Personal Information

Ph.D. / M.Phil. Programme : 7 years / 15 years
- Tools and techniques of data collection at Ph. D course work, guiding dissertations at Ph. D.
- Specialization papers, preparing for term paper, guiding dissertations at M. Phil .
Post Graduation : 20 years
- Courses on specializations, core courses, preparation for internship, guiding dissertations at M. Ed .
Graduation : 30 years
- B. Ed; B. Sc. B. Ed; B. A. B. Ed courses on perspectives and special courses. Preparation for field engagement, internship.
Diploma/Certificate: 12 years
- Diploma in Guidance and Counselling coordinator, taking modules on human development and adjustment, assessment and appraisal, counselling. Guiding school practicum and internship.
Area of Research:
Special Education, Inclusive Education, Minority Education
Research Projects undertaken:
- Assessment of Materials Developed by SCERT Odisha on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (Ongoing NCERT)
- Analyzing the socio-cultural practices in a selected cluster of Chilka block from the perspective of literacy development (Ongoing, NCERT)
- Development of Competency among DCGC 2021 students of R I E Bhubaneswar (Ongoing, NCERT)
- Documentation of Exemplary Work Done by Teachers During Covid 19 Lockdown
- Cluster case study of Gangadharpur cluster of Chilka Block under the NCERT Blocklevel research study (NCERT)
- Challenges faced and processes adopted by students with visual impairment to learn science at secondary school (NCERT)
- Counselling Skill Progression Among the DCGC students of RIE, Bhubaneswar (NCERT)
2017-18 -
- Laboratory skills of students with disabilities at Secondary level (NCERT)
- Case Study of Educational Institutions run by Buddhists in Odisha (NCERT)
- A Survey of Research in Education of Children with Disabilities in India from 2000 to 2015 for the seventh survey of educational research (NCERT)
- A Study of functioning of Madrasa at Primary Level in Odisha (NCERT)
- Profiling of Children attending Early Intervention Program at AYJNISHD, Bhubaneswar (AYJNISHD RC-BBSR) 2015-16-
- School readiness of Scheduled Tribe children of Odisha – an analysis Inclusion of Children with Hearing Impairment in primary school (NCERT)
- Diagnostic Remedial Programme for children with hearing impairment in language (Kannada) and mathematics in the special schools of Mysore city (PRATHAM)
- Development of arithmetic school readiness tool (AIISH)
- Impact of knowledge, attitude and skill among special educators of children with hearing impairment of Mysore city (AIISH)
- Analysis of Difficulties Experienced by Children with Hearing Impairment While Doing Mathematics (AIISH)
- How Culture Influences the Cognitive and Psychomotor Development of Children with Developmental Disabilities in India (CIRRIE)
- Analysis of Difficulties in Arithmetic Problem Solving among Disadvantaged Children Studying in Grade-V (NCERT)
- 2021 Achievement of Class-V Students in Different Mathematical Skills/Abilities. in the International online conference on “Researches in 21st century – Global perspectives” on 18th May 2021 by College of education, Barshi, Sholapur, Maharashtra.
- 2020 Chaired a Panel Discussion on “Equal opportunity and non-discrimination: concerns in the classroom” on 21-2-2020 in the International Conference on Education in the 21st Century held at RIE Bhubaneswar
- 2020 Academic Achievement Gap in Different Mathematical Skills and Abilities of Grade-V Students in International Conference on Education in the Twenty First Century on 22nd Feb, 2020 during 21st to 23rd February 2020 at RIE, Bhubaneswar.
- 2020Explicit Teaching of Nature of Sciencein International Conference on Education in the Twenty First Century on 21st Feb, 2020 during 21st to 23rd February 2020 at RIE, Bhubaneswar
- 2018 Understanding learners-key to inclusive approach. DISES TED Conference – embracing inclusive approaches from 3-5 July on 4-7-2018 under the theme leadership in education and teaching at Cape Town South Africa.
- 2017 Teachers as leaders in an inclusive classroom: An insider’s perspective. International conference on leaders for 21st century by AIAER, organised by the AIAER and IFORE at RIE from 14-15 October 2017 at RIE Bhubaneswar.
