Personal Information

Period of Teaching / Research experience :15 Years
Degrees | Title | Date of award | University |
M.Phil. | Regional Cooperation in Central Asia Problems and Prospects (1991-1997) | 1999 | JNU New Delhi |
Ph.D. | "Regional Cooperation in Central Asia" | 2004 | JNU New Delhi |
Research Papers / Articles published in Journals
01. Impact of Political Socialization on Democracy, Page No. 31 to 34, Third Concept (An International Journal of Ideas), ISSN.0970-7247, Vol.31, No.336, August 2017.
02. Has Naxalite Movement Lost its Ideology?, Page No. 44 to 47, Third Concept (An International Journal of Ideas), ISSN.0970-7247, Vol.31, No.370, December 2017.
03. Gender and Politics in India, Page No. 9925 to 9936, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, Online ISSN 2278-8808, SJIF 2016=6.17, UGC, Approved Sr. No. 49366, Jan-Feb, 2018, Vol-5/43.
04. Human Rights Education in 21st Century : An overview, Page No. 77 to 82, Edusearch (Peer Group Reviewed Journal of Educational Research), ISSN.0976-116, Vol.9, Issue No.1, April 2018.
05. Welfare of Girl Child in India, Page No. 53 to 58, Third Concept (An International Journal of Ideas), ISS No.0970-7247, Vol.32, No.382, December 2018.
06. Political Participation of Tribal Women in Odisha, Page No. 38 to 42, Third Concept (An International Journal of Ideas), ISS No.0970-7247, Vol.33, No.386, April 2019.
07. Dissertation on Role of Ethics in Public Administration, (Page 226-239) Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies (An International Peer Reviewed), ISSN 2278-8808 (Online), 2319-4766 (Print), Vol.8, Issue-39, April-June,2019
08. Power and Functions of Governor, Page No. 11433-11445, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies, Online ISSN 2278-8808, SJIF 2018=6.371,, Peer Reviewed Journal, Sept-Oct, 2019, Vol-6/47.
09. Today’s Party System in Indian Politics, Page No. 1-10, Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 10(2) : April-June,2019, ISSN 0975-6795(Print) 2321-5828 (Online), Vol.10, Issue-02,
10. Women’s Political Participation in India, Page No. 14247-14258, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies (An International Peer Reviewed), ISSN 2278-8808, Vol.8, Issue.60, July-August, 2020.
11. Social Movement and Political Change, Page No. 10818-10826, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies (An International Peer Reviewed), E-ISSN 2348-3083 & P-ISSN 2349-9664, Vol.8, Issue.42, October-November 2020.
12. Civil War : Causes and Consequences, Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies (An International Peer Reviewed), ISSN (E)2278-8808, ISSN (P) 2319-4766, Vol.9, Issue.66, July-August, 2021.
13. Towards Inclusive Education in India (Page-17-20), Third Concept (An International Journal of Ideas), ISSN.0970-7247, Vol.35, No.418, December 2021.
Books/Chapters in Edited Books
01. Human Rights Education in India: Issues & Challenges, Human Right Issues in India : Challenges Ahead, ISBN 978-81-937756-0-8, Published by : Saraswati Book Stall, 210/1 Bankim Chatterjee Stree, Kolkata-700073
Papers National/International Conferences
01. Full Papers in Conference Proceedings - Proceedings of National Conference on Human Rights Education (December 07-08, 2017), Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Bhubaneswar -751022, Coordinator.
02. Title : Indo-Japan Relation : A Glimpse of Past and Present. (International Seminar on Indo-Japan Relations : Issues and Challenges), P.G. Department of Political Science and Japanese Language Pilot Project, P.G. Department of Anthropology, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Odisha on 16th February, 2018.
03. Title : Different Roles for Teacher Leaders in 21st Century (International conference on Excellence in Leadership : Towards Teacher Development in 21st Century), All India Association for Educational Research (AIAER) & International Forum of Researchers’ in Education (IFORE) and Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Bhubaneswar from 14th to 15th October 2017.
04. Title : Tribal Movements in Odisha : A Means of Securing Justice (International Conference & 28th Annual Conference, OPSA on ‘Odisha 2036 : Society and Politics’), Ravenshaw University, Cuttack in collaboration with Odisha Political Science Association from 9th December to 10th December 2017.
05. Regional Workshop on Learning Outcomes, NCERT, New Delhi, From 24th to 26th July, 2017.
06. Title : Gandhi and Women Empowerment (National Seminar on “Gandhi Today”), Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Date: 30th January 2018.
07. Participated in Regional Consultation on Educational Discrimination : NCF 2005 and Curriculum in Private School’s, National Commission for Protection of Child rights (NCPCR) in collaboration with Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneswar on 26.09.2017.
08. Participated in National Rural Tribal Youth Convention, Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Bhubaneswar from 26th to 30th December 2017.
09. Title : Industrialization and Human Rights Violation in Kalinga Nagar (ICHR sponsored International Conference on Adiviasi Question and Policy Roadmap : Envisioning Odisha 2036), Ravenshaw University, Cuttack from 9th 10 January 2018..
10. Regional Interactive Seminar on the topic “Centre-State Relations in India: Issues and Concerns”, Organized jointly by the Orissa Political Science Association & Department of Political Science, R.D. Women’s University, Bhubaneswar on 21.01.2018.
11. Title : Urbanization “ Problems and Prospects (39th Annual Meet and Conference of Institute of Indian Geographers (IIG) on Population, Environment and Sustainable Development, Department of Applied Geography, School of Regional Studies and Earth Sciences, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack From 26th to 28th December 2017.
12. Leadership among Girls – Issues and Challenges, Session - 2017-18 (Training Programme for Capacity Building of District Level Gender Coordinators of Schools in Odisha 2017-18), Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Bhubaneswar.
13. Title : Public Policy for Girls and Women in Odisha “ Issues and Challenges (WB-OHEPEE sponsored National Seminar on Democracy and Public Policy : Issues and Challenges), P.G. Department of Political Science, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Odisha, From 19th to 20th March 2019.
