National Seminar on Performance Assessment in Education: Towards Quality and Excellence on 6-7 March 2018 organised by Inter University Centre for Teachers Education, The MS University, Baroda.
- Mohalik, R. (2018). Participated as Resource person in the workshop for reconstruction of PG courses of Department of Education on 5th and 6th April 2018 organised by Cooch Behar PanchananBarma University, West Bengal.
- Mohalik, R. (2018). Participated in the workshop on Aspirational District on 19th June 2018 held at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi organized by the MHRD, Govt. of India.
- Mohalik, R. (2018). Participated in the sharing of experiences of Education practices in states: meeting with state coordinators of RIEs held on 7-9 August 2018 organised by the PMD, NCERT, New Delhi.
- Mohalik, R. (2017). Gender Sensitization through Educational Institutions, in the National Seminar on Women Empowerment, organized by the PG Dept. of Education, SB Womens College, Cuttack on 29th January 2017.
- Mohalik, R. (2017). Quality Dimensions in Evaluating Social Sciences, presented paper in the National Seminar on Research in Social Sciences Education in Indian Schools, organized by the NCERT, at New Delhi, 15-17, March 2017.
- Mohalik, R. (2017). Implementation of the RTE Act 2009 in Tribal Dominated Districts of Odisha: An Analysis, in the UGC-National Seminar on Right to Education and its Implementation-Issues and Challenges, organized by the Dept. of Education, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, on 31st March 2017.
- Mohalik, R. (2017). Content, pedagogy and technology integration for teaching, in the seminar organized by RaiganjB.Ed College, WB on 24th June 2017.
- Mohalik, R. (2017). Role of PRI members in managing elementary education in the context of the RTE Act 2009. In the National Conference on Human Right Rights Education organized by RIE BBSR from 7-8 December 2017.
- Mohalik, R (2016). e-content development, participated as participant, CIET at RIE BBSR, 8-12 February 2016.
- Mohalik, R (2016). National meet on community involvement and mobilization in school education. Participated as participant, RMSA Cell, NCERT, 15-17, March 2015.
- Mohalik, R. (2016). Uses of statistical methodology and Its Implications in Filed Survey. Participated as Resource Person. National workshop on policy formulation on systematic execution of various project/field based studies with special reference to practicum of 2 year B.Ed course under the new regulations 2014, PanskuraBanamali College, West Bengal, 29-30, March 2016.
- Mohalik, R. (2016). Researches in Teacher Education, in the ICSSR-Research Methodology Course on Qualitative Research in Social Sciences, organized by the Dept. of Education, Visva-Bharati, Santinikentan, 11-20 April 2016.
- Mohalik, R. (2016). Overview on New Education Policy, in the Divisional Level Seminar on Quality Education, organized by the RDDE, Kolhan, Chaibasa, Jharkhand, at Auto Cluster, Adityapur on 28th October 2016.
- Mohalik, R. (2016). Teaching as Profession and Teacher as Career Master, in the UGC-National Seminar on Guidance and Counselling for College Students-Necessity and Implementation, organized by PanihatiMahavidyalaya, Kolkata, from 18-19, November 2016.
- Mohalik, R. (2016). Pedagogical Content Knowledge: An Enhanced Skill Based Components for Effective Teaching, presented paper in the National Conference on Mathematics Education, organized by NCERT, at RIE BBSR, December 19-20, 2016.
- Mohalik, R. (2015). Workshop on Teacher Education Regulations 2014; Norms and Standards and New Curriculum Frameworks. Participated as participant, organized by the NCTE at RIE, Bhubaneswar from 21st and 22nd , February, 2015.
- Mohalik, R. (2015). Paradigms in Educational Research. National workshop on educational research, Participated as Resource person, Zakir Hossain B.Ed College, Murshidabad, West Bengal, 15th October 2015.
- Mohalik, R. (2015). Instructional leadership among school Heads. Conference on quality assurance in school education, presented paper, RIE BBSR, 17-18 December 2015.
- Mohalik, R (2015). Conference of Directors of SCERTs/SIEs, Dept. of Teacher Education, NCERT, New Delhi, 28-29, 2016, Participated as Representative of RIE BBSR.
- Mohalik, R. (2014). Teacher education, Classrooms, Institutions and Policies. Chair in the National Seminar on Treasure of Tranquility: Philosophical Legacy of Indian Education, Vinaya Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, 3-4, February, 2014.
- Mohalik, R. (2014). Freedom Movement, National Integration, Globalised Indian and Vivekananda. Chair in the National Seminar on Yuganayak Swami Vivekananda: The Educationist Par Excellence-A Great Luminary of Moderns Times, by Union Christian Training College, Berhampore, West Bengal, 27-28, March, 2014.