- 2016 Participated in the International Summit Inclusion and response to intervention – A global perspective from 8-10 June 2016 at Avinashlingam Institute for Home science and higher education or women, Coimbatore Tamil Nadu and chaired a session
- 2014 Teacher development programs to reach children with disabilities in India in the context of inclusive education’ in the 37th annual conference organized by TED-CEC, from 5th to 8th Nov 2014 at Indianapolis, USA
- 2014 Different Categories of students with special needs and their learning characteristics in the Seminar on Learning Disabilities and Inclusion as a guest speaker, organized by the Mount Carmel College of Teacher Education for Women at Kottayam, Kerala on 14th and 15the of February 2014
- 2014 Ethics in Inclusive Education’ in the International Seminar on Learning Disabilities and Inclusion as a guest speaker, organized by the Mount Carmel College of Teacher Education for Women at Kottayam, Kerala on 14th and 15the of February 2014
- 2013 Analysis of stress among parents of children with hearing impairment Leadership Education Innovation, in the 8th Annual education and Development Conference 5th – 7th March 2013 organised by Tomorrow People Organisation in Bangkok, Thailand.
- 2004 Strategies to Develop Concept and Procedure of Division in Children with Dyscalculia In the Fifth World Congress on Dyslexia, the ‘Olympics of Dyslexia’, Thenaloniki, Macedonia, Greece, 23-27 Aug. 2004.
- 2004 Analysis of the Difficulties and Errors in Number Concept among Children with Dyscalculia, Normal Achievers and Children with Visual Impairment. In the Fifth World Congress on Dyslexia, the ‘Olympics of Dyslexia’, Thenaloniki, Macedonia, Greece, 23-27 Aug. 2004
- 1998 Dyscalculia – Identification, Diagnosis and Remediation. Addressed the Audience in the Dyslexia Meeting on Invitation by Cyprus Neuro Science and Technology Institute, Cyprus, 11 April 1998
- 1997 An Experimental Study to Remediate Children with Dyscalculia in Mysore City in the Fourth World Congress on Dyslexia in Halkidiki, Greece, Sept. 23-26, 1997
- 2021 Speaker on Equity and Inclusion- NEP 2020 Perspectives during 8 days’ theme based Webinars organized by MoE and continued at RIE Bhubaneswar from 30th July to 10th August 2021, on 30th July, 2021.
- 2021 Participated in a two days National Webinar on ‘NEP 2020: Towards Inclusivity and Multidisciplinary in Higher Education’ organized by Rama Devi women’s University Bhubaneswar (7th & 8th June, 2021).
- 2021 Presented a paper on Awareness and Practice of Academic Language of Science by Secondary School Teachers of Odisha in Science Classroom inSCHOLAR’S MOSAIC 2021 ANNUAL YOUNG RESEARCHERS’ MEET JULY 17–19, 2021, RESEARCH CELL DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (CASE, IASE & IUCTE) FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY THE MAHARAJA SAYAJIRAO UNIVERSITY OF BARODA, VADODARA , GUJARAT- 390002, INDIA
- 2019 Attended and Chaired a plenary session on 6-4-19 in the National Seminar on Trends, issues and challenges of teacher education programme in 21st century organised by Department of Education, Sambalpur University Odisha on 6 April 2019.
- 2018 Attended as a guest speaker spoke on the theme inclusive pedagogy in the Symposium on Perspectives and Possibilities, March 8-9, 2018. Organised at the Department of Education, University of Delhi (under the aegis of MHRD)
- 2017 Presented a paper Reaching out to Children with Disabilities: Can Inclusive Teacher Education be a Step Towards the Goal? In National conference on inclusive education 23-25, Jan 2017, TISS Mumbai
- 2017 Presented a paper, ‘What continue to Ail in the Journey towards Inclusion: Challenges that Exist in the Minority Educational Institutions’ during National Seminar on Education of Minorities in India: Issues and Concerns. RIE, Bhopal, NCERT (9-11 Feb.2017).
- 2017 Attended, Chaired a session and presented a paper on Residential Special Schools for Children with Disability from the Perspective of Human Rights Education at the National conference on human rights education at RIE Bhubaneswar from 7-8th December 2017.