14. Title : Strategies of Resistance to Change (National Seminar on Resisting Dominanace : Situating Khurda in Early Anti-Colonia Resistance of 1804), P.G. Department of History, Utkal University in collaboration with Saheed Jayee Rajguru Foundation, New Delhi on 6th April 2019
15. Title : Understanding Peasant Movement in Colonial Odisha (UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Peasants and Precarity : Revisting Paika Bidroha after Two Centuries), Department of History, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack 26th to 27th February 2019.
16. Title : Causes and Consequences of Rural Distress in India (World Bank – PHEPEE Sponsored National Seminar on Rural Distress in India : Policy Concerns), P.G. Department of Public Administration & Journalism & Mass Communication Programme (SFC), Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.
17. Title : Girl Child and Gender Justice in India (National Seminar sponsored by the World Bank – OHEPEE on Inclusive Programmes in India : Issues and Challenges), Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Polity (CSSEIP), Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar
18. Relevance of Gandhian Philoshopy in 21st Century, International Seminar on “Gandhi’s Ideals and Practices : An Instrument of Social Change”, 27th November, 2019, organized by Ekamra College, Bhubaneswar.
19. Rise in Suicide among Students, International conference on Psychology : The Path Ahead in Education, Health & Sports – 2020 held at Shailabala Women’s Autonomous College, Cuttack on 31st January and 1st February 2020.
20. Causes and Consequences of Rural Distress in India, World Bank – OHEPEE Sponsored National Seminar on Rural Distress in India : Policy Concerns held on 6th and 7th March 2019, at DDCE, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.
21. Public Policy for Girls and Women in Odisha : Issues and Challenges, WB-OHEPEE Sponsored National Seminar on Democracy and Public Policy : Issues and Challenges held at PG Department of Political Science, Utkal University, Odisha from 19th to 20th March 2019.
22. Strategies of Resistance to Change, National Seminar on Resisting Dominance : Situating Khurda in Early Anti-Colonial Resistance of 1804 organised by PG Department of History, Utkal University in collaboration with Shaeed Jayee Rajguru Foundation, New Delhi on 6th April 2019.
23. NEP-2020 : Reforms in Higher Education, AIFUCTO XXX Statutory Conference and National Seminar on Draft National Education Policy and Higher Education in India held from 7th to 9th December in Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
24. The Role of e-Governance in Education System of India, National Conference on Integration of STEAM in School Education, February 26-28, 2021, organized by Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Bhopal.
25. Challenges to Internationalization of Higher Education, WB-OHEPEE Sponsored National Seminar on New Education Policy and Internationalization of Higher Education in India : Opportunities & Challenges held at International Office, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar from 25th to 26th March 2021.
26. Intercultural Competence and Social Awareness, International Conference on Building Intercultural Competence in Higher Education : Strengthening Local-Global Links, organized by International Office, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, sponsored by World Bank – OHEPEE from 23rd to 24th September 2021.
1 | Development of B.A.B.Ed (CBCS) Curriculum of RIE, Bhubaneswar Attended the workshop to review and finalise the 4 year B.A.B Ed syllabus at RIE Bhubaneswar- from 3rd to 4th November 2016. |
Team Member | 2016-17 |
2 | Developed materials in NTSE translation Workshop in 2016 | Team Member | 2016-17 |
1 | Training programme for district level gender coordinators of Schools in Odisha – 2017-18 (Material developed – Leadership among Girls – Issues and Challenges) | Internal Resource Persons | 2017-18 |
2 | Developed materials in NTSE translation Workshop during 5th to 9th February 2018. | Team Member | 2017-18 |
3 | Recommendation of National Human Rights Commission on Good Governance, Development and Human Rights on 20.12.2017. | Resource Person | 2017-18 |
1 | Developed materials in NTSE translation Workshop during 18th to 22nd February 2019 in the Institute. | Internal Resource Person | 2018-19 |
1 | Two day workshop on 8th and 9th August 2019 for the validation and contextualization of tools for research study entitled “Reorganization and Merger of Schools at Elementary level in the Context of the RTE Act 2009 in Jharkhand. | Internal Resource Person | 2019-20 |
2 | Five day workshop (17-21 February 2021) for translation of confidential materials of NCERT into Odia. | Internal Resource Person | 2019-20 |
1 | Five day workshop (5-9 August 2021) for translation of confidential materials of NCERT into Odia | Internal Resource Person | 2021-22 |
2 | Two day workshop (9-10 November 2021) for development and procurement of models and materials for the Learning resource centre, educational theme park and the Herbal Garden | Internal Resource Person | 2021-22 |
3 | Two day workshop for tool finalization of the PAC Research Project “Twenty First Century Employability Skills of Students at Secondary level in Odisha : An Analysis” from 25.11.21 and 26.11.21. | Internal Resource Person | 2021-22 |
4 | Workshop for Development of Handbook of Learning Resource Centre | Internal Resource Person | 2021-22 |
1 | Workshop with the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education and Culture at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar on 9th November 2016. | Resource Person | 2016-17 |
2 | Multicultural Placement (School Exposure Programme) of B.A. B.Ed. Semester-VI (Date : 10.01.2017) | Team Member | 2016-17 |
