Personal Information

1. Analysis of Errors in English Writings of Class VI Students of D.M. School, Bhubaneswar, 2018
2. Effect of Collaborative Learning on Higher Order Thinking Skills in English, 2019.
2. Effect of Collaborative Learning on Higher Order Thinking Skills in English, 2019.
Publications :
1. A Study of Tsisi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions, in Literary Endeavour, vol. VII, no., 3.
2. I, Nuligak: Life Story of an Inuk, in Literary Endeavour, vol. VIII, no., 3.
3. “Are they Autobiographical”?, in Conference Proceedings, International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2019, pp. 49–52.
2. I, Nuligak: Life Story of an Inuk, in Literary Endeavour, vol. VIII, no., 3.
3. “Are they Autobiographical”?, in Conference Proceedings, International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2019, pp. 49–52.
Seminars / Conferences / Symposium / Workshop :
1. International Seminar on “Rokeya and the World of Women” in 2017 in Asiatic Society, Kolkata
2. Seminar on “Evolving Phases of ICT in the Field of Education” in 2018 in RIE Bhubaneswar
3. Workshop on E-content development in ICT Studio of RIE Bhubaneswar in 2019
2. Seminar on “Evolving Phases of ICT in the Field of Education” in 2018 in RIE Bhubaneswar
3. Workshop on E-content development in ICT Studio of RIE Bhubaneswar in 2019
1. Training Package of Audio-visual (e-content) material “The Tiger and the Mosquito” in the studio of RIE Bhubaneswar
2. Training Package of Audio-visual (e-content) material “The Organs of Speech” in the studio of RIE Bhubaneswar
2. Training Package of Audio-visual (e-content) material “The Organs of Speech” in the studio of RIE Bhubaneswar
1. Orientation-cum-Content Enrichment Programme in English for Post-Graduate Teachers of Andaman and Nicobar Islands held in State Institute of Education, Port Blair in 2015
2. Co-coordinator cum Resource Person in 10-Day Orientation-cum-Content Enrichment Programme for PGTs (English) of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas held at RIE Bhubaneswar in 2015
3. Coordinator of the Workshop for formulating guidelines and development of Resource Materials for “Effective Pedagogical Strategies in Teaching English Language at Secondary Level for Teachers from SC Dominated Areas of Bihar”
2. Co-coordinator cum Resource Person in 10-Day Orientation-cum-Content Enrichment Programme for PGTs (English) of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas held at RIE Bhubaneswar in 2015
3. Coordinator of the Workshop for formulating guidelines and development of Resource Materials for “Effective Pedagogical Strategies in Teaching English Language at Secondary Level for Teachers from SC Dominated Areas of Bihar”
1. Member, Peer Review Panel, Literary Cognizance (An international refereed e-journal)
2. Expression Series 2018-19
3. State Coordinator (West Bengal)
2. Expression Series 2018-19
3. State Coordinator (West Bengal)