- 2016 Served as a remember of the technical committee for the NCED conference 2016 to scrutinize the abstracts and selection for presentation, attended and co chaired a session on 15th Feb 2016 organised by AIISH and NCED Karnataka chapter
- 2016 Attended and presented a paper on Knowledge of Early Mathematics Among Children With Hearing Impairment (CWHI): Implications for Early Intervention National conference on mathematics education, 19-20 Dec 2016, RIE Bhubaneswar
- 2015 Attended and presented a paper in a National seminar on New Education Policy, 7-8 Nov 2015 presented on the topic ‘Education of Children with Disability – Policy and Reality’ organized by SVS, Odisha at Cuttack.
- 2015 Attended a National conference on mathematics education RIE Mysore 21-22 Dec 2015
- 2015 Attended the Regional Seminar on “Quality assurance in school education” in RIE Bhubaneswar 17-18 Dec 2015 and served as rapporteur for the session on inclusion in school education
- 2012 Delivered a Key note address during the inaugural session on 15th March, 2012 at the National Seminar on Children with Learning Disabilities – Growing up with Hope and Dignity 15th and 16th March, 2012 organized by Teacher training institute, Ottapalam, Kerala
- 2011 Delivered an invited lecture on Importance of Right to Education for Persons with disability in the Seminar on Rights and Acts for Persons with Disability at AIISH, Mysore on 5th December, 2011
- 2011 Delivered an invited lecture on challenges and constraints in implementing inclusive education at the national seminar on inclusive education organized by the university of Davanagere, on 28th March, 2011
- 2009 Attended and presented a paper on A comparative study on mathematics performance of children with dyscalculia, hearing impairment and normal children in primary school” in the national seminar on Policy for appropriate approach to education of children with Hearing Impairment held in February 2009, in Sweekar Rehabilitation Institute for the Handicapped, Secunderabad
- 2008 Attended and presented a paper Incidence and prevalence of conduct disorder in elementary school children in Mysore district in the National seminar on innovative practices in elementary education 16th – 18th December, 2008 in Madurai.
- 2008Attended and presented a paper on Behavioural and associated problems among children with conduct disorders in the “National seminar on innovative practices in elementary education” 16th – 18th December, 2008 in Madurai.
- 2005 Delivered an invited talk on Children with dyscalculia in elementary schools in the National Seminar on “Managing children with disabilities in inclusive class rooms”, Feb 14-15, 2005, in Mumbai
- 2004 Attended and presented a paper onDevelopmental Milestones of Special Education in Karnataka in the National Conference on “Support to Children with Disabilities”, (Funded by UNDP), Organised by NIMH, Hyderabad, 28-29 June 2004
- 2004 Attended Annual ISHA Conference, 16, 17 and 18th January 2004.
- 2004 Attended NCED Annual Conference in Mumbai, on 5-6th February 2004
- 1998 Attended the Regional Seminar on Learning Disabilities, in collaboration with Schonell Special Education Centre, Australia, held at RIE, Mysore on February 2 -3, 1998
- 1996 Attended National Conference on Dyslexia, Organised by Madras Dyslexia Association, Chennai, November 23 - 24, 1996
- 2016 Served as a remember of the technical committee for the NCED conference 2016 to scrutinize the abstracts and selection for presentation and co chaired a session on 15th Feb 2016 organised by AIISH and NCED Karnataka chapter
- 2014 Participated in a workshop on Teacher training: Inclusive Education for Children with Special Needs, organized by the MHRD and World Bank on 16th and 17th July, 2014
- 2004 Participated as a resource person for the RCI – continuing rehabilitation education programme on “Needs of Learning Disabled Children in Schools”, 3-7 March, 2004, AIISH, Mysore.
- 2003 Participated as a professional resource person at the Parents Training Workshop held as part of the project “A Preliminary Investigation on Caregivers as Teachers for Kids with Developmental Disabilities”, AIISH, Mysore, 27 - 28 February 2003
- 2002 Resource Person for a Two-day Workshop, March 22-23, 2002, on “Assisting Children with Specific Learning Disabilities”, for Primary and Higher Primary School Teachers and Post-Graduate Trainers of Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry, Kasturba Hospital, Manipal, Karnataka.
- 1999 Attended a workshop as a resource person to develop a source book on learning disabilities, organised by SCERT, Kerala in Trivandrum, February 1999.
- 1999 Attended a workshop on “Developmental Disorders – Early Identification and Intervention- A multidisciplinary approach”, CFTRI, Mysore on 4-6 December, 1999.
