Personal Information
SL No. | Period | Designation | Description of Work |
01. | 1987-1990 | Asst. Professor (Govt. of Odisha) | Teaching in Graduate & Post Graduate, Evaluation |
02. | 1990-1997 | Asst. Professor, RIE, Mysore (NCERT) | Teaching in UG, PG & Teacher Training Research |
03. | 1997-1999 | Asst. Professor, RIE, Bhubaneswar (NCERT) | Teaching in UG, PG & Teacher Training Research |
04. | 1999-2007 | Associate Professor, RIE, Bhubaneswar (NCERT) | Teaching in UG, Teacher Training Development, Text Book writing, Research, Extension. |
05. | 2007-2018 (Cont.) | Professor, RIE, Bhubaneswar (NCERT) | Teaching in UG, Teacher Training, Development, Text Book writing, Research, Extension & Admin. |
Teaching and Training Experience :
- 10 Years Teaching Experience in Post Graduation( M.Sc. Ed.(Physics),RIE,MYSORE)
- 35 years of teaching experience in UG (B.Sc. B.Ed) and B.Ed Programme
- Training experience of in -service teachers of elementary, secondary and Higher secondary(Physics) level
Research Experience :
- Research experience in Nuclear Physics And Physics Education since 1983
- Published 10 research papers in Pure Physics in International Journals, 25 research papers in Physics
- Education in national Journals and international conference proceedings
Publications :
- Education of Teacher Educators : A New Discipline, M. Goswami, R. Mohalik & K.B. Rath, Educational India Journal, Vol.6, Issue-3, August-2017, pp 93-115.
- Exploring Pre service Science Teacher’s Ability in Integrating ICT During Internship in Teaching Programme, M. Goswami, Proceedings , Pan American Forum – 8, COL 26-27 Nov’2016, Asia University Publication(COL), Vol-8, pp 49- 55, Kualalampur, Malyasia.
- Exploring students’ Thought Process involved in the Interpretation of Electric Field and Field Lines, M. Goswami, Proceedings, epiSTEME-6, TIFR, MUMBAI, INDIA, CINNAMONTEAL Publishing, Vol-6, pp 142-149, 2015.
- Interdisciplinary Approach: Implications in Biology Teacher Education Curriculum, A. K. Mohapatra and M. Goswami, Proceedings, epiSTEME-5, TIFR, MUMBAI INDIA, CINNAMONTEAL Publishing, Vol-5, pp 281-287, 2013.
- Thermal Energy Transmission in Oscillatory Magneto Hydrodynamic Flow of a Visco-Elastic Fluid Past an Infinite Vertical Porous Plate with Constant Suction, M. Goswami, Acta Cienecia Indica, Vol-XXXVIII, 2012, pp 21-25.
- Momentum and Heat transfer in the MHD unsteady flow of visco-elastic liquid an oscillating porous plate in a rotating frame with varied species concentration and dissipation; M. Goswami, Ultra Scientist of Physical Science, Volume-23, No.02, May-August 2011.
- Epistemics of Quantum Mechanics – A study of Ideas Held by Students and Teachers, M. Goswami and B.K. Parida, Proceedings, epiSTEME-4, TIFR, MUMBAI INDIA, MACMILLAN (ADVANCE RESEARCH SERIES)Publisher,Vol-4, pp-40-43,2011.
- Hall effects on Hydromagnetic Flow and Heat transfer in a Porous Channel, M. Goswami, N. Dash and S. Biswal, International Journal of Physical Sciences, Vol. 22(3), pp. 545-554, 2010
- Ultimate Stable Element Z = 137; M. Goswami & S. Sahoo, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.2, No.3, pp.16-19, 2009.
- Simple Formula for Large-Angle Pendulum Period, M. Goswami, IAPT Bulletin, Vol.-24, No. 1 pp 5-7, Jan. 2007.
- Probing Understanding of Simple Harmonic Motion, M. Goswami & B.K. Parida, School Science,NCERT, Vol. XLII, No.2, 2004.
- Strengthening Value Learning Through EVSS; M. Goswami & B.K. Parida, DPEP Calling, Jan-April-2001.
- Using Analogy as a Tool in Science Education; M. Goswami and B.K Parida, School Science,NCERT, Vol.XXXVIII, No. 2, 2000.
- Tritium Production Rate and Tritium Breeding Ratio : A Comparative Study of Li2Oand Lithium assemblies with different concentration of 6Li; M. Goswami, S. Gupta, Feroz Ahmed,Nuclear Science and Engineering (USA), Vol.133, pp.342-349, Nov.1999.
- A Quantitative Structural Analysis of the Low Temperature Phase of Lithium-7, M. Goswami& F. Ahmed, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Elsevier Science Ltd. (UK) Vol.25, No.1-3, pp. 1-12, 1998.
