Personal Information

12 Years of Experience
- Ph. D. / M.Phil. Programme : Teaching in PhD course work and MPhil in Education
- Post Graduation : M.Ed
- Graduation :Two year B.Ed Programme, Four year B.ScBEd and B.A. BEd
- Diploma/Certificate Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling, Diploma Programme in Science Education at Secondary Level
Projects :
2. A Study on Pedagogical Practices of D.El.Ed Programme of DIETs of Odisha (2017)
3. A Study of Pedagogic Processes in Science at Government Secondary Schools of Odisha(2018)
4. A Study on Secondary School Mathematics Classrooms of Bhubaneswar (2018)
5. Analysis of errors in English Writing of Class VI students of D.M.School, Bhubaneswar (2018)
6. Science laboratory Skills of students with disability at Secondary Level(2018)
7. Utilization of Science laboratory Resources by Secondary School Students and Teachers of D.M.School, Bhubaneswar(2018)
8. A Case Study on Alternative Internship Programme for D.El.Ed Students of Odisha(2022)
9. Analysis of B.Ed Curriculum of RIE, Bhubaneswar with special reference to integration of ESD and GCED themes(2022)
Publications :
2. Krishnan, D. (2017). Alternative Conceptions in Physics among secondary school students. Journal of Indian Education, XLIII(2), 43.
3. Biswas, G & Krishnan, D. (2017). A Study on dropout of tribal students at secondary level in Hooghly district, West Bengal, International Journal of Applied Research, 3(6), 984-988
4. Krishan, D & Kapoor, S. (2019). How do children learn Mathematics? An Exploration into Mathematics Classroom Processes at Secondary Schools of Bhubaneswar, Journal of Indian Education, XLV (3), 56.
5. Kujur, P & Krishnan, D. (2019). Analysis of English language learning outcome among tribal students of Class VII of Government Schools of Gumta District, Jharkhand, Pedagogy of Learning, 5(2), 25-36.
6. Krishnan, D. ,&Mallick, B. (2020). Pedagogical Practices in D.El.Ed Programme of DIETs of Odisha: An Exploration, Voices of Teachers and Teacher Educators, 9(2), 58-71
7. Krishnan, D. (2019). Pedagogical Process in Science at Government Secondary Schools of OdishaVoices of Teachers and Teacher Educators, 8(1), 78-89.
8. Swain, M.K., Behera, L., Kumar,A.,& Krishnan, D. (2021)Becoming Inclusive Teachers: Perspectives of Pre-Service Teachers of Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneswar on Inclusive Education, Learning Community,12(1),27-38.
8. Madugula,N., Aliamsetty,S., Siha,A., Chadra,M.V., & Krishnan, D. (2022) Perspectives of students and teachers toward Covid-19 forced online examination in higher education institutes ,Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education.
Seminars / Conferences / Symposium / Workshop :
Paper Presentation/Chairperson
- Presented a paper on Perception and awareness of Prospective teachers on Use of Artificial Intelligence in pedagogical Processes of Physics in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Physics and Physics Education from 27-28 February, 2022 by RIE, Ajmer
- Presented a joint paper on Curricular transaction of Secondary teacher Education Programme of Sikkim in National Seminar on ‘Emerging Trends and Innovations in Teacher education’ by Department of education, Sikkim from 22nd march to 23rd march, 2018
- Presented a joint paper on Human Rights and Gender Identity: An Exploration to Issues of educational Rights of Transgender Community in the National conference on Human Rights Education at RIE, Bhubaneswar from 7th to 8th December, 2017
- Presented a paper on Reflection on Pedagogical Processes in Science at Government Secondary School Students of Odisha in the National Conference on ‘Branding of Government Schools', Department of Curriculum Studies, NCERT from 27th to 28th March, 2018
- Co-chairperson in the National Conference on NEP 2020: Towards Transforming Teacher Education from 24-26 February, 2022 in the session on Professional Development of Teachers and Teacher Educators on 25th February, 2022