- Participated in a Regional Seminar on “Quality assurance in school education” in RIE Bhubaneswar 17-18 Dec 2015 and served as rapporteur for the session on inclusion in school education
1. Giri, C. K., and Gowramma, I. P. (2021). Achievement of Class-V Students in Different Mathematical Skills/Abilities. Proceedings of the International online conference on “Researches in 21st century – Global perspectives” on 18th May 2021 by College of education, Barshi, Sholapur, Maharashtra. (ISSN 2231-2137): SPECIAL ISSUE : MAY, 2021, 127-1332. Gowramma, I. P. (2021). Pedagogy for diversity: pursuit of inclusivity In Y. Sharma & H. Gandhi (Eds.), Inclusion in School: Perspectives and Possibilities (pp. 25-31). Shipra publishers, New Delhi.
3. Giri, C.K., & Gowramma, I.P. (2021). Students’ Errors in Mathematics. Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(3), 84-94.
4. Sahoo, P. R. and Gowramma I P. (2019). Effectiveness of ICON model on academic achievement of class IX students of JawaharNavodayaVidyalaya in Biology. Anweshan, Journal of Education, Vol 10, (1).
5. Gangmei, E., Gowramma, I. P. and Kumar, G. (2019). Trends of recent Research on Effective Leadership in relation to School Education. International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sociology and Humanities (IJISSH-online) Vol-4 (5) ISSN-2456-4931 (published online on 22/04/2019)
6. Gowramma, I. P., Gangmei, E., &Behera, L. (2018). Research in Education of Children with Disabilities. Indian Educational Review. 56(2), 7-93.
7. Prema, K. S., Ramaa, S., & Gowramma, I. P. (2018). Does knowledge of mathematical language play a role in mathematical ability? - A preliminary study. Journal of All India Association for Educational Research, 29(2), 83-100.
8. Behera, L., & Gowramma, I. P. (2018). School readiness of scheduled tribe students of Odisha. In N. Pradhan, S. N. Sahoo& T. Devi (Eds.), Quality, equity and inclusiveness in school education. (pp. 11-25). SikshyaVikashSamittee, Bhubaneswar.
9. Gangmei, E., & Gowramma, I. P. (2018). Educational Challenges of the Minority Educational Institutions at Odisha. Journal of Indian Education (NCERT), 44 (1).89-99.
10. Gangmei, E. & Gowramma I. P. (2018). What continue to ail in the journey towards Inclusion: challenges that exist in the minority educational institutions.. In N. Pradhan & S. Pandagale (Eds) Education of Minorites in India:Issues and Challenges. (pp 86-92). Published by the Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Shymla Hills, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
11. Bhattacharya, D. & Gowramma, I. P. (2018). Performance of School Management and Development Committee towards implementation of RashtriyaMadhyamikShikshaAbhiyan. Journal of community guidance and research, 35, (2), 328-343.
12. Bhattacharya, D. & Gowramma, I. P. (2018). Problems Faced by the SMDC in Improvement of the Quality of Secondary Education System. Journal of Indian Education. 44, (3). 87-99
13. Priyadarshinee, P & Gowramma I. P. (2018). Awareness Level of School Management Development Committee Members Regarding their Roles and Responsibilities. Journal of Indian Education.44, (2). 141-154
14. Kishore, P. and Gowramma I. P. (2018). History of Biology to Enhance the Understanding of Nature of Science. Anweshan: Journal of education. 8 (1). 11-19
15. Kishore, P. and Gowramma I. P. (2018). Understanding of nature of science and its different aspects. Journal of Research and Innovations in Social Science. 5 (2). 5-13
16. Gowramma, I. P., &Gangmei, E. (2017). Systemic reform of teacher education in India: Issues and challenges. Anweshan: Journal of teacher education, 7(2), 81-95.
17. Yathiraj, A., & Gowramma, I. P. (2017). Arithmetic school readiness of preschoolers with hearing impairment. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 9(1), 34-49. DOI: 10.20489/intjecse.330089.
18. Dhar, D., & Gowramma I. P. (2017). Analysis of drawing and labelling skills of elementary school students. Indian Education Review, 55(2), 108-123.