1 | Training Programme for “Capacity Building of Gender Coordinators of Schools in Odisha” was held from 19.02.2018 to 23.02.2018 | Internal Resource Persons | 2017-18 |
2 | Capacity Building Programme in Bengali Language for KRPs of Jharkhand and Bihar from 24.09.2018 to 28.09.2018. | Internal Resource Persons | 2017-18 |
3 | Implementation of the RTE Act 2009 in Jharkhand : A Status Study from 22nd to 23rd August 2017. | Internal Resource Persons | 2017-18 |
4 | Three Days Regional Workshop on Learning Outcomes from 06th to 8th July 2017 at SCERT, Patna. | Resource Person (Social Science) | 2017-18 |
5 | Two Days Orientiation Programme for Internship in Teaching (B.A.B.Ed.) – Model Lesson Plan Development and Discussion (Social Science) from 29.06.2017 to 30.06.2017. | Resource Person | 2017-18 |
6 | Three days Regional Workshop on Learning Outcomes at RIE, Bhubaneswar from 24th to 26th July 2017 | Resource Person (Social Science) | 2017-18 |
7 | National Rural and Tribal Youth Convention on 29.08.2017. | Internal Resource Person | 2017-18 |
8 | Orientation programme for Two Year B.Ed. III Semester Trainees on Internship from 22nd to 30th June 2017 (Group work for developing lesson plan – Social Science) | Resource Person | 2017-18 |
1 | Two Days Orientation Programme for Internship in teaching (B.A. B.Ed.) from 10.07.2019 to 11.07.2019) Model Lesson Plan development and discussion (Group work) Social Science |
Resource Person | 2018-19 |
2 | Elementary Education Curriculum Development Workshop from 02.11.2018 to 04.11.2018 at Jharkhand Council of Educational Research and Training (JCERT), Ranchi, DIET Campus, Ratu, Ranchi - 835222. | Resource Person | 2018-19 |
3 | Capacity Building Programme for KRPs on Social Science at Secondary Level of Jharkhand held at Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneswar 2018-19 | Coordinator | 2018-19 |
4 | Capacity Building Programme on Learning Outcomes for Elementary Teachers of Madrasa (Odisha) from 20th to 24th January 2019. | Internal Resource Persons. | 2018-19 |
5 | Workshop for Tool Development for Small Research Project entitled “Yoga Education in Secondary Schools of Bhubaneswar “ An Exploratory Study” on 15th February 2019 at Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneswar | Resource Person | 2018-19 |
6 | PAC programme entitled “Capacity Building of Teachers at Secondary Level on Career Guidance for Bihar and Odisha” on 30th January 2019 at Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneswar | Resource Person | 2018-19 |
1 | Five day Capacity Building Programme for Elementary Teachers of Chilika Block from 19.08.2019 to 23.08.2019. | Internal Resource Person | 2019-20 |
2 | Pedagogy of Social Science on 18.12.2019 - Five day Capacity Building Programme for Elementary Teachers of Chilika Block from 16.12.2019 to 20.12.2019. | Internal Resource Person | 2019-20 |
3 | Art Integrated Learning on 19.12.2019 - Five day Capacity Building Programme for Elementary Teachers of Chilika Block from 16.12.2019 to 20.12.2019. | Internal Resource Person | 2019-20 |
4 | Pre-Conference on Working With Community Programme on 06.01.2020. | Internal Resource Person | 2019-20 |
5 | Art Integrated Learning at Elementary Level on 17.02.2020 | Internal Resource Person | 2019-20 |
1 | Development of packages for the training of Higher Secondary Stage teachers in consonance with perspective of NISHTHA for the Secondary Stage | Coordinator | 2020-21 |
2 | Orientation Programme of Chilika Block Teachers from 02.11.2020 to 16.11.2020 | Resource Person | 2020-21 |
3. | Three days’ workshop for Development of Question Bank in Language, Social Science , Science and Mathematics (16-18 March 2021) | Internal Resource Person | 2020-21 |
4. | Pre-Conference for Multicultural Placement | Internal Resource Person | 2020-21 |
5. | Pre-Conference for Working with Community | Internal Resource Person | 2020-21 |
1. | Capacity Building Programme for Elementary Teachers of Chilika Block from 22.11.2021 to 25.11.2021 | Internal Resource Person | 2021-22 |
2. | Online Training Programme on Experiential Learning for TGT English of JNVs’ from 18.01.2022 to 20.01.2022. | Resource Person | 2021-22 |
3. | Pre-Conference Working With Community on 04.03.2022 | Internal Resource Person | 2021-22 |
4. | Pre-Internship Orientation Programme of B.A. B.Ed. Semester-VII on 29th October 2021 | Internal Resource Person | 2021-22 |
5. | Induction Course for newly recruited TGT English at NLI Puri | Resource Person | 2021-22 |
1 | Time Table and Room Allotment Chart for B.Sc.B.Ed., B.A. B. Ed. and B.Ed. course for the session 2016-17 | Team Member | 2016-17 |
2 | Annual Physical Verification of General Store of the Institute | Verification officer | 2016-17 |
3 | Invigilation duty for 2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th Semester Examination April/May - 2016 | Invigilator | 2016-17 |
4 | Verification of application forms of the selected and waiting list candidates for all courses for the session 2016-17. | Verifying Officer | 2016-17 |
5 | 53rd Foundation Day of the Institute on 5th August 2016 | Convenor/Team Member, Refreshment Committee | 2016-17 |
6 | Committee are constituted to promote Institutional activities for the session 2016-2017 :- | 2016-17 | |
6.a. | Advisors, Cultural Activities | Member | 2016-17 |
6.b. | Advisors, Subject Associations (Social Science) | Member | 2016-17 |
6.c. | Time Table & Room Allotment | Member | 2016-17 |
6.d. | RIE e-Newsletter | Member | 2016-17 |
6.e. | Internship-in-Teaching Multi Cultural Placement 4 Year 4 Year B.A. B.Ed. 6th Semester Students. | Member | 2016-17 |
6.f. | Working with Community of 4 Year B.A. B.Ed 7th Semester Students. | Member | 2016-17 |
7 | Observation of the Swachha Bharat Pakhwada from 1st September to 15th September 2016 | Member | 2016-17 |
8 | Selection Committee for selection of JPF for the PAC Programme 2016-17 on Contractual Basis | Team Member | 2016-17 |