- Presented paper on Effect of Blended Learning Strategy on Learning Science among Secondary School Studentsin International conference “episteme 6-Emerging Computational Media and Science Education’ organized by HBCSE, TIFR, Mumbai and IIT, Mumbai from 15-18 Dec, 2015
- Presented a paper on Effect of Blended Learning Strategy on critical thinking and problem solving among secondary school students in Global Conclave of Young Scholars of Indian Education NUEPA, New Delhi 27-29th January, 2011
- Presented a paper on Does Multimedia package enhance environmental literacy among secondary school teachers of Maldives? In the Regional Seminar on recent trends in Environmental Education RIE, Mysore 23-25th January, 2008
- Presented a paper on ICT Mediated Collaborative Learning-New Initiative in Pedagogical Practices International Conference on Educational Research in the Era of Globalization Department of education, Periyar University 28-30th November, 2007 Participated
- Regional Consultation on Educational Discrimination: NCF 2005 and curriculum in Private Schools organized by NCPCR on 26th September, 2017
- Regional level consultation meeting on New Education Policy on 15th October, 2015
- As a judge for the Emerging Teacher Educator Award, 2011 organized by Farook training College, Kerala on 19th February, 2011
- National Education Conference on ‘The Evolving School-Connections and Resilence’ organized by Mallya Aditi International School in Collaboration with IIM, Bangalore from 4-6th December, 2009
- Conference on ‘Guidance and Counselling’ at DSERT, Bangalore from 17-19TH March, 2009
- International Seminar on Constructivist Pedagogy in Teacher Education organized by RIE, Mysore from 24-26th October, 2008
- Symposium on Education and Technology in Schools organized by Quest Alliance, Bangalore, from 20-22nd August, 2008
- UNESCO’s Special event ‘Celebrating Innovative ICT in Education Practices:From Idea to Impact’ Bangkok, Thailand from 24-26th June, 2008
- Seminar’ Norms for Assessment and Accreditation of Schools organized by RIE, Mysore from 7-9th February, 2008
- National Seminar on ‘Change in Societal Demands and Adopting Teaching Learning Systems in Higher Education to reach out” organized by Centre for Outreach Programmes, University of Mysore from 26-28th September, 2007
- National Seminar on ‘Change in Societal Demands and Adopting Teaching Learning Systems in Higher Education to reach out” organized by Centre for Outreach Programmes, University of Mysore from 26-28th September, 2007
- Seminar on Excellence in Teacher education for teacher educators of Bangalore University organized by Dr.Ambedkar College of Education, Bangalore on 9th October, 2006
Research Guidance : Guided 5 Mphil students and 19 MEd students
- Review of B.A B.Ed., BEd Curriculum, Textbooks of Jharkhand and Bihar, CCE materials of Odisha and Jharkhand
- Development of 3 year integrated B.EdM.Ed, M.Sc MEd programme
- Development and review of ICT course content for teachers and students
- Development of course module on ICT-Pedagogy Integration
- Development of Training Module for D.EL.Ed Curriculum and on Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Science
- Development of study materials for the Resource Centre of Jharkhand for capacity building of KRPs in Science at Secondary level (Joint Coordinator)
- Developed a module on ‘Gender and Society’ in the training package for gender sensitization for district level gender coordinators of Schools in Odisha
- Planning of two semester Online Diploma Programme on Science Education for Secondary Stage
- Development of Study Materials for the Resource Centre of Jharkhand for capacity building of KRPs in Science at Secondary level
- Development of Conceptual Activities in Science at Elementary level for Odisha using locally available toys from 14th February to 18th February, 2022
- Development of tools for the research project on ‘School Readiness of SC/ST children of Odisha-An Exploratory Study’ from 7th August, 2015 to 11th August, 2015
- Tools development and expert consultation for the research project entitled-Functioning of Libraries of Government schools in Odisha: An exploratory study on 30th and 31st August, 2016