19. Bhattacharya, D & Gowramma, I. P. (2016). ‘e-governance - an approach to revolutionizing higher education in India’ in University news letter, Association of Indian Universities, a weekly journal of higher education, 54, (33), 11-17
20. Gowramma, I. P. (2016). Education of Children with Disability – Policy and Reality in Education policy for resurgent India ISBN 978-81926149-39 Published by SVS Bhubaneswar
21. Gowramma, I. P. (2015). Arithmetic Difficulties of Children with Hearing Impairment. In S. Chin (Ed), Routledge International Handbook: Mathematics Learning Difficulties and Dyscalculia (pp. 125-145). Routledge Publishers, UK.
22. Gowramma, I. P. (2014). Different Categories of students with special needs and their learning characteristics. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Learning Disabilities and Inclusion, Published by the Mount Carmel College of Teacher Education for Women at Kottayam, Kerala.
23. Gowramma, I. P. (2014). Ethics in Inclusive Education. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Learning Disabilities and Inclusion, Published by the Mount Carmel College of Teacher Education for Women at Kottayam, Kerala.
24. Gowramma, I. P., Nair, P., &Ramanakumar, P. V. (2013). Effectiveness of remedial reading programme for Pre-school children with hearing impairment. Journal of National Convention of Educators of the Deaf (JNCED), 5(1), 56-62.
25. Gowramma, I. P. (2012). Vocational training and employment of opportunities, Social participation, Family and community participation in Status of Disability in India, RCI New Delhi.
26. Gowramma, I. P. (2012). Overcoming Challenges and Constraints in Implementing Inclusive Education,Managing children with ADHD ADD AND AUTISM in an inclusive set up, in Inclusive Education – What, Why and How? RIE. Mysore, India
27. Gowramma, I. P. (2012). Children with Dyscalculia. In B. N. Nanda (Ed.), Challenged children: Problems and management (pp. 489-500). AnkushPrakashana.
28. Beygi, A., Padakannaya, P., & Gowramma I. P. (2010). A Remedial Intervention for Addition and Subtraction in Children with Dyscalculia. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 36(1).
29. Kalyanpur, M., & Gowramma I. P. (2007). Cultural Barriers to South Indian Families’ Access to Services and Educational Goals for their Children with Disabilities. The Journal of International Association of Special Education, 8(1), 69-82.
30. Joshi, R. M., Holen, T., Feng, X., Gowramma, I. P., & Gooden, R. B. (2006). Learning to Spell by eyes and ears: A cross linguistic comparison. In M. Joshi & P.G. Aaron (eds.), Handbook ofOrthography and Literacy (pp. 569-577). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
31. Gowramma, I. P. (2005). Development of Remedial Instruction Programme for Children with Dyscalculia in Primary Schools, Chetana Publishers, Mysore.
32. Ramaa, S., & Gowramma, I. P. (2004). Developmental Milestones of Special Education in Karnataka, in the Proceedings of the National Conference on “Education with zero rejection” by UNDP-NIMH, Hyderabad, June 28 and 29.
33. Ramaa, S., & Gowramma I. P. (2002). Systematic Procedure for Identifying and Classifying Children with Dyscalculia among Primary School Children in India. Dyslexia - An International Journal of Research and Practice, 8(2), 67-85.
34. Ramaa, S., & Gowramma, I. P. (2002). Difficulties in Arithmetic Problem Solving among Disadvantaged Children of Grade V. Indian Educational Review, 38(1), 69-86.
35. Gowramma, I. P., &Ramaa, S. (2002). Remedial Instruction for Teaching Multiplication to Children with Dyscalculia in Inclusive Primary Schools – An Experimental Study. Journal of Indian Education, 28(3), 75-89.
36. Ramaa, S., & Gowramma, I. P. (2001). Holistic Approach for Management of Learning Disability and Attention Deficit Disorder – A Case Study, In Handbook on Principles and Strategies for Diagnosing and Remediation of Learning Difficulties and Disabilities at Elementary School Level, RIE, Mysore, NCERT, March 2001
Seminars / Conferences / Symposium / Workshop:
National and Regional
Research Guidance:PhD
(01 student awarded, 06 registered),MPhil (9 students awarded), MEd (40 students completed)
1. 1998 Developed the following two modules (units 9 and 10) on Learning Disabilities for a Certificate Course on Management of Learning Disabilities, Conducted by Indian Portage Association, Chandigarh.
(a) Development of Mathematical Concepts
(b) Learning Disabilities in Mathematics – Theory and Practice
2. 1999 One of the authors for the “Source Book on Learning Disability”, SCERT, Trivandrum, February.