9 | Geographical Study Tour to Barunei & Atri on 24.09.2016 of B.A. B.Ed. 4th Year 7th Semester | Escort Teacher | 2016-17 |
10 | In-Charge as Librarian of the Institute Library from 13.10.2016 to 14.10.2016 | I/c Librarian | 2016-17 |
11 | Election of the Students’ Council was held on 25.10.2016. | Presiding Officer | 2016-17 |
12 | The Birth Anniversary of Late Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel observed as Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) on 31st October 2016. | Member | 2016-17 |
13 | Rajabhasa Karyawan Samiti meeting held on 07.12.2016 | Member | 2016-17 |
14 | In-Charge as Librarian of the Institute Library from 20.12.2016 to 21.12.2016 | I/c Librarian | 2016-17 |
15 | Educational Field Trip to Paradip Port on 28.01.2017 of B.A.B.E.D. 4th Year 7th Semester Students. | Escort Teacher | 2016-17 |
16 | Educational Field Trip to Bateswar Near Huma on 11.02.2017 of B.A.B.Ed. 2nd Year Students. | Escort Teacher | 2016-17 |
17 | Admission into Class-I of the D.M. School, Bhubaneswar by Random Selection through Computer on 14.02.2017. | Team Member | 2016-17 |
18 | The International Mother Language Day observed on 21st February 2017. | Member | 2016-17 |
19 | The International Women’s Day observed on 8th March 2017. | Member | 2016-17 |
20 | Verification of the University Application Form of B.A. B.Ed. 2nd Semester Students on 14.03.2017 | Verification Officer | 2016-17 |
21 | Member of Political Science Association of Odisha. | Member | 2016-17 |
22 | Member of All India Association for Education Research (AIAER) | Member | 2016-17 |
1 | Working with Community of B.Ed 4th Semester Students from 5th to 11th March 2018. | Supervisor | 2017-18 |
2 | Internship-in-Teaching Committee Meeting of the Institute was held on 16.03.2018 | Team Member | 2017-18 |
3 | Literary Competitions – Essay, Extempore Speech, Debate and Recitation in Odia Language | Judge | 2017-18 |
4 | Committee constituted for verification of torn / badly damaged and unserviceable books for condemnation / written off from the library stock on 13.03.2018 | Team Member | 2017-18 |
5 | Working with Community of 4 year B.Ed VII Semester Students from 3rd to 10th February 2018. | Programme Coordinator | 2017-18 |
6 | Member of Political Science Association of Odisha. | Member | 2017-18 |
7 | Committee for Verification of Medical Reimbursement Claim on 27.04.2017 | Verification Officer | 2017-18 |
8 | Online Applications for Contractual engagement of Assistant Professor for the Session 2017-18 on or before 10.06.2017. | Verifying Officers | 2017-18 |
9 |
Committee are constituted to promote Institutional activities for the session 2016-2017 :- | 2017-18 | |
9.a. | Advisors, Cultural Activities | Member | 2017-18 |
9.b. | Advisors, Subject Associations (Social Science) | Member | 2017-18 |
9.c. | Time Table & Room Allotment | Member | 2017-18 |
9.d. | RIE e-Newsletter | Member | 2017-18 |
9.e. | Internship-in-Teaching Multi Cultural Placement 4 Year 4 Year B.A. B.Ed. 6th Semester Students. | Member | 2017-18 |
9.f. |
Working with Community of 4 Year B.A. B.Ed 7th Semester Students. | Member | 2017-18 |
10 | The Admission Committee for Class-XI Students, D.M. School for the session 2017-18 was held on 06.06.2017. | Member | 2017-18 |
11 | Common Entrance Examination (CEE) – 2017 as Observer in Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1 Sambalpur, Odisha held on 11th June 2017 by NCERT, New Delhi. | Observer | 2017-18 |
12 | Selection Committee for engagement of PGT (Political Science) on Contractual basis on 22.06.2017. | Team Member / Internal Expert | 2017-18 |
13 | Committee constituted to enquire into the complaints received by this Institute on 20.06.2017 | Team Member | 2017-18 |
14 | Annual Physical Verification of Life Science of the Institute for the year 2016-17 | Verifying Officer | 2017-18 |
15 | Selection Committee for engagement of Teachers on Contractual Basis from 23.06.2017 to 24.06.2017 | Team Member/ Subject Expert | 2017-18 |
16 | Supervision of Internship in Teaching of B.Ed. 3rd Semester Students from 10th to 12th August 2017 to JNV, Jajpur, Odisha | Supervisor | 2017-18 |
17 | Planning Meeting of the PAC Programme “Training Programme for Capacity Building of District level gender coordinators in Odisha” on dt. 4.08.2017 | Member | 2017-18 |
18 | In-Charge Head of DESSH from 27th to 28th September 2017. | I/c Head, DESSH | 2017-18 |
19 | Meeting of all committee members of multicultural placement and working with community on 14.11.2017 | Team Member | 2017-18 |
20 | Cleaning Committee to supervise and monitor the cleaning work of the Institute. | Team Member | 2017-18 |
21 | Time Table and Room Allotment Chart for Even Semester Students (B.Sc.B.Ed., B.A. B. Ed. and B.Ed.) course for the session 2016-17 | Team Member | 2017-18 |
22 | Verification of application forms of the selected and waiting list candidates for all courses for the session 2017-18. | Verifying Officer | 2017-18 |
23 | Election of the Students’ Council was held on 16.10.2017. | Presiding Officer | 2017-18 |
24 | In-Charge as Librarian of the Institute Library from 21st to 29th October 2017. | I/c Librarian | 2017-18 |
25 | Verification of the University Application Form of B.A. B.Ed. 7th Semester Students on 13.11.2017 | Verification Officer | 2017-18 |
26 | National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), New Delhi and the RIE Bhubaneswar Organized one day National Consultation on Educational Discrimination on 26th September 2017 | Member | 2017-18 |
27 | Entrance Test and Valuation of Answer Scripts etc. for admission into the M. Phil in Education Course during the session 2017-18 | Team Member (Valuation) | 2017-18 |
28 | National Rural Tribal Youth Convention – 2017 held from 26.12.2017 to 30.12.2017 at RIE, Bhubaneswar. | Member | 2017-18 |
29 | The Regional Institute Student Meet 2017-18 was held from 21st to 25th January 2018 at RIE, Bhubaneswar. | Convenor (Reception & Accommodation Committee) | 2017-18 |