- Elastic Coherent and Incoherent Scattering of Thermal Neutrons in Natural Lithium and Its Two Isotopes, M. Goswami, F. Ahmed & L.S. Kothari, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Elsevier Science Ltd. (UK) Vol.17, No.10, pp.549-554, 1990.
- Elastic Scattering of Thermal Neutrons from 7Li, M. Goswami & L.S. Kothari, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Elsevier Science Ltd. (UK) Vol. 14, 159, 1987.
Popular Science Articles :
- Does Neutrino Possess Mass, M. Goswami & N. Dash, Bigyana Diganta,( ODIA) Odisha Bigyana Academy, Vol 29, Issue 7, July 2022
- Where will be the end of the list of atomic numbers of elements, M. Goswami, Vigyan Katha(Bengali) Vigyan Prasar,DST,GOI, Technology Bhawan, NewDElhi,Vol3,Issue 4, May 2022
- Why cloud does not fall from Sky, M. Goswami, Vigyan Katha (Bengali), Vigyan Prasar, DST, GOI, Technology Bhawan ,Vol 03, issue 02, February 2022
- Probing Muons in Search of Physics Beyond Standard Model, M. Goswami, Nitali Dash, Jogesh Rout, Science Horizon, DST ,Odisha, Volume -6, Issue 12, December,2021
- Hidden Physics of Muon g-2, Nitali Dash and Manasi Goswami, Physics Education, IAPT ,India,Vol -1, Jan –Mar, 2021 (UGC approved)
- How They Known Where They Are Flying, M. Goswami and A. Roy, Science Reporter, July 2017, pp 31-32.
- Neutrino Oscillation and Neutrino Mass ,M. Goswami and S. Sahoo, Physics Education, Volume-32, Issue-2, Apr-Jun 2016, pp-33-34
- Atom for Peace, Not for War, M. Goswami, (August 2014), Science Horizon, Odisha Bigyan Academy (Govt. of OdiSha), 4th year,8th Issue, pp 3-7.
- The Shocking Truth of the Socking Pisces, M. Goswami & A. Roy, Science Horizon , Volume – 06 ,Issue No. 11,November 2016, pp-55-61.
- Secret of Electric Jolt of Electric Fishes, M. Goswami & A. Roy, Science Reporter, May 2016, NISCAIR-CSIR, India, pp 38-40.
- Bid Farewell to Spectacles and Lens, M. Goswami and A. Roy , December 2015, Science Horizon, pp 42-46.
- Science Vs Science Journalism, M. Goswami, International Conference- UNESCO Kalinga Prize for Popularization of Science, Published :Kalinga Foundation Trust, Bhubaneswar, pp.81-83, 2012.
- Unification in Physics after 150 years, M. Goswami, IAPT Bulletin,Volume-4, No.02, February-2012, pp 39-43.
- Nuclear Reactor Disaster and Human Health, M. Goswami, Emerging Science, Volume-9, September-2011,pp 1-6.
- Fuel Cell, M. Goswami & S. Sahoo, Science Reporter March 2011, pp 54-57.
- QED : The Strange Theory of Light and Matter, S. Sahoo & M. Goswami, Science Park, Vol.3, Issue 12, Oct.2009.
- The Journey of Light in Hundred Years, M. Goswami & S. Sahoo, The Science News Bulletin, No.9, pp.21-26, 2009.
- Why Neutrinos Must have Mass; M. Goswami& S. Sahoo, Science Reporter, Vol.45, No. 4, pp.33-34, April 2008.
- “Dark Energy in the Universe”, S. Sahoo, R.K. Agrawalla and M. Goswami, Physics Education, Vol.24, No.1, pp.53-58 (2007).
- “Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics”, S. Sahoo and M. Goswami, IAPT Bulletin, Vol.24, No.5, pp.140-145 (2007).
- “Antimatter in the Universe”, S. Sahoo, R.K. Agrawalla and M. Goswami, Physics Education, Vol.23, No.4, pp.273-276 (2007).
- “Symmetries in Physics”, S. Sahoo and M. Goswami, Physics Education, Vol.24, No. 4, pp.177-284 (2007).
- “Fractional Quantum Hall Effect”, S. Sahoo and M. Goswami, IAPT Bulletin, Vol.24, No. 12, pp.388-391, 394 (2007).
- “Brownian Motion in Einstein’s Miraculous Year”, S. Sahoo and M. Goswami, IAPT Bulletin, Vol.23, No. 7, pp.237-241 (2006).
- “Unification in Physics”, S. Sahoo and M. Goswami, Physics Education, Vol.23, No.2, pp.113-120 (2006).
- “How Dark is Dark Matter?”,S. Sahoo and M. Goswami, Physics Education, Vol.23, No.3, pp.171-178 (2005).
- Cold Fusion; M. Goswami, IAPT Bulletin, Vol.22, No. 11, Nov.2005.