3. 1998 Serving as a resource person for the in-service teacher-training program of DIETs of Mandya, Mysore and Madikeri districts on Integrated Education of the Disabled.
4. 2004 Contributed for the module on Multiple Handicap and Other Disabilities for the “Post-Graduate Diploma in Disability Management”, for the Diploma Course for Medical Graduates, conducted by MAHE, Manipal.
5. 2006 Wrote a module on Learning Disability for certificate course for caregivers of children with Developmental Communication Disabilities, Conducted by AIISH, Mysore.
6. 2004 – 2012 One of the members in the syllabus development / revision workshops / material preparation/ vetting / translation ofself learning materials of certificate course, D Ed, B Ed and M Ed Special Education courses of AIISH Mysore, ISH, Bangalore, CBR network Bangalore, SRMVU Coimbatore, RCI New Delhi, School of Education, and NCDS, IGNOU New Delhi, NIOS New Delhi. 2004 – 2012
7. 2012 as a sole author for a block (5 Units) on ‘Mainstreaming and Inclusion’ for the M Ed ( DE - SE) programme of the NCDS, IGNOU
8. 2010 Contributed as one of the two authors for a block (4 Units) on ‘Curriculum and Teaching Methods in Education of Children with Hearing Impairment’ for the M Ed (DE - SE) programme of the NCDS, IGNOU
9. 2012 Contributed as a sole author for the Practicum Manual on ‘Readings in Disability’ for the M Ed (DE - SE) programme of the NCDS, IGNOU
10. 2012 Contributed as a sole author for the Practicum Manual on ‘Case Study of a Child with Disability Having an Associated Condition’ for the M Ed (DE - SE) programme of the NCDS, IGNOU
11. 2010 Contributed as a sole author for a block (4 Units) on ‘Overview of Education of the Deaf: History & Present Status’ for the B Ed ( DE - SE) programme of the NCDS, IGNOU
12. 2013 Wrote Unit 1 on Understanding Hearing Impairment for the Certificate course in Inclusive Education by School of Education, IGNOU.
13. 2009 For the Diploma in Elementary Education (D El Ed) course of NIOS, wrote unit 7 - Introduction to Inclusive Education for block 3 on Inclusive Education.
14. 2009 Wrote a unit on Introduction to Guidance and Counseling for the module to train high school teachers in Guidance and Counseling through teleconference by DSERT, Karnataka
15. 2012 Contributed two chapters as sole author, one on ‘Overcoming Challenges and Constraints in Implementing Inclusive Education’ and another on ‘Managing children with ADHD ADD AND AUTISM in an inclusive set up’ and worked as co-editor for the book on ‘Inclusive Education – What, Why and How?’ published by Vani publishers, Mysore, in 2012 (RIE Mysore)
16. 2008 Contributed four articles to the Subject Encyclopedia of Education brought out by KSOU, Mysore on – Management of children with cerebral palsy, management of children with epilepsy, vocational education to challenged children and behavioral therapy for challenged children
17. 2015 Contributed as an author for the training of key resource persons of WB on Inclusive education for the socially disadvantaged
18. 2015 Contributed one module for elementary teacher educators of WB on modalities of transaction of –childhood and growing up
19. 2016 Prepared a module on Inclusive education for students with disabilities in secondary level – for RMSA, Odisha
20. 2016 Consultant for SCERT Guwahati to transadapt class I –IV text books of Assam for children with different disabilities
21. 2017 Authored for a Research methodology course for educational functionaries of north eastern region on a module on tools for qualitative data collection
22. Development of 3 years integrated Msc. M.Ed curriculum of RIE, Bhubaneswar (Life science) (15-16, Dec January, 2016)-Resource Person
23. Development of B.Ed M.Ed. Syllabus of RIE, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar ( 24-26 sept, 2016 and 26-30 Dec, 2016)-Resource Person
24. Development of D.El.Ed Curriculum for the state of Jharkhand (12-16, Nov, 2016)- Resource Person
25. Development of 3 year integrated B.Ed .M.Ed curriculum of RIE, Bhubaneswar (24-26 Sept, 2017)-Resource Person
26. Development of D.El.Ed curriculum for the state of Jharkhand (11-13 March, 2019)-Resource Person
27. Developed a training module on inclusive education for secondary school Teachers-Odisha MadhyamikShiksha Mission, (2016)- Resource Person/Author
28. Development of Curriculum for Pre-service teacher education program at the secondary level of Jharkhand (2016-17)- Coordinator
29. Development of tools for research on functioning of Library at Govt schools (30-31 Aug, 2016)
30. Development of tools for a study of pedagogic practices in Diploma in elementary education programme of DIETs of Odisha (23 Aug, 2016)
31. Participated in the workshop on development of Framework for Institute Repository at RIE, Bhubaneswar (28th June, 2019).