30 | Internal Examination – 2017 Invigilation Duty on 12th and 16th December 2017. | Invigilator | 2017-18 |
31 | B.Sc. B.Ed. and B.A. B.Ed. 1st Semester University Examination – 2017 from 04.01.2018 to 17.01.2018 | Invigilator | 2017-18 |
31 | Verification of the University Application Form of B.A. B.Ed. 2nd Semester Students on 23.03.2018. | Verification Officer | 2017-18 |
32. | Member of All India Association for Education Research (AIAER) | Member | 2017-18 |
33. | 54th Annual Athletic Meet 2017-18 from 1st to 2nd February, 2018. | Judge | 2017-18 |
34 | Proceedings of National Conference on Human Rights Education (December 07-08, 2017) | Coordinator | 2017-18 |
1 | The 128th Birth Anniversary of Bharata Ratna Dr. B. R. Ambedkar observed on 14th April 2019 | Programme Coordinator | 2018-19 |
2 | Educational Field Trip to Narayani on 09.02.2019 of B.A.B.E.D. 4th Year 7th Semester Students. | Escort Teacher | 2018-19 |
3 | The 55th Annual Athletic Meet of the Institute was held on 11th and 12th February 2019 | Judge | 2018-19 |
4 | Educational Field Trip to Konark and Ramchandi on 23.02.2019 of B.A.B.E.D. 1st and 2nd Year Students. | Escort Teacher | 2018-19 |
5 | Verification of the University Application Form of B.A. B.Ed. 2nd Semester Students on 15.03.2019 | Verification Officer | 2018-19 |
6 | Political Science paper-VIII of B.A. B.Ed. 8th Semester Examination 2019 (Dissertation and Viva-Voce) on 16.04.2019 in the Institute. | Internal Examiner | 2018-19 |
7 | Annual Physical Verification of E.T. Cell and H.B. Hostel of the Institute on 16.04.2019. | Verification officer | 2018-19 |
8 | A Lecture on Gandhian Philosophy (Expression Series) on 4th February 2019. | Resource Person | 2018-19 |
9 | The 54th Annual Function 2017-18 of Students’ Council was held on 13th April 2018. | Member | 2018-19 |
10 | Annual Physical Verification of General Store of the Institute on 09.04.2018. | Verification officer | 2018-19 |
11 | Written Examination for selection of PGT in Computer Science & WET in Computer Science on Contractual Basis was held from 12th to 13th May 2018. | Invigilator and Evaluator | 2018-19 |
12 | Selection Committee for engagement of PGT in Political Science on Contractual Basis on 16.05.2018 | Subject Expert | 2018-19 |
13 | Time Table and Room Allotment Chart for B.Sc.B.Ed., B.A. B. Ed. and B.Ed. course for the session 2018-19 | Team Member | 2018-19 |
14 | Common Entrance Examination (CEE) - 2018 | Observer | 2018-19 |
15 | A Committee constituted to organize / conduct various co-curricular / programme on the occasion 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi in the Institute. | Member | 2018-19 |
16 | Appointment as Local Observer for UGC NET Exam – 2018 on 8th July 2018. | Observer | 2018-19 |
17 | Committee constituted for smooth conduct of admission process 2018-19 (B.Ed. – Arts). | Team Member | 2018-19 |
18 | Committee are constituted to promote Institutional activities for the session 2018-2019 :- | 2018-19 | |
18.a. | Advisors, Cultural Activities | Member | 2018-19 |
18.b. | Advisors, Subject Associations (Social Science) | Member | 2018-19 |
18.c. | Time Table & Room Allotment | Member | 2018-19 |
18.d. | RIE e-Newsletter Committee - 2018-19 | Member | 2018-19 |
18.e. | Internship-in-Teaching Multi Cultural Placement 4 Year B.A. B.Ed. 6th Semester Students. | Member | 2018-19 |
18.f. |
Working with Community of 4 Year B.A. B.Ed 7th Semester Students. | Member | 2018-19 |
18.g. | Course In Charge (B.A. B.Ed.) | Course In Charge | 2018-19 |
19 | A committee has been constituted to expedite and monitor the progress of the perquisite Tax case on accommodation provided to Employees of RIE, Bhubaneswar. | Team Member | 2018-19 |
20 | The 58th Foundation Day of the Council celebrated on 1st September 2018 in the New Auditorium of this Institute. | Team Member (Media Committee) | 2018-19 |
21 | Swachhata Abhiyann on 15th September 2018. | Member | 2018-19 |
22 | Celebration of Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd October 2018 | Member | 2018-19 |
23 | Committee for the 3 day National Conference on Science Education was held from 29th November to 1st December 2018. | Member | 2018-19 |
24 | Verification of the University Application Form of B.A. B.Ed. 7th Semester Students on 12.11.2018 | Verification Officer | 2018-19 |
25 | Activities of Multicultural Placement Programme of students of B.A. B.Ed. VI Semester from 01.02.2019 to 05.02.2019.. | Supervisor | 2018-19 |
26 | Committee constituted for smooth conduct of the Students’ Council Activities was held on 13th April 2018. | Member | 2018-19 |
27 | Committee constituted to look after the smooth conduct of the University Even Semester Examination – 2018 | Invigilator | 2018-19 |
28 | Committee constituted to look after the smooth conduct of the University Examination of 4 year Integrated B.A. B.Ed. students – January 2019 | Invigilator | 2018-19 |
29 | Member of Political Science Association of Odisha. | Member | 2018-19 |
30 | Member of All India Association for Education Research (AIAER) | Member | 2018-19 |
1. | Invigilation duty for B.Sc. B.Ed. / B.A. B.Ed., 2 Year B.Ed. (Arts/Science), M. Ed. and M.Phil. University Examination 2019 | Invigilator | 2019-20 |
2. | Committee for Invigilation and evaluation of written examination was held on 04.06.2019 for selection of PGT in Computer Science & WET in Computer Science | Member | 2019-20 |
3. | Observer for the NCERT CEE – 2019 in Cuttack Public School, Cuttack | Observer | 2019-20 |
4. | Invigilation duty for 4 year of B.A. B.Ed. / B.Sc. B.Ed., 2 Year B.Ed. (Arts/Science) and M. Ed. University Examination 2019 | Invigilator | 2019-20 |
5 | Committee are constituted to promote Institutional activities for the session 2019-20 :- | 2019-20 | |
5.a. | Advisors, Cultural Activities | Member | 2019-20 |
