Personal Information
Post Graduation :
- Taught language to P.G students of Ramadevi Women’s University as Visiting Faculty from 23.11.21- 02.02.22
- Taught Odia language to DDCE(Utkal)PG students and ,OSOU,Sambalpur PG students.
Graduation :
Taught Linguistics, Phonetics and Phonology to Speech Pathologist and Audiologist, IHS, Bhubaneswar, 2016-17, 2018-19, 2019-20, three Academic Sessions
Taught Odia to East Region school teachers and scholars in ERLC for three sessions.
Abroad Experience:
Taught African students in the Department of Linguistics in Omar-Al Mukhtar University, Faculty of Education, Tobruk, Libya, North Africa from 2008-2016.
Publications :
2. Jogajogara Bhasa Odia, Odia Bhasa Pratisthan, ISBN-9788194506812, Mar, 2020
3. Byakarana, Trupti, Shreepanchami, ISBN-13 978-93-80758-60-2, 2021
4. Ama Barnamala, Publishing House, ISBN-93-93733-07-4, 2022
5. Bhasakatha, Athena Books, Ganesh Chaturthi , ISBN-978-93-95597-05-0, 2022
6. Rock Edicts of Odisha: Texts and Analysis CIIL, ISBN 978-93-94835-74-0Mar, 2023
7. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.12, Issue-2, Feb 2022
8. International Education and Research Journal, Vol.8, Issue-2, Feb 2022
9. Paripex- Indian Journal of Research, Vol.10, Issue-8, Aug 2021
10. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.10, Issue-5, May 2021
11. Global Journal for Research Analysis, Vol.7, Issue-4, April 2018
Seminars / Conferences / Symposium / Workshop :
- Workshop on Create and Repurpose of Open Educational Resource (OER), Odisha State Open University, and CEMCA, New Delhi, 25-27 October 2016.
- Workshop on Preparation of Odia Thesaurus, National Translation Mission, CIIL, Mysore, 28 August-01 September 2017.
- Workshop on Preparation of Odia Script Book, Eastern Regional Language Centre (ERLC), Bhubaneswar, 5-7 October 2017.
- Workshop on Odia Basic Reader, ERLC, Bhubaneswar, 14-18 May 2018.
- Workshop on collecting stories under digital district repository project of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahostsav, CCRT and KISS-DU, 5th-6th Jan, 2023
Articles in Odia Journals and Books :
2. Jhankara 74th year, Issue-10, Jan 2023
3. Sahitya Charcha, ISSN: 2583-5270, Jan 2023
4. Kadambini, ISSN 2277-1131, Feb 2023
5. Utkala Prasanga, Feb-Mar 2023, 79th Issue
6. Gopabandhunka Satyabadi, ISSN 2581-3994, Mar 2023
7. Bhasa Surakhya, Journal of Bhasa Surakhya Sammilani, 3rd Issue, June 2023
8. Bhramana Ekabinsati (book), Gayatri, ISBN-978-93408-25-9, 2022
9. Prabasi Odia Sahitya Srusti O Samikhya, Black Eagle Books, ISBN- 978-1-64560-372-6, 2023
Prepared Study Materials and Video Lectures:
2. Video Lectures in Diploma in Odia Language and Communication, Master of Arts, Certificate in Translation,7 videos in Odia and 3 in English, Ref.
3. Video Lectures on Odia and English Grammar in YouTube channels Entitled- AMA BHASA AMA BYAKARANA(Odia) and THE BASICS (English) since 16th sept.2021, total number of videos=15, 5 The Basics and 10 Ama Bhasa Ama Byakarana Ref. You Tube
Book Edited:
2. Edited (Associate) Be the Change (Lesser Known Change Agents of Odisha), Jan 2017.
Translation :
2. Translated Self-Learning Materials from English to Odia for Master of Arts in Rural Development Prog. Course-4, Block-6, Course-5, Block-1, Course-6, Block-3
3. Translated some TCS English materials to Odia.
Previous Research:
2. Worked as a Senior Fellow on the topic “Socio-Cultural Aspects of Odia Colloquial Words”, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, from 1st July 2017 to 30th June 2019
- Got training in linguistic morphology etc. from Central institute of Indian Language, Mysore
Other Information
Paper Setting/ Examiner:
- Question Papers prepared for Certificate in Translation (CIT) course, for the year 2016, 17, and 18 OSOU, Odisha.
- Question Papers prepared for Diploma in Odia Language and Communication (DOLC), for the year 2016, 17, and 18 OSOU, Odisha.
- Examiner for MAOD for the year 2022,2023 Odisha State Open University Sambalpur
- As an Academician I would be happy to highlight the specific features laid down in NEP-2020, like multilingualism, mother language and Classical Language.
- Previously worked as Senior Fellow, Centre of Excellence for Studies in Classical Odia, CIIL, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India , doing research on Rock Edicts and Copper Plates of Odisha from 2nd November 2021 29th December 2023.