- Mohalik, R. (2014). Applications of SPSS in Social Science Research. UGC Sponsored National Workshop on ComputerApplication in Social Science Research. Participated as resource person, Tulasi Women’s College, Kendrapara, Odisha, 21-22, December, 2014.
- Mohalik, R. (2014). Quality Concerns in Teacher Education. National Conference on Quality Assurance in Education. Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha, 26th and 27th December, 2014.
- Mohalik, R. (2014). Implementation of the RTE Act and Rules with Special Reference to Tribal area. State level seminar on the RTE Act and Rules. Participated as Resource Person, Hotel Kalinga Ashoka, Bhubaneswar organized by SCSTERT, Odisha, , 28th and 29th May, 2014.
- Mohalik, R. (2014). Short term course on SPSS. Participated as participant, Academic Staff College, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 18th August to 23rd August, 2014.
- Mohalik, R. (2014). Applications of SPSS in Social Science Research. UGC Sponsored National Workshop on ComputerApplication in Social Science Research. Participated as Resource Person, Tulasi Women’s College, Kendrapara, Odisha, 21st and 22nd , December, 2014.
- Mohalik, R. (2014). Quality Concerns in Teacher Education. National Conference on Quality Assurance in Education. Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha, 26th and 27th December, 2014.
- Mohalik, R. (2013). Education as Means of Preservation and Transmission of Indigenous Knowledge. Traditional Knowledge and Practices for sustainable Development. Participated as resource person, IMMT, Bhubaneswar, 15-04-2013.
- Mohalik, R. (2013). Exclusion in Education: Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 in North East. Chair in the National Seminar on Marginalized Community, social exclusion and globalization: Northeast Perspective, Assam University, Silchar, 22-24, April, 2013.
- Mohalik, R. (2012). Inclusive education towards development of quality school education, in the National seminar organized by Jawaharalal Nehru College, Cuttack from 29-30, January, 2012.
- Mohalik, R. (2012). Reducing examination stress by using unconventional ways of evaluation students learning, in the National seminar organized by Union Christian Training College, West Bengal, from 4-5, October, 2012.
- Mohalik, R. (2011). Quality Elementary education in right of marginalized group in the National seminar organized by MaldaWomens College, Malda, West Bengal, from 25-26, February, 2011.
- Mohalik, R. (2011) Preparing ECCE functionaries: Issues and Concerns, in the National seminar organized by RIE, BBSR from 24-25, November, 2011.
- Mohalik, R. (2010). Constructivist perspectives of evaluating students learning in National seminar organized by RIE, BBSR from 17-19 March, 2010.
- Mohalik, R. (2010). Education as means of preservation and transmission of indigenous knowledge, in the National seminar organized by Purnarnaba Society, Santiniketan, on 12th Septmebr, 2010.
- Mohalik, R. (2010). Qualitative Data Analysis Attended in the national seminar organized by Odisha, Institute of Educational Research at RIE, BBSR from 24-26, October, 2010.
- Mohalik, R. (2010). Support service for distance learner in the Regional Seminar organized by IGNOU, Regional Centre, BBSR from 7-8, November, 2010.
- Mohalik, R. (2009). Movie as Pedagogic tool for teaching science at 5th National Teachers Science Congress, from 1-4, October, 2009 at RIE, Bhubaneswar.
- Coordinated two days online Rollout Workshop on UDL based Accessible Textbooks and Supplementary Readers for All on 11-12 February 2021as Nodal Officer. This programme is a sponsored project of Ministry of Education and NCERT.
- Coordinated one day virtual workshop for validation and contextualisation of Tools for the research project entitled Low attendance of students in Govt. elementary schools of Jharkhand on 10th November 2020.
- Coordinated two days workshop for the development of tools for the research project entitled Reorganisation and Merger of Schools at Elementary Level in the Context of the RTE Act 2009 in Jharkhand from 8-9 August 2019.
- Coordinated three days workshop for the development of tools for the research project entitled Impact of smart classroom on improving teaching learning processes at secondary level in WB from 28-29 August 2018.
- Coordinated workshop for the development of modules on Digital Literacy and e-learning for secondary school teachers of Bihar from 11-15 December 2017 at RIE Bhubaneswar.
- Coordinated one day orientation programme on SYSTAT on 17th April 2017 at RIE BBSR.
- Coordinated vetting workshop for class vi to viii textbooks of Jharkhand on 11-13 July 2017 at RIE BBSR.