5.b. | Advisors, Subject Associations (Social Science) | Member | 2019-20 |
5.c. | Time Table & Room Allotment | Member | 2019-20 |
5.d. | RIE e-Newsletter | Member | 2019-20 |
5.e. | Working with Community of 4 Year B.A. B.Ed 7th Semester Students. | Member | 2019-20 |
6. | Two Days orientation programme for Internship in teaching (B.A. B.Ed.) from 10.07.2019 to 11.07.2019 | Internal Resource Person | 2019-20 |
7. | Supervision duty for Internship in Teaching Programme of B.A. B.Ed. on 07.08.2019 to 09.08.2019 at JNV, Mayurbhanj, Odisha | Supervisor | 2019-20 |
8. | Verification of application forms and check all the certificate, mark sheets etc. received from CEE – 2019. | Verifying Officer | 2019-20 |
9. | Judges for selection of suitable students in folk dance category for 59th Foundation Day of NCERT, New Delhi | Judge | 2019-20 |
10. | Selection Committee Member for engagement of TGT in Odia and Mathematics on Contractual Basis on 22.08.2019 for the session 2019-20 | Member | 2019-20 |
11. | Celebration of 59th Foundation Day of the Council on 1st September 2019 – Media Committee | Member | 2019-20 |
12. | Committee Constituted for invigilation and evaluation of written examination was held on 03.09.2019 for selection of Vocational Teacher (IT-ITes) on contractual Basis | Member | 2019-20 |
13. | Deputed to monitor the training programme from 11.09.2019 to 14.09.2019 in each Cluster of Chilika Block | Supervisor | 2019-20 |
14. | Committee constituted for 35th Staff Tournament was held from 19th to 23rd October 2019 | Member | 2019-20 |
15. | Election of the Students’ Council was held on 19.09.2019 | Presiding Officer | 2019-20 |
16. | 35th Annual Staff Tournament was held from 19th to 23rd October 2019 at RIE, Bhopal | Manager | 2019-20 |
17. | Annual Project Display “Chyrsalis” 2019 on 08.11.2019 in DAV Public School, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar | Judge | 2019-20 |
18 | Verification of the University Application Form of M.Ed., B.A. B.Ed., B.Sc. B.Ed., 2 Year B.Ed. students for University Examination 2019 | Verification Officer | 2019-20 |
19 | A skit was organized on the occasion of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi | Coordinator | 2019-20 |
20 | Celebration of Constitution Day on 26th November 2019 | 2019-20 | |
20.a. | Quiz and Poster making competition about the Constitution and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar | Coordinator | 2019-20 |
20.b. | Mock parliament involving students and teachers | Coordinator | 2019-20 |
21. | An expression lecture series was conducted on the occasion of Constitution Day on 26.11.2019 | Programme Coordinator | 2019-20 |
22. | Committee constituted for cleaning work in the campus on every Saturday. | Member | 2019-20 |
23. | Invigilation duty for 4 year of B.A. B.Ed. / B.Sc. B.Ed., 2 Year B.Ed. (Arts/Science) and M. Ed. University Examination 2019 | 2019-20 | |
23.a. | Squad Team | Squad | 2019-20 |
23.b. | Invigilator | Invigilator | 2019-20 |
24. | Verification of documents for selection of candidates (DCGC Programme, session 2020) | Verifying Officer | 2019-20 |
25. | Committee constituted to execute and monitor the trimming of branches inside the campus | Chairperson | 2019-20 |
26. | Committee for the smooth conduct of the International Conference on Education in the Twenty First Century from 21st to 23rd February 2020. | 2019-20 | |
27.a. | Cultural Committee | Convenor | 2019-20 |
28.b. | Coordination committee for Technical Session | Member | 2019-20 |
29. | Celebration of Netaji Subash Chandra Bose Jayanti on 23rd January 2020 | Coordinator | 2019-20 |
30. | Poster making competition was conducted on 28th January 2020 under Expression Series | Programme Coordinator | 2019-20 |
31. | Acted as Judge (Runs) in the 56th Annual Athletic Meet 2019-20 (6th and 7th February 2020) | Judge | 2019-20 |
32. | Educational Field trip of B.A. B.Ed. 8th Semester to Balighai Beach, Konark on 08.02.2020 | Escort Teacher | 2019-20 |
33. | Literary Competitions – Odia Language (Essay, Extempore Speech, Debate, Recitation) was conducted on 24 and 25.02.2020 | Judge | 2019-20 |
34. | In-charge as Librarian of the Institute’s Library from 04.03.2020 to 10.03.2020 | In-charge Librarian | 2019-20 |
35. | Cultural Festival of the Institute 2019-20 – Judges for Instrumentation | Judge | 2019-20 |
36. | Participated in Hindi Competition “Bad-Biwad (Academic) in 2019 | Participated | 2019-20 |
37. | Participated in 35th NCERT Annual Staff Tournament 2019 | Member | 2019-20 |
38. | Organised Field Work with Community Programme of 4 Year Integrated B.A. B.Ed. | Programme Coordinator | 2019-20 |
39. | Multicultural Placement Programme for the Students of Four Year Integrated B.A. B.Ed. Course | Team Member | 2019-20 |
40. | Member of Political Science Association of Odisha. | Member | 2019-20 |
41. | Member of All India Association for Education Research (AIAER) | Member | 2019-20 |
1 | Annual Physical Verification of Asutosh Hostel of the Institute | Verification officer | 2020-21 |
2 | Online Essay competition conducted on the occasion of Independence Day 2020 | Team Member | 2020-21 |
3 | Celebration of 150th Years Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd October 2020 | Programme Coordinator | 2020-21 |
4 | Committee for additional constructions of staff quarters in the campus | Member | 2020-21 |
5 | Annual Physical Verification of General Store of the Institute | Verification officer | 2020-21 |
6 | Celebration of constitution day 2020 | 2020-21 | |
7.a. | Dissemination of Posters on different aspects of Constitution through online mode | Coordinator | 2020-21 |
7.b. | One self-assessment quiz on Constitution for all the stakeholders | Coordinator | 2020-21 |
7.c. | Talk by experts on Teaching of Constitution at the National level | Coordinator | 2020-21 |
