Personal Information

Teaching Experience: 2 Years
Research Papers:
1-“Globalisation in the Era of Cultural Exchange: Homogenisation or Hybridisation” December, 2018. Vivekanand Journal of Research, VIPS,Delhi. ISSN- Print 2319-8702, Online- 2456-7574.
2- “Arabian Sea: Entangled in the Tug of war”, October 2018. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Delhi. ISSN: E 2348-1269, P- 2349-5138.
3-“Maritime Challenges and Geopolitics in the Indian Ocean” 2018. Published in Journal Of Indian Research, Mewar University. ISSN 2321-4155.
4-“Turmoil around Littoral States of Indian Ocean: Sea Lanes at Risk” 2017, 3(6) - Published in International Journal of Applied Research. ISSN Print= 2394-7500, Online 2394-5869
5-“United State of America’s Geopolitics around Arabian Sea” 2017, 3(1) - Published in International Journal of Applied Research. ISSN Print= 2394-7500, Online 2394-5869
6-“Bhaarateey Bhoo-Raajaneeti Ke Sandarbh Mein Antararaashtreey Prabhaav Ka Bhaugolik Adhyayan” 2015(9&10) - Published in Bhoogol-Shastra Sanshodhak (DGSI) with Prof. B. C. Vaidya and Dheerendra Singh, ISSN Print= 0973-3612.
7- “Dakshini Chin Sagar: Chin aur Sanyukta America ka Naya Rankshetra” June, 2020(p 14,15) Published in “Seema Snghosh” Hindi Masik.
Book Chapter:
- “Role of Diaspora in Cultural and Economic Relations: Indians in the United Arab Emirates” in the book Pravasi Shitya aur Bhartiya Sanskriti, 2019: Academic Publishing Network, Fazalpur, Mandawali, New Delhi. ISBN No- 9788193931530.
- “Dilli aur Corona: Samasyaye aur Samadhan” in the Book “ Corana Mahamari aur Aapda Prahari” 2022: Book Age Publication, New Delhi. ISBN No- 9789393904041.
Other Information
Academic Involvement:
1-Attended 3 days conference by DGSI and Dept. of Geography, Osmania University, Hydrabad and presented paper on “Power Politics in Indian Ocean: Geographical Dimension of Indian Maritime Security”- September 2016 based on Geospatial Solutions to Urban and Regional Environmental Issue.
2-Organizing Committee member of workshop on “Borders in Global South” Organized by the Political Geography Division, CIPOD, School of International Studies New Delhi (19 Feb 2016).
3- Organizing Committee member of workshop on “ABS-JNU Round Table Conference” on “Border Studies in India” Organized by the Political Geography Division, CIPOD, School of International Studies New Delhi, 2015
4- Lifetime Member of Deccan Geographical Society, Pune –India
5-Co-chaired a session in a National Seminar organized by ICSSR and RPS Degree College, Mahindergarh, Haryana on “Smart Cities, Rural, Development and Sustainable Clean Environment” 22-23 June, 2018.
6- Presented a paper in a National Seminar organized by ICSSR and RPS Degree College, Mahindergarh, Haryana on “Urbanisation and Emergence of Gated Communities in India: A Challenge for the Concept of Smart Cities ” in June, 2018.
7 -Attended 3 days conference by DGSI and Dept. of Geography and Geo-informatics, Bangalore University, and presented paper on “Security Threats and Challenges around Arabian Sea: A Geopolitical Analysis” in September 2018.
9- Attended a two day national seminar organized by Aadikabi Sarala Das Chair of Odia Studies CIL/SLL & CS, JNU in association with Sodh-Samvad Research Forum on “Scenario of Indian Culture in Diaspora Literature: In the Context of Past and Present” in January 2019 . Presented a paper entitled “Role of Diaspora in Cultural and Economic Relations: Indians in the United Arab Emirates.
10- Participated in a Young Researchers Conference 2019 held on 26 March, 2019 by Centre for European Studies, School of International Studies, JNU. Presented a paper entitled “ International Migration budding Cultural Economics: An analysis of Migration Patterns and Bilateral Relations between India and the United Arab Emirates.