- Finalization of tools for the research programme ‘Effectiveness of an Intervention in improving English language proficiency among students of elementary level in West Bengal from 29th Nov to 30th Nov, 2016
- Developing tools for the research project-Functioning of Madrasa at Primary level of Odisha
- Tool development for the research project- School Internship in D.El.Ed Programme of West Bengal An Analysis from 13th to 16th September, 2017
- Developing tools for the Research Project-Functioning of Buddhist Schools of Odisha from 1st to 3rd November, 2017
- Finalization of tools for the research : interventions to achieve quality learning in Science in selected schools in ST dominated districts of Nagaland : A Case study organized by RMSA project cell, NCERT, New Delhi from 4th to 7th September, 2018
- Curation of Training Materials on e-content Development for the capacity building of KRPs of Bihar Jharkhand and Odisha on development of e-content
As Programme Coordinator
- Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling, Diploma Programme in Science Education at Secondary Level
- Orientation of DIET faculty on transaction of Newly Developed Curriculum of West Bengal
- Capacity Building Programme for Enriching Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Science teachers of SC/ST Dominated areas of Jharkhand
- Theatre Workshop for pre-service teacher trainees of RIE Bhubaneswar (Team member)
- Orientation of KRPs of Andaman and Nicobar Islands on Early Childhood Care and Education (Team member)
- Training of Key Resource Persons of Bihar on School Readiness
- Orientation Programme for SRGs on roll out of ICT initiatives in State/UTs organized by CIET
- Training on ICT in Education- Induction 1 and II for DMS teachers by CIET
- Capacity Building Programme for Elementary Teacher Educators in Effective Organization of Internship programme held by DTE
As Resource Person
- As a panellist in Sahyog (8Nos) and Paricharcha (3Nos), in the live in session under Manodarpan, MoE
- Capacity Building Programme for DIET and JCERT Faculty (Phase-1, 2 and 3) on 8th, 20th and 28th June, 2022,
- Five Day Capacity Building Programme for Teachers Teaching in Madrasas (Alterative Schools) for Enhancement of Quality Education byRIE, Bhubaneswar
- Five Day Capacity Building Programme for Teachers Teaching in Madrasas (Alterative Schools) for Enhancement of Quality Education by RIE, Mysore
- Learning Outcomes in Science and Mathematics at Elementary Level for the state of Mizoram, Meghalaya, Nagaland and Assam by NERIE, Shillong on 23rd Nov, 2021
- Capacity Building Programme for Enriching Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Science teachers of SC/ST Dominated areas of Jharkhand from 29th January, 2016 to 3rd February, 2017 at RIE, Bhubaneswar
- Five Days training Programme for Inservice Teachers on Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Science from 8th to 12th October, 2018 by RMSA Project Cell, NCERT
- Content and Pedagogy Enrichment Programme for Higher Secondary Physics Teachers of West Bengal by RIE Bhubaneswar and SCERT,West Bengal on 5th January, 2016
- Orientation Workshop for the teacher educators of Elementary Teacher Education Institutes of West Bengal on the Transactional Modalities of the Two Year D.El.Ed Curriculum of West Bengal by Govt of West Bengal on 26th Feb, 2016
- Orientation of DIET faculty on transaction of Newly Developed Curriculum of West Bengal by RIE, Bhubaneswar and SCERT, West Bengal from 18th January to 22nd January, 2016
- Five Days training Programme for Inservice Teachers on Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Science from 8th to 12th October, 2018 by RMSA Project Cell, NCERT
- Capacity Building Programme for Elementary Teacher Educators in Effective Organization of Internship programme held at RIE, Bhubaneswar organized by DTE, NCERT from 30th July, 2018 to 3rd August, 2018
- Orientation Programme on Basic Computer Skills and ICT integration training of staff of TE & SCERT Odisha organized by SCERT, Odisha in collaboration with RIE, Bhubaneswar from July, 2018 to 3rd August, 2018