7.d. | Talk on Fundamental Duties and Rights for RIE’s Students, teachers and DMS Children at the RIE Level | Coordinator | 2020-21 |
8 | Committee are constituted to promote Institutional activities for the session 2020-21 :- | 2020-21 | |
8.a. | Joint Advisor, Students Council | Joint Advisor | 2020-21 |
8.b. | Advisor, Cultural Activities | Member | 2020-21 |
8.c. | Advisor, Subject Associations (Social Science) | Member | 2020-21 |
8.d. | Time Table & Room Allotment | Member | 2020-21 |
8.e. | State Coordination Committee of Jharkhand | Member | 2020-21 |
8.f. | RIE e-Newsletter | Member | 2020-21 |
8.g. | Internship-in-Teaching Multi Cultural Placement 4 Year 4 Year B.A. B.Ed. 6th Semester Students. | Coordinator | 2020-21 |
8.h. | Working with Community of 4 Year B.A. B.Ed 7th Semester Students. | Coordinator | 2020-21 |
8.i. | Course In-charge of B.A. B.Ed. | Course In-charge | 2020-21 |
8.j. | Canteen Committee as Secretary of Teacher Association | Member | 2020-21 |
8.k. | Academic Forum | Convenor | 2020-21 |
8.l | Press Medical Coordination Committee | Member | 2020-21 |
9. | Verification of documents for admission of B.Ed. (Arts & Science) and M.Ed. Programme for the session 2020-21 | Verifying Officer | 2020-21 |
10. | Member of VMC of Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1, Bhubaneswar | Member | 2020-21 |
11. | Celebration of Swami Vivekananda Jayanti on 12th January 2021 | Programme Coordinator | 2020-21 |
12. | Purchase Committee of PAC Programme entitled “Development of learning resource center for in-service and pre-service teacher education programme” | Member | 2020-21 |
13. | Preparation and fixing of banner for different activities on the occasion of Republic Day for wide publicity | Coordinator | 2020-21 |
14. | Preparation and fixing of banner for quiz competition on the occasion of 125th Birth Anniversary of Netaji Subash Chandra Bose for wide publicity | Coordinator | 2020-21 |
15. | Netaji Subash Chandra Bose Jayanti – 2021 on 23rd January 2021 | Programme Coordinator | 2020-21 |
16. | Online Essay competition conducted on the occasion of Republic Day 2021 | Team Member | 2020-21 |
17. | Invigilation duty for 7th Sem of B.Sc. B.Ed. / B.A. B.Ed., 3rd Sem of 2 Year B.Ed. (Arts/Science) and 3rd Se of M. Ed. University Examination 2020 | Invigilator | 2020-21 |
18. | Committee constituted for verification of torn/badly damaged and unserviceable books for condemnation / written off from the library stock | Member | 2020-21 |
19. | Celebration International Women’s Day – 2021 on 8th March 2021 | Joint Programme Coordinator | 2020-21 |
20. | Deputed to participate in the Education Exhibition being organized by the Bhartiya Sikshan Mandal Nagpur at Minto Hall, Bhopal | Team Member | 2020-21 |
21. | Committee constituted to monitor Repair and Renovation of balance portion road in RIE Campus | Chairman | 2020-21 |
22. | Conducted different activities on the occasion of Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav | Coordinator | 2020-21 |
23. | Annual Physical Verification of H.B. Hostel/ RIE Dispensary of the Institute | Verifying Officer | 2020-21 |
24. | Conducted School Internship in Pre-Service Teacher Education Programme (B.A. B.Ed., Semester-VII) | Programme Coordinator | 2020-21 |
25. | Expression Series | Programme Coordinator | 2020-21 |
26. | Organized Working With Community Programme, 4 year B.A. B.Ed., Semester-VIII, 2020-21 | Programme Coordinator | 2020-21 |
24. | Member of Political Science Association of Odisha. | Member | 2020-21 |
25. | Member of All India Association for Education Research (AIAER) | Member | 2020-21 |
1. | Committee for Net and Cemented Cricket Pitch | Chairperson | 2021-22 |
2. | Committee for renovation and development of roads in the Institute | Chairperson | 2021-22 |
3. | Work-wise monitoring committee for proper supervision of the CPWD works in the Campus | 2021-22 | |
3.a. | Construction of boundary wall between Ramanujan and Ashutosh Hostel | Chairperson | 2021-22 |
3.b. | Construction of boundary wall with iron grill all round dispensary, providing staircase to dispensary roof, cleaning of all water tank and underground sump and overhead tank inside RIE Campus. Pipe line connection from bore well to college building, botanical garden and coconut garden for water supply | Chairperson | 2021-22 |
3.c. | Preparation of balance portion of footpath i.e. from New Guest House to children park, children park to tennis court. Children park to Temple side main road upto type-II 14 & 16 Block. DMS crossing to Ramanujan Hostel playground road near Gate No. III from dispensary to Guest house right side portion | Chairperson | 2021-22 |
3.d. | Construction of additional length footpath from both side of road from Principal Bungalow to tennis court. From type-I quarter to G.B. Hostel and from H.B. Hostel to Ashutosh Hostel | Chairperson | 2021-22 |
3.e. | Repair and renovation of toilet blocks inside Institute building and construction of boundary wall of botanical garden | Chairperson | 2021-22 |
3.f. | New proposal to examine the requirement of Garages, for rest of the quarters / identification of site with detail proposal | Chairperson | 2021-22 |
4. | Selection Committee Member for engagement of Assistant Professor on Contractual Basis from 31.08.2021 to 01.09.2021 for the session 2021-22 | Member | 2021-22 |
5. | Selection Committee Member for engagement of Assistant Professor on Contractual Basis from 08.09.2021 to 09.09.2021 for the session 2021-22 | Member | 2021-22 |
5. | Selection Committee Member for engagement of Assistant Professor on Contractual Basis on 13.09.2021 for the session 2021-22 | Member | 2021-22 |
6 | Committee are constituted to promote Institutional activities for the session 2021-22:- | 2021-22 | |
6.a. | Joint Advisor, Students Council | Joint Advisor | 2021-22 |
6.b. | Advisor, Cultural Activities | Member | 2021-22 |
6.c. | Advisor, Subject Associations (Social Science) | Member | 2021-22 |