32. Development of Policy framework of Institute repository for the Library (28thJune 2019)- Resource Person/Author
33. Module on School Internship- Resource Person/Author
34. Development, review and edit for Diploma program in Science education (DPSE) – (10-14 Feb, 2020)- Resource Person/Author
35. Participated in the workshop for development of Rubric for Social Sciences Assessment for Inclusive Schools by Central University of Kerala (16th to 18th Sept, 2020).
- Attended capacity building programme for faculty of Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling at NIE, N. Delhi from 31st May to 2nd June, 2017.
- Attended workshop on computer software SYSTAT-13 (17th April 2017) at RIE, Bhubaneswar
- Completed Online Course on Action Research in Education and Awarded with an A grade from January–March, 2017- Seven weeks’ duration by DER, CIET, NCERT, New Delhi
- Attended Orientation workshop on Teacher Education and Regulations 2014, Norms, Standards and new Curriculum Framework- organized by NCTE during 21-22 Feb, 2015 at RIE, Bhubaneswar
- Participated in the workshop for course Coordinators/Experts for creating e-contents for PG course in Education under the e-PG Pathsala project funded by UGC to AU, Allahabad & CIET, Organized at RIE, Bhubaneswar (17th& 18th July, 2015).
- Completed an Orientation-Cum-Refresher Course on School education, 01-26th May, 2014 by DTE, NIE, NCERT, New Delhi
- Attended programme on Advance Research Methods and Data Analysis in Education at RIE, Bhubaneswar from 4th to 10th June, 2014.
- Coordinate one-day Webinar of RIE, Bhubaneswar on ‘Power and Promise of Mentoring in teacher education programme’ (4th June, 2021).
- Organized 3 days Assignments evaluation workshop of DCGC 2021 from 28th to 30th July 2021.
- Coordinate two days’ workshop to discuss on NPST & NMM (NEP, 2020) by RIE, Bhubaneswar for faculty members of the institute and DM School (26th April & 30th April, 2021).
- Attended regional level consultative meeting on NEP 2020 for the states of Bihar, Jharkhand & Odisha on 15th Oct, 2015.
- Multicultural Placement program of B.Ed 1st year since 2017 till date- Coordinator
- DGCG program of RIE, Bhubaneswar (20th Oct, 2016 till date)- Co-Coordinator
- Capacity Building Program on Learning outcomes for Elementary teachers of Madrasa- Odisha (2017-18)- Coordinator
- Participated during workshop on evaluation of global citizenship education concepts in the elementary school curriculum (23rd to 27th Nov, 2017).
- Attended planning meeting called ‘Collaborative outreach programme for inclusion of children with special needs in education’ at NIE, New Delhi on 5th May, 2016.
- Adaptation and try out of training modules on Inclusive Education in the area of Minorities and socially disadvantaged sections for KRPs of West Bengal (2014-15)
Other Information
- Panelist of Paricharcha, Manodarpan Live discussion by MoE on the topics - Dealing with exam stress and anxiety on 5th March 2021; Care and Compassion: Sign of Strength on 28th May 2021; Bringing smiles back to school on 3rd September 2021
- Panelist in Sahyog live sessions by NCERT for KishorManch PM e Vidya channel. 20th July 2020 on bouncing back from adeversity, 3rd September 2020 on identify the spark that drives, 19th October 2020 on educating the self, 12th January 2021 on organize yourself: be more productive, 17th May 2021 preparing to face change, 2nd July 2021 on Tuning with nature, 9th August on Good health is true wealth
- NISHTHA PROGRAM OF NCERT- Served as member of National Resource Group (NRG) for the states Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Karnataka and Odisha. Took sessions in four programmes at Chennai (16 – 17, 23 -24 September; 4 – 5 November; 10-11 December 2019); one at Hyderabad (19-20 November 2019); two in Bhubaneswar (29 -30 November 2019, 4 – 5 December 2019), four in Mysore (20 – 22 December 2019, 17 – 21 January, 2 – 3 February, 25 – 29 February 2020).