- Capacity Building Programme for Elementary Teacher Educators in Effective Organization of Internship programme held at RIE, Bhubaneswar organized by DTE, NCERT from 30th July, 2018 to 3rd August, 2018
- Orientation on ICTs in Education and Learning for State Resource Groups held at RIE Bhubaneswar by CIET, New Delhi from 11.12.17 to 15.12.17
- Training Programme on Gender Issues in Education for the Principals of JawaharNavodayaVidyalayas-Eastern Region from 11th to 14th November, 2014 by NCERT
- Training on ICT in Education- Induction 1 for DMS teachers by CIET, New Delhi from 20th to 30th December, 2017
- Content Enrichment Programme in English for PGTs of NavodayaVidyalaSamiti at RIE Bhubaneswar on 26th October, 2016
- 21 Days Training on Continuous professional Development for Teachers of D.M.School from 20th May, 2015 to 9th June, 2015
- In-service Programme on Improvement of Science and Mathematics Education at Upper Primary Stage from 14th- 18th March, 2016 at RIE, Bhubaneswar
- In-service Programme on Content cum Pedagogy Enrichment for PGTs in Physics and in Botany organized by SIE, Port Blair in Collaboration with RIE, Bhubaneswar from 20th to 22nd January, 2015
- Capacity Building Programme for In-service teachers of D.A.V. Public School , Unit VIII , Bhubaneswar on 12th May, 2015
- Orientation of DIET faculty members for improvement of Science and Mathematics of Science and Mathematics Education at Upper Primary Stage under SSA from 16th to 20th February, 2015
- Contributed in conducting various meetings with states, Management Committee of the Institute, IAB Meeting etc and in various document preparation in Department of Extension Education
- Organized Extension Lecture Series (2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17) and Expression Series (2016-17)
- State Coordinator-Jharkhand, Odisha and Bihar, liaison between the Institute and states
- Internship in Teaching (B.Ed)-Coordinator
Other Information
Online Courses completed:
- 4 credit online course on Instructional Design with A+ Grade from Dept. of Educational technology, S.N.D.T Women’s University, Mumbai Online course on Action research in Education(2016-17) by DER, NCERT
- MOOC on Blended Learning Practice offered jointly by the Commonwealth of Learning and Athabasca University, Canada from 1 March, 2020 to 28 March, 2020
- MOOC on Learning to Learn Online by Athabasca University, Canada, March-April, 2020
- MOOC on Introduction to Technology Enabled Learning offered jointly by the Commonwealth of Learning and Athabasca University, Canada from 5 April, 2020 to 9 May, 2020
Orientation/Refresher Courses
Name of the Course |
Place |
Duration |
Sponsoring Agency |
From |
To |
Orientation-cum-Refresher Course |
NCERT, New Delhi |
8th July, 2015 |
1st August, 2015 |
DTE, NCERT, New Delhi |
Refresher Course in Education on ‘Research Methodology’ |
UGC-HRDC, University of Mysore |
2nd February, 2018 |
22nd February, 2018 |
UGC-HRDC, University of Mysore |
Refresher Course in Teacher Educator (Online) |
UGC-HRDC, University of Mysore |
12th January, 2022 |
28th January, 2022 |
UGC-HRDC, University |
Other ResponsibilitiesUndertaken/currently Undertaking
- Mentor of Online Course on Action Research in Education by DER, NCERT
- Designing question papers, involvement in supervision and evaluation
- Member of Coordiation Cell of IQAC
- In-charge Head, DEE
- State Coordinator-Jharkhand, Odisha and Bihar
- Local Programme Coordinator of One Day Consultation Workshop with civil society groups of Odisha on National Curriculum Framework on 3rd September, 2022 organized by RIE, Bhubaneswar, Central University of Gaya and Siksha O Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar
- Convenor, Academic Forum
- Nodal officer-AzadiKaAmritMahotsav
- Gender Coordinator
- Student Council-Joint Advisor
- Annual Physical Verification Officer
- Invigilation of CEE, NEET
- Subject Association-Education Coordinator
- Population Education Cell-Convenor
- Member, RMSA/ SamagraShikshya cell
- Advisor, Cultural Activities
- Warden of Girls’ Hostel