- Coordinated the Regional Consultation on Educational Discrimination: NCF 2005 and Curriculum in Private Schools held at RIE Bhubaneswar on 26th September 2017. Sponsored by National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, New Delhi.
- Orientation programme on Guidance and Counselling for the State of West Bengal, 11-15 January 2016, SCERT. Kolkata.
- Coordinated Capacity Building of Teachers of SC/ST Dominated Areas School on Life Skills Education, 7-11, February 2016.
- Coordinated orientation programme for the Principals of JNVs on Guidance and Counselling from 11th to 13th , February, 2015 at RIE, Bhubaneswar.
- Coordinated PAC programme entitled Professional Development of RIE Faculty on Qualitative Research Paradigm in School Education from 18th June to 24th June, 2015.
- Coordinated Professional Development of RIE Faculty on Qualitative Research Paradigm in School Education, 18th June to 24th June, 2015, RIE BBSR.
- Coordinated District Level Consultation Meeting on New Education Policy for Jharkhand in 13th and 15th July 2015
- Coordinated Regional Level Consultation Meeting on New Education policy for the states of Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha on 15th October 2015
- Capacity Building Secondary School Teachers on Guidance and Counselling for Andaman and Nicober Islands, 30-11-15 to 4-12-15, SIE, Port Blair.
- Coordinated Conference on Quality Assurance in School Education, 17-18, December 2015, RIE BBSR.
- Coordinated Training programme on the RTE Act, 2009 for the KRPs of West Bengal state from 17-21, February, 2014.
- Organized Orientation Programme for Master Trainers in Sanskrit from Upper Primary to Higher Secondary Stage, from 10-13-03-2014 as Local coordinator.
- Coordinated Meeting of Experts for Translation Activity for NTS from 13-03-2014 to 21-03-2014, at RIE, Bhubaneswar.
- Coordinated PAC programme entitled Advance Research Methods and Data Analysis in Education for Faculty of RIE, Bhubaneswar from 4th June to 10th June, 2014 at RIE, Bhubaneswar.
- Coordinated orientation programme for Teacher Trainees of 2 yearB.Ed and Cooperating Teachers on internship in teaching from 3-4, July, 2014 at the Institute.
- Coordinated In-service computer training programme on SPSS for PGTs computer science organized by SIE, Port Blair from 3rd December to 5th December, 2014.
- Coordinated orientation programme for Teacher Trainees and Cooperating Teachers on internship in teaching from 25-28, June, 2013 at the Institute.
- Coordinated five days workshop for developing resource material on the section-29 of the RTE Act, 2009 for West Bengal state from 16-20, December, 2013.
- Coordinated Post Graduate Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling from 2006 to 2009 and International Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling from 2009 to 2010.
- Coordinated Training Programme on Curriculum Development for Secondary Level for the state of West Bengal in 2007-2008.
Other Information
Advisory Role/Committee Member
- Member in the Steering and Monitoring Committee of DISKHA, Govt. of Jharkhand vide order No. 03-47/2019/17-6, dated 23/07/2021.
- Member in the Managing Committee of Jharkhand Ashrama and Eklavya Vidyalaya Education Society, Govt. of Jharkhand vide letter No. 01-07/2013-390 dated 5/4/2021 and RIE BBS letter No. 47 dated 24/6/21.
- Expert committee member for formulating SuNandini programme (curriculum) of ICDS-BBOSE, Bihar vide letter No. 816-CEO dated 8/6/2021.
- Member in the Board of Studies in Education, P B University, Cooch Behera, West Bengal.
- Member in the Board of Studies in Education, G M University, Odisha.
- Member in the Dept. Research Committee (DRC) in Education, Utkal University.
- Member in the Board of Studies in Education, F M University, Odisha.
- Advisor to the Rajendra Academy for Teachers Education (RATE), West Bengal.
Editor/ Reviewer
- A quarterly refereed Journal of Dialogues on Education (ISSN-2278-2435)
- Eduquest: An International Referred Journal in Education (ISSN-2277-3619)
- ShodhaSamikhha: National Journal of Research in Education and Sanskrit (ISSN-2249-5045)
- Academia Letters. Academia. 580 California St., Suite 400, San Francisco, CA, 94104.
- Regional Institute of Education Bhubaneswar Journal of Research in School and Teacher Education.
- The Sikshachintan, A Journal of Education, RK Mission Sikshanamandira, West Bengal
- International Journal of Web Based Communities, Inderscience.
Member in Research Community
- ResearchGate (
- Academia (
- GoogleScholar
( - SSRN (