- Has about 100Invited Lecture as Resource Person for teacher training/capacity building/workshop.
- Chaired sessions and invited lectures in 12 Conferences/workshop/Orientation Program
- Resident Warden of Gopabandhu Girl’s Hostel,RIE, Bhubaneswar. Since March 2014
- Heading the Department of Education, RIE, Bhubaneswarsince June 2019
VIII Membership and activities in professional associations
- Life member in the National Convention of the Educators of the Deaf (NCED)
- Member, Advisor for Association for Early Childhood Education and Development (AECED), Mysore chapter
- Member of Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI). India
- Member, Manodarpan cell, NCERT, an initiative of MoE, GoI for mental wellbeing of students
- Member, Academic Council, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
- Member Board of Studies in Education, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
- Member in the All India Association for Educational Research (AIAER)
- Member in the template committee of NCERT for NCF 2022
- Member secretary in the National Focus Group on Alternative ways for schooling for developing NCF 2022
Dr. Gowramma I. P., Professor in RIE Bhubaneswar has been awarded the Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowships for the year 2022-23
About the Fellowship
The Fulbright Program is the most widely recognized and prestigious scholarships offered by the US Govt Named after Senator William Fulbright, the inception of the scholarship dates back to 1946 when the US Govt proposed a bill to use the proceedings from selling surplus war property (from the second world war) to fund international exchanges between the US and other countries.
The bill was later turned into a law by the then US President Harry S Truman. In 1950 Jawaharlal Nehru and US Ambassador to India Loy Henderson singed the “Agreement between the Govt of India and the Govt of the USA for Financing Certain Educational Exchange Programs which established the United States Educational Foundation in India (USFEI).
In 2008 an agreement was signed between the two Governments to Fund the Fulbright program as equal partners and the USFEI was renamed the United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) and its core program became known as the Fulbright-Nehru Fellowships. Today India boasts of the largest Fulbright Scholarships in the world and one of the largest exchanges worldwide.
In the past, 40 Fulbright Alumni have served as heads of state, 61 from 14 countries have been awarded the Nobel Prize and 89 have won Pulitzer Prizes. Over 20,000 Indian Citizens have been part of the program over the last 72 years.
The Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowship is one of many Fellowships offered under the Fulbright-Nehru program. It aims to provide Indian faculty, researchers and professionals the opportunity to teach, conduct research, or carry out a combination of teaching and research at a US institution. Depending on the host institution, it is likely that the grantee may contribute towards developing curriculum and conducting workshops and seminars.
About the project
Prof Gowramma’sproject on “Preparation of Culturally Responsive Curriculum Model for Early Childhood Education to Enhance Literacy Readiness Skills” will document sociocultural practices adopted in early childhood and study their influence on literacy readiness. Furthermore, it will help inform literacy initiatives in local language and English, in India, highlighting what practices in early childhood education are beneficial.
Regional Institute of Education (RIE) Bhubaneswar, being one of the five constituent units of an apex body in the country for school education, the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), caters to the eastern region of India. The results of this study will have a vast application and outreach around this region and in India through the NCERT. Her projectintends to develop a curriculum guide to integrate sociocultural practices to target oral language and literacy. This development will directly contribute to later year literacy development while incorporating the rich sociocultural practices. It will have a wide application in multilingual communities around India to foster literacy and early language acquisition while celebrating the vast cultural and linguistic diversity.
Her host institute, the Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) in Florida State University, is the leader of literacy in the U. S. The research in literacy and multilingual communities by the FCRR will serve as a guide for this project. FCRR faculty will guide the project with the necessary research design and methods to evaluate these vast sociocultural practices. This project, in turn, will help the growing diversity in the U. S. and Indian schools in addressing issues related to literacy acquisition in multilingual populations that are growing. The collaboration with FCRR will help integrate the culturally relevant practices into literacy acquisition and provide a direction for India and US literacy initiatives.
During her Fellowship tenure starting from October 2022, she will be staying in Seminole Trials Apartments, 123 White Drive Unit S-01, Tallahassee, Fl. 32304 and work in Florida Centre for Reading Research.