Review Articles :
- The Nobel Prize in Physics for the Year 2015, M. Goswami and S.Sahoo, IAPT Bulletin, December 2015, pp 286-289.
- A Century of Planck Constant Measurement ,M. Goswami and S.Sahoo, Physics Education, Vol. 31, N0 – 1, Jan- March 2015, pp 1-9.
- International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor : A Thermonuclear Future, M. Goswami & S. Sahoo, Physics Education, Volume-27, Number-04, October-December 2010, pp 267-281.
Books Published :
English Books:
- Title: New Edges of Physics (English Book) M. Goswami, January, 2014, ISBN: 978 81 8371 491 4, Publisher: SCITECH Publications (India) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, India.( Reference Book)
- A Text Book of Oscillation and Waves (Text book for B.Sc and B.Sc B.Ed) M. Goswami and S. Sahoo , 2021, SCITECH Publications (India) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, India. (UG Text Book CBCS)
Odia Books :
- Title: Bigyan Bibhaba (Odiya Book), M. Goswami, January, 2012, ISBN: 13-978-81-922907-2-0, The Book Point, Bhubaneswar, Orissa.
- Adhunika Bigyan Bismay (Odiya), M. Goswami, Utkal Bharati, 2002.
- Pade Chhande Paribesha, M. Goswami, Environmental Rhymes, Srujanika, 2004.
- Muthae Akshara, Manasi Goswami,( Story Book On School Education), Black Eagle, USA
Translated Books :
- Title: Samayara Aekka Sankhipta Etihasa (A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawkins)) (Odia Book), S. Nanda and M. Goswami, 2011, The Book Point, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
- Title: 1089 Ebong Aukichi = Ganita Jagataku Eaka Jatra (1089+ All That+ A Journey into Mathematics by David Acheson)(Odia Book), M. Goswami and C. K. Mohapatra, 2011, The Book Point, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
- Brahma Ninada (Big Bang by Jean Pierre Petit) (Oriya Cartoon Book), M. Goswami, 2012, The Book Point, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
Conference Attended:
- International conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, (epiSTEME4), HBCSE, TIFR, Mumbai, India, 5-9 Jan, 2011.(Presented a paper)
- International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education, (epiSTEME5), HBCSE, TIFR, Mumbai India, 15-18 Dec, 2015 (Presented a paper)
Workshop/ Training Programme Conducted (Last Five Years):
- Conducted 5 day Training Programme on Basic Computer Skill and use of ICT for 10 TE and SCERT faculties and 30 DIETs from 27th February 2017 to 03rd March 2017 at RIE, Bhubaneswar
- Conducted 5 day Training programme on Basic Computer Skill and use of ICT for 10 TE and SCERT faculties and 30 DIETs from 28thNovember 2016 to 02nd December 2016 at RIE, Bhubaneswar
- Conducted 5 day Training programme on Basic Computer Skill and use of ICT for 10 TE and SCERT faculties and 30 DIETs from 29th August 2016 to 02nd September 2016 at RIE ,Bhubaneswar
- Conducted 5 day training programme for PGT Physics of West Bengal at SCERT, KOLKATA, 4-8 Jan 2016. (Co-ordinator and Resource Person)
- Conducted 5 day training programme for PGT Physics of Andaman & Nicobar, at Portblair.22-26 Jan, 2015. (Co-ordinator and Resource Person)
Experience of Development of Course Material and Training Module :
- Developed a 32 Credit 2- Semester Diploma Program in Science Education at Secondary level for transaction in blended mode (offline + Online) from 2017- 2020. Now (2022) piloting of DPSE with 15 participants is going on under Pac 24.17.
- Curriculum Development for B.Sc B.Ed ( CBCS) , Pre service teacher training
- Four Year Integrated B.Sc B.Ed syllabus and curriculum, Developed By NCTE and NCERT 4.Pedagogy of Physical Science, Module- 9,NISTHA Program Training Module, MHRD, Govt of India, Pub
Curriculum development for B.Sc B.Ed ( CBCS) and In service and pre service teacher training Four Year Integrated B.Sc B.Ed syllabus and curriculum Developed By NCTE and NCERT
- PM eVIDYA, Sahayog Program, NCERT, Ministry of Education, New Delhi
- Scientific Attitude for Post Covid Adjustment, Live Telecast, NCERT Official You Tube ,2.12 2021
- Dealing with Addictions While using Digital Devices, Live Telecast, NCERT Official, You Tube,15.12.2021
Other Information
Awards :
- Samanta Chandra Sekhar Janapriya Bigyan Lekhak, DST, Govt. of Odisha, 2006.
- Mahamaya Pattnaik Memorial Janapriya Bigyan Lekhak, Bigyan Prachar Samiti, Cuttack, 2010.
- Popular Science Writer Award, National Book Trust of India, New Delhi, 2012.