6.d. | Time Table & Room Allotment | Member | 2021-22 |
6.e. | State Coordination Committee of Jharkhand | Member | 2021-22 |
6.f. | RIE e-Newsletter | Member | 2021-22 |
6.g. | Internship-in-Teaching Multi Cultural Placement 4 Year 4 Year B.A. B.Ed. 6th Semester Students. | Coordinator | 2021-22 |
6.h. | Working with Community of 4 Year B.A. B.Ed 7th Semester Students. | Coordinator | 2021-22 |
6.i. | Course In-charge of B.A. B.Ed. | Course In-charge | 2021-22 |
6.j. | Canteen Committee as Secretary of Teacher Association | Member | 2021-22 |
6.k. | Press Medical Coordination Committee | Member | 2021-22 |
6.l | NSS | Programme Officer | 2021-22 |
7. | Selection Committee Member for engagement of TGT (Odia) and WET (Computer Science) on Contractual Basis on 12.10.2021 for the session 2021-22 | Member | 2021-22 |
8. | Organized Street Play on the occasion of Vigilance Awareness Week from 26th October 2021 to 1st November 2021 | Coordinator | 2021-22 |
9. | Committee for purchase of Equipments / Furniture for this Institute and DM School for this year 2021-22 | Member | 2021-22 |
10. | National Unity Day on 31st October 2021 | Programme Coordinator | 2021-22 |
11. | Election of the Students’ Council for the session 2021-22 | Presiding Officer | 2021-22 |
12. | National Education Day 2021 on 11th November 2021 | Programmer Coordinator | 2021-22 |
13. | Organization of 15 days relay Megal Campus Cleaning Programme from 9th to 23rd November 2021 inside the Utkal University Campus | Programme Officer | 2021-22 |
14. | Ph.D. (Education) Entrance Test 2021 was held on 17.11.2021 | Invigilator | 2021-22 |
15. | Selection of Class Representatives of B.A. B.Ed. Semester-I and B.Sc. B.Ed. Semester-I | Supervisors | 2021-22 |
16. | Organization of Mega Blood Donation Camp on the occasion of 79th Utkal University Foundation Day on 27.11.2021 | Programme Officer | 2021-22 |
17. | Verification of documents for admission of B.Ed. (Social Science & Language/Science & Mathematics) and M.Ed. Programme for the session 2021-22 | Verifying Officer | 2021-22 |
18. | Committee Constituted for Canteen | Chairperson | 2021-22 |
19. | Organized a lecture on “Shiksha Ka Bharatiyakaran” on 29.11.2021 | Programme Coordinator | 2021-22 |
20. | National Mathematics Day on 22.12.2021 | Programme Coordinator | 2021-22 |
21. | Online Multicultural Placement for the student teachers of B.A. B.Ed. course from 01.02.2022 to 12.02.2022 | Supervisor | 2021-22 |
22. | Selection of teachers on purely Part-time Contractual Basis for the year 2022-23 in KV No.1, Bhubaneswar | Subject Expert (Pol. Science) | 2021-22 |
23. | Committee for the smooth conduct of the National Conference on NEP 2020:Towards Transforming Teacher Education from 24th to 26th February 2022 | 2021-22 | |
23.a. | Cultural Committee | Convenor | 2021-22 |
23.b. | Coordination committee for Technical Session | Member | 2021-22 |
24. | Organizing and Extension Lecture and Expression Series on Character Building and Holistic Personality Development on 2th & 3rd March 2022 at 10.00 AM | Programme Coordinator | 2021-22 |
25. | Martyrs Day Celebration on 23.03.2022 | Programme Coordinator | 2021-22 |
26. | Organized a lecture on Gandhi Fellowship for Batch 2022-24 on 08.04.2022 | Programme Coordinator | 2021-22 |
27. | Cultural Festival - 2022 | 2021-22 | |
27.a. | Instrumentation | Judge | 2021-22 |
27.b. | Skit | Judge | 2021-22 |
28. | Celebration of Bharat Ratna Baba Saheb Ambedkar Jayanti on 14.04.2022 | Programme Coordinator | 2021-22 |
29. | Invigilation duty for Odd semester of 4 Year B.A. B.Ed., 4 Year B.Sc. B.Ed., 2 Year B.Ed. (Arts/Science) and M. Ed. University Examination 2022 | 2021-22 | |
29.a. | Invigilator | Invigilator | 2021-22 |
29.b. | Squad Team | Squad | 2021-22 |
30. | Committees Constituted for Annual Function 2022 | 2021-22 | |
30.a. | Purchase Committee (Prize) | Convener | 2021-22 |
30.b. | Refreshment | Member | 2021-22 |
31. | Verification of University Application Form of B.A. B.ed. (2nd Sem. and 8th Sem.) for the session 2020-21 | Verifying Officer | 2021-22 |
32. | Programme for Social Science Association Activities Competitions – 2022 | Coordinator | 2021-22 |
32. | Selection Committee Member for engagement of Teachers on Contractual Basis from from 04.06.2022 to 06.06.2022 for the session 2022-23 | Member | 2021-22 |
33 | Participated and awarded in First Position in Hindi Competition “Bad-Biwad (Academic) | Participation | 2021-22 |
34 | Conducted Field Work with Community of B.A. B.Ed. Semester-VIII | Programme Coordinator | 2021-22 |
35 | Conducted School Internship in Pre-Service Teacher Education Programme (B.A. B.Ed. Semester-VII) | Programme Coordinator | 2021-22 |
36 | Conducted Expression Series Programmes | Programme Coordinator | 2021-22 |
37 | Multicultural Placement Programme for the students of four year Integrated B.A. B.Ed. Course | Team Member | 2021-22 |
38. | Member of Political Science Association of Odisha. | Member | 2021-22 |
39. | Member of All India Association for Education Research (AIAER) | Member | 2021-22 |
Other Information
Name of the Course/Summer School
Sponsoring Agency
Summer Orientation Programme on “Social Sciences: Issues & Challenges for 21st Century” | Academic Staff College, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar | 25th June to 15th July,2012 | UGC Sponsored |
Refresher Course on “Trends and Issues in Global Politics” | Academic Staff College, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar | 8th February to 28th February 2013 | UGC Sponsored |
Refresher Course in the Subject Political Science and Public Administration | Academic Staff College, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar | 17th July to 6th August 2014 | UGC Sponsored |
Refresher Course in Understanding Tribes in the Neo-Liberal Era | Utkal University, Bhubaneswar | 03rd Dec. to 23rd Dec.2018 | UGC Sponsored |