Personal Information
- Post-Graduation : 02 Years
- Graduation : 01 year
Research Publications :
1. Choudaj, K., Shaha C. (2023). Natural remnants are refuges for rare birds in an urban area: a study from Pune city, India. Ornis Hungarica 31(1): 62-71.
2. Patil, S., Choudaj, K. (2023). The importance of artificial wetlands in the conservation of wetland birds and the impact of land use attributes around the wetlands: a study from the Ajara conservation reserve, Western Ghats, India. Zoodiversity57(1).
3. Choudaj, K., Wankhade, V. (2023). Study of the interrelationship between woody plants and birds in Pune urban area, insights on negative impacts of exotic plants. Tropical Ecology 64: 264–275. 022-00269-3
4. Patil, S., Choudaj, K. (2022). Reptilian assemblages in the wetlands of Amboli hill complex, northern Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India during the monsoon season. Journal of Threatened Taxa (14)2:20576– 20583.
5. Choudaj, K., Wankhade, V. (2021). Reduction in avian diversity due to exotic tree plantations on the native savannas of Pune City, India. Tropical Ecology 62:499–507. 00158-1
6. Choudaj, K., Wankhade, V. (2021). Changed avian assemblage of Savitribai Phule Pune University campus in last four decades. Journal of Threatened Taxa 13(3): 17990–17998.
2. Patil, S., Choudaj, K. (2023). The importance of artificial wetlands in the conservation of wetland birds and the impact of land use attributes around the wetlands: a study from the Ajara conservation reserve, Western Ghats, India. Zoodiversity57(1).
3. Choudaj, K., Wankhade, V. (2023). Study of the interrelationship between woody plants and birds in Pune urban area, insights on negative impacts of exotic plants. Tropical Ecology 64: 264–275. 022-00269-3
4. Patil, S., Choudaj, K. (2022). Reptilian assemblages in the wetlands of Amboli hill complex, northern Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India during the monsoon season. Journal of Threatened Taxa (14)2:20576– 20583.
5. Choudaj, K., Wankhade, V. (2021). Reduction in avian diversity due to exotic tree plantations on the native savannas of Pune City, India. Tropical Ecology 62:499–507. 00158-1
6. Choudaj, K., Wankhade, V. (2021). Changed avian assemblage of Savitribai Phule Pune University campus in last four decades. Journal of Threatened Taxa 13(3): 17990–17998.
Seminars / Conferences / Symposium / Workshop :
1. Oral presentation at ‘International Symposium on Advances in Comparative Endocrinology and Behavioural Ecology’ organised at Department of Zoology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune (India) (1-3rd July, 2021). Title of presented paper “Taxonomic and functional diversity of birds and its relation with vegetation in the small urban green spaces of Pune Metropolitan Region, India”
2. Organizing committee member of the 7th International Conference on Molecular Signalling, organised by Savitribai Phule Pune University, National Centre for Cell Science & The Society for Molecular Signalling, Pune (India) (23 – 25 January 2019)
3. Poster presentation at ‘International Biodiversity Congress (IBC 2018)’ held at Forest Research Institute (FRI) Dehradun (India) (4-6th October 2018). Title of presented poster “Disappearance of graminivores and wetland birds from Savitribai Phule Pune University campus”
4. Participated in “Live Zoology Expedition: Central Aravalli Foothills, Ajmer” organized by Save Environment and Welfare of Animals Society, Jaipur, 2014
5. Participated in the one day workshop on “Wonderful world of insects” organized by Karmaveer Hire Arts, Commerce, Science and Education College, Gargoti, Maharashtra, 2013
6. Participated in the one day workshop on “Recent trends in environmental awareness” organized by Karmaveer Hire Arts, Commerce, Science and Education College, Gargoti, Maharashtra, 2013
2. Organizing committee member of the 7th International Conference on Molecular Signalling, organised by Savitribai Phule Pune University, National Centre for Cell Science & The Society for Molecular Signalling, Pune (India) (23 – 25 January 2019)
3. Poster presentation at ‘International Biodiversity Congress (IBC 2018)’ held at Forest Research Institute (FRI) Dehradun (India) (4-6th October 2018). Title of presented poster “Disappearance of graminivores and wetland birds from Savitribai Phule Pune University campus”
4. Participated in “Live Zoology Expedition: Central Aravalli Foothills, Ajmer” organized by Save Environment and Welfare of Animals Society, Jaipur, 2014
5. Participated in the one day workshop on “Wonderful world of insects” organized by Karmaveer Hire Arts, Commerce, Science and Education College, Gargoti, Maharashtra, 2013
6. Participated in the one day workshop on “Recent trends in environmental awareness” organized by Karmaveer Hire Arts, Commerce, Science and Education College, Gargoti, Maharashtra, 2013
Other Information
Peer Reviewer :
Scientific Reports (Springer-Nature)
1. CSIR-UGC NET Junior Research Fellowship for Ph.D. (2017-2022)
2. Summer Research Fellowship (2012), The Summer Research Fellowship Programme jointly sponsored by Indian Academy of Sciences (Bengaluru), Indian National Science Academy (New Delhi) and The National Academy of Sciences (Allahabad).
2. Summer Research Fellowship (2012), The Summer Research Fellowship Programme jointly sponsored by Indian Academy of Sciences (Bengaluru), Indian National Science Academy (New Delhi) and The National Academy of Sciences (Allahabad).
1. Using spatial data for Biodiversity, UNDP, 2023
2. Basic Ornithology: Research and Conservation, IISER Tirupati, 2019
2. Basic Ornithology: Research and Conservation, IISER Tirupati, 2019